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Everything posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. I do watch him SS and that's the crux of the problem. OK, I will be honest, I perhaps over egg my pudding a little when it comes to being critical of Taylor, but I think it is a natural reaction after reading all the stuff typed about him on here. All this 'he is still a kid' 'he is playing on the left not the right' garbage really gets up my wick The 'kid' has over 100 first team appearances under his belt. Hardly a novice. Everyone's favourite 'play him on the right' rubbish OK, he is playing out of position, but the same rules apply I would think. What works on the right, will work on the left do we not all think? Why not try it then Chris? Why sit twenty yards further back on the left than you would on the right? Why let all your defenders (fan type) reel off untruths about teams doubling up on you when the truth is in fact, that if you moved just ten or fifteen yards further forward as play developed, the second man (that being the oppo right midfielder) would be left trailing in your wake leaving you one on one with the full back. It isn't like we are asking a binman to perform open heart surgery here, we are asking a footballer to play football in probably not his favourite position. Apologies to all binmen that have tried to perform open heart surgery - it can't have been as bad as Chris 'I will gaze at my boots' Taylors efforts on the left. I'm not sorry about venting my spleen continually about him, but it sickens me to see all the defending of his very ordinariness (at very best) just because he is an Oldham fan - so very many of you think he is some sort of ginger demi god. He isn't anything of the sort, he was a promising kid that like so many before him looks destined for lesser things in my opinion. 500k minimum? You are all having a laugh. His whole career transfer moves wouldn't tally up to that if he had more clubs than Windass. As for the Wellens for Taylor swap rumour. Every single day of the week I would take it. Absolutely every single day. KtF, Derek.
  2. I agree totally, Stockers were by far the better team, what I don't agree with is that is was poor fare. I thought it was a good game to watch with both teams (despite lacking some width) attempted to play some decent football. Much better than the two previous days where the teams looked more set up not to lose than going hell for leather trying to win. KtF, Derek.
  3. Thought it was an excellent game by far and away the best game of the holiday weekend, and totally disagree with BigFin - I don't think either team would look out of their place in our league. Gutted for the Dale fans I know, but we were in a win win situation regarding the away game. Really enjoyed the game, despite the fact that I was erring on the side of a Dale victory. Ah well, Stockport here we come. KtF, Derek.
  4. Give him away to oxfam. He may do something worthwhile for them. A coatstand for example. He is :censored:. KtF, Derek.
  5. Come on Chap - Dan spotted that pre-lunchtime! KtF, Derek.
  6. Ahhhhhhhhhhh..................put brain in gear Wilson!
  7. That new design is shocking, and what's with the crown thing on top? - ideas above their station if you ask me. KtF, Derek.
  8. Unlucky ABUs, bitter pills eh? The team that corrupt billions bought still can't cut the mustard at the highest level eh? I will raise a glass to the most entertaining team in Europe tonight. KtF, Derek.
  9. Man U for family reasons. Villa and Wednesday purely because I think that the grounds are the best going. Dale because they are like a little brother. Never bothered if they lose though, having said that I am rarely gutted (though often disappointed) by Latics losses anymore - it is just a game after all. It has been a long time since my weekend was ruined by a football result. KtF, Derek.
  10. Not really I don't think Leezy. The scenes in Manchester last night were disgraceful brought about by what is seen as 'The English Disease'. Too much beer, a warm day and a defeat. There is no excuse for any of that and whilst as football fans in general, and England fans in more of a real sense, many us are tarred with the same brush. The same doesn't apply to the Scots - they are generally seen as ginger wig wearing happy buffoons - but it just isn't true. If you have ever been to an England Scotland game (and forget Euro 96 when the nanny FA took over - try going to Hampden as an away fan) or any other biggish Scottish Premier League game (especially the Old firm v Hibs, Aberdeen or Hearts) and all you will see is malevolent gangs of lads drunkenly looking for a fight. It is like it was in England 20 years ago only worse. I bet I have been to over 20 games north of the border and every single one of them has been marred by some of the most shocking violence I have ever seen, including assaults on women, children and officers of the law. Rangers and Hibs (the club that I follow in Scotland) are by far the worst offenders. We have even seen influxes of Hibs fans at BP and at away games. Wigan away in the playoff season for example - there were hundreds there causing trouble. Millwall at home last season, again the same. I have been extremely drunk at football many times, in fact more than many times, but I have never ever felt the need to assault officers or destroy property. In the same boat I would have just toddled off and found myself a bar to go and watch the game in. Annoyed maybe but violence isn't an answer to anything. Given that the footballing world on a whole still sees Scots as drunken Jimmy Crankie-a-likes this will have probably come of something of a shock. Having seen it first hand on many occassions myself, I can't say I am surprised and I await the passing of the tarring brush with eager anticipation. KtF, Derek.
