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Everything posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. Could be just what we are looking for Rick. Of course, that is to say that we are looking for a that rages in fits of apoplexy because he doesn't get awarded a free kick (or pen, can't remember) and ends up getting sent off ranting and raving whilst leaving the pitch with one of his boots in his hand! Was he playing for the Wendies that day? KtF, Derek.
  2. It could be worse mate. Once I think of what 'it' could be, I will let you know. I'll try and have an answer for you by tonight! KtF, Derek.
  3. I know how that feels, though the odd jolly up tempers the gloom I find. Having said that, I can't remember the last time I did one - probably Clyde away pre-season. KtF, Derek.
  4. I'm going to have a bit of a rant - unusually it is not Chris Taylor related. Over the last few days whilst I have been opining about Taylor I have noticed something quite worrying on here; and that is the lack of chance/ patience/ respect (delete or add as applicable) that those that have a view differing from the norm are treated with on this here super moderated board. Before everyone starts to jump down my throat give me a chance to explain. In the past as a 'Latics supporting community' we have had choices about where we would like to post our viewpoints and spend our time, but as time has gone on this board is the only place that still exists as a thriving board - the others have sadly (in my opinion) died a death. OK, so time and tide wait for no man (or woman in these PC (or Mac?) days) and progress must be made, but why have some of these people not moved along to this newly found community? I put it to you that this board is seen by some as what I have seen described as 'the happy clappers' board. Ergo, if you don't agree with the consensus of opinion then you are there to be jumped all over by all and sundry. I have stated before that I am not happy about the passing of older boards and that I am really not a fan of this format either, but as it is the only board that is continually in use I have a choice to use it or talk to myself elsewhere. I know some of you wish I would but no such luck. There should be arguments and differences of opinion about how we see things - I have no problem with this at all - but when posters don't agree with things that are said many times the response ' Go and watch United' or 'The club don't need fans like you' are seen. If only OAFC were so richly blessed with fans that they could afford for those that viewed things a little differently to go off to Old Trafford at the slightest hint of discontent. I would bet my last penny that TTA would rather have ten thousand like me that have a gripe than a few thousand that have blue tinted specs welded to their skulls. It has been touched on before, and I think Lags posted about the very same thing only last week - knocking other fans, moaning at ourselves because we can't get more than our regular 5,000 in through the gates etc etc. Those that go ARE needed, if they moan and gripe then so be it, they have paid their monies and are entitled to their opinions so far as I see it. Another thing that saddens me is the lack of the old fashioned raconteurs, wind up merchants and miserablists on here. That is not to say that there aren't decent posters on here because there are some very good ones, why, I can think of two off the top of my head right now . Seriously though, the old boards used to have some good characters on them and it just doesn't seem to be happening here. Ok you don't necessarily have to agree or like their opinions, but their opinions are just as valid as everyone elses - they don't have to have a pack of blue tinted rabid 'happy clappers' jumping down their throats because they have something a little more controversial to express in their postings. Where have the likes of Stipey (yeah, he is a wind up merchant, but he knows a hell of a lot about the club and has some quite fantastic tales to tell) and Wildy gone? Those two used to have some right barnies along with Nik, but when they saw each other there was always a smile and a laugh about the fact they had disagreed yet again. As much as many think he is the devil incarnate, what on earth has happened to any substantial posting from the good old Senor? (I will admit he makes me sound quite happy clappy, but most of the stuff he came out with I agreed with and he has been an excellent catalyst for making discussion happen in the past). Even BB80 has disappeared. Seriously folks, I think this board needs to give all and sundry a chance. I'm not sure if it is a little too close to the club and doesn't want to seem to be giving air time to those that are perhaps a little more barbed in their opinions. This isn't meant to be ultra critical of this format, I know there have been some fantastic things organised through this since its inception, just a plea to others that maybe they should realise all opinion is valid. Other than all that above, I think we should also be able to swear . KtF, Derek.
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of 'Wayhay! Orange Sideys' actually mate . KtF, Derek.
  6. Like a few lines in tomorrows chip wrapper are going to make me change my mind . CT - WOS. KtF, Derek.
  7. I'm sure you will tell 'em all it is something that I do rant about in public too. Ah well if they want to think that I don't believe that Taylor is rubbish so be it. The rants on here will happen again. CT - WOS. KtF, Derek.
  8. Half a mill?????????? All that city living and lack of fresh air is going to your head mate . Twenty quid, a stick of rock and a free donkey ride for Hardy should just about do the trick I reckon. CT - WOS. KtF, Derek.
  9. ..and that will leave 20 other sets of fans and ourselves to consider the merits of CT then I take it? Take Latics out of it and would I be correct in thinking that statistically twenty other teams think he is crap or at best plain ordinary? Numbers are great, you can make 'em work any way you want. CT - WOS. KtF, Derek.
  10. Actually, there are probably many that will agree with you, but hey ho, I really don't give a monkeys to be honest. Having said that I do know the difference between your and you're. As for me trying to get a rise out of people on a messageboard because of what I think about CT; well nothing could be further from the truth. I really and most genuinely think he is a shocking player. Apologies for hurting what seem to be your most delicate sensibilities. Many on here who know me personally will tell you that has been my opinion of CT for quite some time. CT-WOS. KtF, Derek.
