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Everything posted by astottie

  1. I don't think there would have been too much negotiating if Windass had been playing. Pity the poor apple tree
  2. yes shame that. Big thanks to all those who made the effort when I was tucked up in bed. Hope the club gave some reward for the hard work.
  3. canal frozen solid in Greenfield so it's a good job we are not playing here or on kidderz's lawn
  4. What football fans hypocritical, no way!! Hang on, let me think... Graeme Sharp,Bruce grobbelaar, Ian Snodin, martin Buchan, Andy Lochead, .................
  5. Barry I thought you were supposed to be 'in the know' how come you watching out for icebergs?
  6. so we have Windass and Dirt- ty Lades have Trundle. Who has the better deal? Lights blue touchpaper and stands well back............
  7. one horse race, how can anybody else be considered? End of thread? Having said that.......... there was that centre half who ended up playing for Inter(?) for several seasons after he left us and not even Gunnar or Stitch can claim that. Jan Torre Pedersen or something close . Only played about 12 games and was class Had leg broken by some dirty Trotter other wise we would STILL be in the Prem!!
  8. Also, scoring a hattrick the day AFTER you negotiate a new contract is poor timing.
  9. Be careful now I'm not sure i like where this is going.......
  10. Just to let you know that according to the predictions above we are absolutely bang on for the 85 points i thought would give us automatic promotion. i'd given us 3 points for Carlisle tomorrow and none for Huddersfield away so with a bit of luck we might be able to get an extra point or three for insurance before the week is out. As per last year the harder two groups of results are the ones in which we are over performing and the lower 2 groups where we shouldn't be losing are where we are dropping points
  11. Calderwood sacked tonight. Could be interesting if the new boss doesn't rate Porter
  12. The official site, betfair withalan.com, etc has Liddel at 11/10 to score at any time on Saturday.
  13. At the risk of doing a titanic... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...dra/7799134.stm Not in charge for Friday but they will all be running around wanting to impress you can bet.
  14. it would be desperately sad for them to get kicked out in this way but it's not looking good. I can't see how anything else could be done. Only thing in their favour is that they are a part time club also - just thought of this one - couldn't they argue it wasn't a replay of last weeks floodlight tie but the same game being played and he was available for that so theoretically the game was played last week not last night? I know i'll go and get it
  15. Don't care how bloody good he is thats a bloody short price for him to score tomorrow http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...1498596,00.html fifth para.
  16. In my time, Gunnar, Ian Wood (Leighton James apart) Maurice Whittle, John ryan ( quite a bit like Jones) Carl Serrant had lots of promise if his career hadn't been cut short. Earl could fill in ably in either Full back position. I will be interested to see what happens to Ryan Bertrand as I thought he had the potential to do anything. Mind you after I'd seen Kilkeeny play twice i said he'd play for England (hadn't realised that one, he was an Aussie and two, I'd seen the best two games of his career)
  17. the cottage pies are awesome and a really good idea as a change from the usual fare
  18. Interesting that, because just before Lordy posted his original thoughts I'd been talking to a bloke I know who seems to know one or two of the powers that be and has been known to be right occasionally in the past. His view is that Hughes has been told he won't be getting an extension to his contract as TTA consider him to be a bad influence on the younger players. That may be the reason we are looking for a fee for him now, (then again it might not)
  19. Ancient Chinese proverb....be careful what you wish for. Big Sam and Souness are the front runners.
  20. I posted this before the season started For the last couple of seasons I've looked at the fixtures ahead and tried to plot what we have to do to get promotion (yes I know but it's better than working) In the past 7 years the following points totals have got second place 07/08-82 06/07-85 05/06-79 04/05-86 03/04-83 02/03-86 01/02-84 The higher points totals tend to come when someone runs away at the top e.g Wigan or Luton which i think may happen this year so I would say 85 should be the number to look at. I reckon this would mean 25 wins, 10 draws and 11 defeats So 4 sides who we will only get one point off from the 2 games against them Brighton, Huddersfield, Leicester, Leeds 7sides who we will get 3 point off from the 2 games against them Colchester,MKD,Northampton,Millwall,Scunthorpe, Southend,Peterborough, 6 sides who we will get 4 points off from the 2 games against them Bristol R,Carlisle,Stockport,Cheltenham, Tranmere,Walsall 6sides who we will get 6 points off from the 2 games against them Crewe,Hartlepool, Leyton O, Hereford, Yeovil, Swindon The problem last year were the 6 pointers I predicted which just didn't happen as we really struggled against some of the lower teams. The bonuses were against Leeds,Swansea and Tranmere. The crap start always meant we were about 6/7 points behind where i predicted we should be throughout the season and that ended up being the defecit more of less. Anyway lets see what happens, can't wait! So far I've got 9 out of 20 right! We are up on the sides I thought might be up there (2 of them aren't) and down on the games against the strugglers (who i seem to have got right) This year no one looks like they will run away with it so the 2nd spot should be less than 85. However there does seem to be a bit of an anomaly in that the top 6/7 are pulling away and the bottom 7/8 are losing ground already, so it maybe the points for going up are high and for staying up are low. You will see that our next 2 games are against my '6 pointers' therefore must be won.
  21. and we've moved up a place! edit No we haven't I'm talking rubbish. Got too giddy over that result. Got to agree with you Dave I put that one down for a home on the coupon. By my reckoning we are now 3 points in front of where we should be if we want 85 points to go up.
  22. Nik get your head out of that oven!! Tommy Wright's a football genius! Leeds 2-1 down at home to Colchester and down to 10 men
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