  11. Looks like the scumbags behaved as expected. Riot police charges, fighting with each other and a Russian fan reportedly stabbed. Once people forget this stereotype of Scottish fans as Russ Abbot bewigged jolly drunks the better. The majority are no better than the bad 'uns in any countries games. KtF, Derek.
  12. ...and had the second or third highest wage bill in the division - despite the fact he did it all on a shoestring apparently. Added to that he is a lying b'stard only interested in number one no matter who he walks roughshod over. And he has a face that looks like it is formed out of fire damaged lego (© Kets). KtF, Derek.
  13. You can count me out of that one too. Vile club. KtF, Derek.
  14. Has the sky turned red yet over Piccadilly Gardens? Also I would bet it is getting hard to breathe down there, what with all the sulphurous fuming bile from the fans of the secretion of the devils anus. KtF, Derek.
  15. Thank god I haven't bought my ticket yet. Main stand it is. KtF, Derek.
  16. It was stated on radio 5 last night that Carlisle are only giving L**ds the open terrace because of trouble in the stands at the league game a few weeks ago. KtF, Derek.
  17. I was actually going to put a post on last night (and started typing it) about how I thought all this optimism was misplaced. I think it is ridiculous that people are whipping themselves into frenzies about the fact that Scholes, Berger etc may be coming here. How? There is no way of financing anything of the sort - Scholes maybe an exception as he is one of us, but come on, Patrick Berger is it really going to happen? OK people can shout all they want about the fact that we have previous in the Berger issue, but we could put in a cheeky bid for Thierry Henry as he seems to be unwanted at Camp Nou - how far will it get us? Nowhere at all other than being ridiculed in the chip wrappers of tomorrow. Todays words from SC - as much as I think that they are badly misplaced and more importantly timed - are ones I have been thinking about for a long time. We are forever doomed to be a bottom two tier club nowadays. We are in the bottom third in division three in attendance figures and anyone that thinks that that is going to change in the next few years needs to wake up and smell the coffee. We have no more pulling power than say a Yeovil, and we are pretty much destined to play our days out in the bottom two leagues because we have no financial clout in the grander scheme of the bottom two leagues. I truly think that the only way for us to get out of this division, and I think this sadly, is down a level. Th Corp is right with many of his points about teams that were once a blot on our landscape have gone past us in the last few years - though I bear no ill will about this progression, it is football and happens all the time. Liverpool were a 2nd tier club for much of the 60's, Chelsea in the 80's and 90's played loads of football in the 2nd division. Bolton & Wolves were both 4th divsion clubs in the 80's whilst we were plying our trade in the old div 2. Look at them now. What the difference for me is catchment. We just don't have it. Whilst the media is sodden in Premiership football we will always suffer because of it. The area we are in is sodden with Premiership and Championship clubs. It isn't like a Plymouth scenario at BP. The closest decent team to them is probably 150 miles away in Bristol. There are 7 Prem clubs in under a 50 mile radius of us, another 6 big-ish Championship clubs and Leeds. Added to that Dale and Stockport had great seasons and Braddy were practically giving season tickets away. Where does that leave the casual football fan? I have no idea other than I know where it doesn't leave them. BP for one. There should be no surprises in the fact that the owners are disappointed, but why did they not see the obvious? This was always going to happen and it will be worse next season I predict. The numbers of people making footfall through the turnstiles will only change for the worst until we have a successful season again, and in all reality I think it may take a relegation and a level playing field for us to be able to be in that position again. KtF, Derek.
  18. Behind the goal chinster? Will wonders never cease? Mines a pint and 2 e's please . KtF, Derek.
  19. I have lost mine - and they don't replace them - you will find it on the inner of your ticket under rules and regs. The club advise that you have your ticket covered on your home insurance IIRC. If you lose it then I don't think the club can check if the ticket is being used or not - it isn't like there aren't enough empty seats in the ground for the lucky finder to go and park themselves elsewhere other than the stated seat. KtF, Derek.