  11. Personally I would give anyone but CT a go, maybe other than Crossley because he may be a bit past it and we don't have another GK atm. I take it you know the ins and outs of Taylors contract to come up with such a statement? Who knows what money the lad is on? Personally I would prefer to judge him on ability and what he brings to the plate as one of the starting eleven. Unless of course we need to go down the 'Let's all get on Killens back' road again. He earnt a shed load and perhaps didn't deliver for what he was paid at times (we only know this from some dummy spitting from our owners - but to perceive that Taylor may or may not be paid tuppence ha'penny a week is only conjecture). This of course is an individual thing for the fans to think for themselves. I wouldn't pay him in washers, but I think people already know that from my comments. CT-WOS. KtF, Derek.
  12. Certainly is all about opinions, and I can't agree with any of yours about him. Mine though, is that much like Chris Hall, if he wants a future in the game he better start swatting up on what footy DVDs they have in at HMV. "Salesman! Do you have a DVD on Latics about when Chris Taylor looked good? Errr, Notts Forest at home 2 years ago I think." He is rubbish!!!!!!!! KtF, Derek.
  13. For me it is nothing to do about picking on someone. It is just about the fact that I think he is a really awful footballer - I really can't see any attribute in his game that should make him so adored by the fans other than the fact that he grew up on the terraces of BP. I think there are so many blinded by that fact that they feel a need to defend shocking performance after shocking performance. He is gash IMO. If all we need to be adored and get a first team starting spot is a love for the club, well Shez may as well do a bloody 'fans that can play' raffle for the first eleven shirts. Get rid. KtF, Derek.
  14. I was actually thinking about the fact that we got dicked. But it could be scores with knob or vice versa I suppose. KtF, Derek.
  15. I agree Prozac we were never in the game at all. We were totally beasted. I will disagree with the description of the Robson goal though, he didn't punch it in. He scored with his knob. Quite apt really. KtF, Derek.
  16. I will be honest LL, I think the fact that he is often double marked is his own fault. When we are attacking the RR end I have the displeasure of having to watch him play right in front of me (as you do I know). The number of times he is standing around rocking back on his heels when he should really be bombing on to the shoulder of the last defender is infuriating. He often could be a good twenty yards further forwards either expoliting the space or dragging the full back out of a tightly packed defence. Mostly though he seems to hang around feigning indifference to his bootlaces until our leftback gets within 10 yards of him and then he has the right oppo midfielder doubling up on him with the full back. For me that is idiotic from the lad and it riles me so much. His tactical awareness is probably a very small iota over zero. I can't agree with SW either other than the fact that he does have options. His extremely one dimensional play means he does the same thing every time anyway. He rarely goes outside a man, he certainly can't cross a ball and to be honest, other than a few months in his debut season I think he is just another in a long line of kids that looked like they may have the ability but ultimately are destined for failure. I think he brings very little to the team nowadays and as for comments that he could play centre mid that I have read on here before - an utterly preposterous idea - have you ever seen the lad try and tackle?????? Sideways on and a fairy toepoke toward the ball. He is rubbish get rid of him. To anyone. Please. KtF, Derek. edit: spelling
  17. If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!!! KtF, Derek.
  18. Ah, that old chestnut eh? One of the many blinded by the fact that he is a 'boy from the terraces' made good. I am with Youngen on this, not only would I drop him, but I would have him packed up and dropped off by the seaside before anyone had time to blink an eye. One of the most over rated players (by fans) I have seen in thirty odd years of watching Latics. Not that I think he is lazy though - but headless chicken certainly fits the bill. KtF, Derek.
  19. Hee hee hee. Well why not mate? Chapel Rd. is another one on the list as well. KtF, Derek.
  20. I clock in at 124 now it has been updated. I have done 86 of the current 92 in one way or another - most watching thew mighty. plus IOM - Douglas, Peel and somewhere else that I can't even remember (though it may be Ramsey). The Lancaster Club - behind closed doors friendly. Melbourne MCG, Australia v Uruguay WC play off qualifier. KtF, Derek.
  21. I am almost positive we do make up half of them Dan. Very cute all the same. Will try and make it down to the RR on Saturday to see the little 'un, got a busy morning but should be able to grab a few beers fingers crossed. KtF, Derek.
  22. Poor Les. Certainly right up there in my favourite players of recent times, and a damned nice man to boot - probably only shaded in the niceness stakes by that old knacker that used to play on the left for us. I remember going to a forum thing just after the start of the season he returned from the seaside and he just effused love for the place, the club and the fans. The smile never left his face once when he was talking about how happy he was to be back (and may I be a little presumptuous here) at a Ronnie-less BP. When Ronnie let the big fella go I thought it was a tragic mistake, though from day one the Moore-on never had any idea how to handle the lad, he really did need an arm around him once in a while and Ronnie wasn't for doing that. The sight of the Tranmere knob tearing strips off Pogs at the behind closed doors friendly v Stockport was one he should for ever be ashamed of. Certainly he played in far better teams than Gary Kelly, but I think he is a better keeper than GK and for his rapport with the fans I rate him right behind Goram as the best we have had in my supporting time, some of his saves have been breath taking, and despite his dodgy kicking I always felt confident when someone was going through on goal. Good luck big fella, hopefully it won't be the last we see of you at BP, if it doesn't work out remember to come and bid us a fond farewell before leaving our shores. Pobliacombli plays in Lellow!! KtF, Derek.
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