  20. Get a part time job - I did when doing my A levels. The other plus point, other than affording your ST, is that it will save you from getting pissed all night and you will be out of bed before Granada Reports starts. Tax dodgers! KtF, Derek.
  21. OK, that has to be a whoosh, unless you mean at the council house where he would equally be as much of a laughing stock, but it would be funny seeing them get relegated with that soft arse up top. Taylor centre forward, Ha! My primary school had tougher players than him. Sell, sell, sell, sell him for peanuts. Real ones, KP though and dry roasted. He is crap! KtF, Derek.
  22. Blimey, a farewell to the old lady on Saturday. I started going in the paddock as a 6 year old in 1974, my old man used to take me and I would sit on the wall talking to players warming up and colour in the programmes in orange crayolas. My first game in there was against Luton in the October, 3 months after moving into the area after living in Germany. Sometimes I watched the game too, but it was all so new and exciting back then. I watched fights in the chaddy and developed heroes in those formative few years - funnily enough all full backs and wingers excepting one moment of madness. Woody was my first, Grovesey was brill but I recall little about him, then Chalky White, then I had an abberation and decided that Ged Keegan was the best thing since sliced bread. I hit being a teen and Ryan and Atkinson were the dogs as far as I was concerned. I suppose when those two left I had started to appreciate the game a little more and wasn't as interested in the players that were mere feet from me and developed other favourites. Clements, Paul Futcher and of course the king of all footballers, Roger Palmer. Still wingers and full backs mainly got the nod from me - Joe McBride 'cos he had the same boots as me (Puma Kings), Wardy, Paul Heaton. The legend that is Denis Irwin. Tricky Ricky and Andy 'pie on a muffin' Barlow, Neil Adams, Chris Makin for some time. The old fella Eyrsie and nowadays a sprightly and promising young buck Deane Smalley. To sit side on and see that lot over the years has been wonderful and frustrating in equal amounts. When I was about 10 or 11 I started to get season tickets for the upper and used to get a lift with Rick off this here board and his Dad. Every week Ken would take me and our kid and Rick, Paul and Ste to the match. Sadly Ken, our kid and Paul have lost the faith but I still see Rick and Ste every home game and share beers with them pre and post game. I have made some great friends in that old wood and steel ramshackle frame I had the odd flirt with the Chaddy (the three Premiership years were spent in there) and RRE but for me the Lookers is home on gods little acre. I'm really going to miss being in there and even though I know the development has to happen, a part of me will be really sad on Saturday at five-ish when I walk out of the doors for the last time. So high and low lights in no particular order. Being told to effing cut it out by the linesman in the Blackburn switched game because I was throwing snowballs at him for loads of the match. Being smacked round the head by the old man for antagonising said liner. Me going radio rental when Kinkladze missed the pen when we finally turned City over at BP. Actually, pretty much every City game, I hate them so much it isn't really healthy. The Verndogs goal. Tranmere last season jumping on the wall and almost falling into the paddock to celebrate in the upper when the keeping clown dropped a clanger and we went top. 'Ronnie, Ronnie what's the score!!!' Graeme Sharp as manager and Danny Standring walking onto the pitch and planting himself firmly in the centre spot in protest to applause from the stand. Watching that mug from Middlesborough in the 80's who decided to climb over the fence and run over the pitch to take the Chaddy on his own. West Ham, Arsenal, Villa, Southampton in THAT season. Ossie Ardiles against Spurs in the cup - genius. Palmer, Palmer, Palmer, Palmer so many times Palmer. Diving header against Ipswich, out of the binmans hands in the cup against Everton. 'Joooooollllllllllllllian where's your handbag' on Easter Monday against Wet Spam. Walking into the ground for the first time. Clix chewing gum in a blister pack and fish n chips snacks with Bovril on cold winter days. The day my Dad died we sat in the main stand against Chesterfield in the JPT, I spent most of the game lost in my thoughts and the old girl was like me, empty and dark - I don't think I have ever wanted to be in there as much in my life as that night. Redders and really trying to stay off the pitch. Buckets outside in the cold and rain for far too many weeks. Players spinning off to celebrate in front of the best stand in the ground. 'Taylor, grow your hair, you look like f**king Wilson' a few weeks ago from the paddock. The camaraderie in the place. The Royle bar. My friends. My seat. Footballing home. And many more I don't wish to bore you with. KtF, Derek.
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