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Everything posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. Yeah the Indian girl was Suzy. Luckily though there's another family do next week so I get to go to the game next week too. Donny was only her second time watching the mighty, her first was dirty Leeds on New Years day. She sat with the home fans. Where's that bloody branch! KtF, Derek.
  2. Yeah I will be there, though the good lady ain't too happy, I'm meant to be in Swindon tomorrow for a family do. I'm jumping on the train post game to get down there. Be interesting if Taylor doesn't play now though. KtF, Derek.
  3. Eh? I was singing Hosannahs and flagellating myself with an olive branch. KtF, Derek.
  4. I was on my knees praying to the lord. It turns out to be a whoosh, so off to the pub to drown my sorrows! KtF, Derek.
  5. I like living under my little rain cloud when it comes to Latics, it reminds me not to expect too much . I'm well aware that there will be plenty available when the season ends, but the big thing for me is that I see players only once or twice a season and to be honest no one has overly impressed me this season other than Jason Scotland. I suppose it shows what a poor league this is. Nor do I think that we are that destitute that a we couldn't afford one of Coventrys cast off stiffs or Schofield, but I don't think they will be much better than what we have and the thread was asking on how we would improve the current squad. Should Eardley go I will eat my hat if we get £500K plus, personally I don't think that we will be in that great a position after ST sales have been taken into account to not be held to ransom by an interested party (given that approx. 40% of ST holders on here said no to renewal). I think you should re-read my views on Killens move, I mentioned it was the view of the majority when he left (and also when Porter left) that they had taken a step backwards, not my opinion at all. I thought it was a great move for CK and I for one was sad to see him leave BP. Mass opinions didn't affect my views on CK at all, in fact his lack of inclusion was one of my major gripes against Moore and his tedious regime. My view on Taylor is what it is. Once he begins to bring something to the table then I will re-evaluate my opinion on him. One only had to watch him diving around like Chaddertons answer to Greg Louganis on Monday to see that he brings little to the game in any sort of positive sense. Certainly being told on a message board that my opinion of him is wrong won't make me change my mind, only the lad himself putting in a consecutive run of decent performances can do that. Greegs, nah just not my cup of tea I'm afraid. Liked him whilst on loan but not since - though he could certainly do a job, but given we sign a replacement then I would have rid. Hughes, again I'm not a fan, but you are as I am fully aware hence our very opposing opinions on him. We don't have the necessary depth to cope with players being out injured for so long either, so adios from my viewpoint. So if we had untold monies to bring players in then I would plump for (and I'm not going to be overly unrealistic here): Wellens - I would re-sign him in the blink of an eye. Keigan Parker - not wanted apparently by the Lashers. That ginger lad who played full back for MK Dons a few years back. No idea where he is now. An experienced centre half in the mould of Gary Breen. Leon Constantine. I would like Bertrand back on a season long loan - but that isn't going to happen either. I don't think we have enough financial muscle to take any of those players. GKs - Gilks & Norm. FBs - Ginge, Lomax, Black + the unlikely Bertrand. CHs - Rubes, Breen + 2 unknown to me atm. MID - Allot, MacDonald, Wellens, Parker, Smalley, Lids + left footer. FOR - Davies, Alessandra, Constantine plus one, again unknown. That would give us a 21 man squad. Better? Oh and for the record, pritt stick gives me headache John Rambo. KtF, Derek.
  6. Not sure I have heard of that many players that I would think would improve the squad within our financial remit to be honest; but I can do some bye byes. Money for Eardley though it will be peanuts. About 150K I expect Release: Taylor (I know it won't happen, but if I was boss it would. It would in fact happen tomorrow). He is shhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeee. Also: Gregan, Kalala, Thompson, Stam, Wolfy and a handful of kids that aren't going to make the grade. Gilks isn't a bad shout as first string and let Norm go slowly into retirement and coaching. Lids (on a vastly reduced deal) shares right wing duties with Deano. Macca gets a starting place in the middle given we don't sign a creative midfield player - not sure about this Gretna guy given it is taken by all and sundry that Killen took a step back to go to Hibs who are streets ahead in the bigger scheme because Scottish football is bobbins. The majorities view, not mine. Lomax starts, Rubes needs a new CD counterpart, Rat needs a play maker next to him (not bloody crocked Murray), we need two left footers,. Strikers we are not too badly off for given we get a physio, but atm we are paying a lot of money for demics. If Hughes was a lame horse the owner would shoot him. So, we need loads, but I have no idea who. KtF, Derek.
  7. So here I am, England are playing which not too long ago would have had me at the game if it was at home or glued to the TV if away, and I am posting on here not even interested in the slightest. Maybe it is due to the general malaise that the game seems to be in to the fans of many lower league clubs, but I am getting bored of all of it. So I am taking an opportunity to solve the biggest question that has been asked on this board for the last few months. Look deep inside yourselves folks and be honest about your replies. All this Shez in v Shez out to and fro-ing, let us take it to a different level. Imagine for a moment that Shez had no previous connection with the club, like Moore didn't; what would you say then inners and outers? I actually said when we were in the pub before we left for Donny, that if it wasn't Shez I think I would have wanted him out such has been the paucity in performance this season. Though as it is Shez (who is a legend in my book) he still has at least a seasons worth of rope left before he hangs himself. Too many poor performances, and yes there may be extenuous circumstances re injuries, but it has been poor for the majority of the 07/08 season. We have been left behind forever to ply our trade in the bottom two divisions IMO. Football is a dying sport. KtF, Derek.
  8. Clarke - £250K to sit on the bench??!!!!!!! You are having a laugh surely. KtF, Derek.
  9. He was a grumpy bugger a few weeks ago when he started his 'this isn't a Shez out thread' thread but proceeded to berate everyone who disagreed with his point of argument. KtF, Derek.
  10. Certainly the Dowie side was more robust on the road, but they were no world beaters on gods little acre. Added to that, Dowie had a fantastic playing budget to play with when he was ear marking potential signings that possibly gives him an advantage that can only be seen with the benefit of hindsight. Another similarity was the injuries we had. We lost Clint and Clyde for most of the season (a-la Gregan and Hughes this season) and Pogs on the run in (a-la Crossley and the big Aussie himself this) but no one slated Dowie for it. The problem was of course he was running a fools errand, whereas we now try and keep as tight a hold on the purse strings as possible whilst still giving us a chance I would imagine. I'm not happy with the way things have gone this season, but as BT said in his monolithic post, we are Oldham Athletic, what do you expect? KtF, Derek.
  11. Ah Senor, my gloomier alter ego. Your 'we were never staying up under Talbot' comment, I think I have quantified as subjective. It never had a chance to play the scenario out. Talbot certainly lost the support of all and sundry, but we were edging closer to the trap door and people were getting nervous. Ronnie came in and had a run of 'no win' games, whilst the players had the new gaffer to play for. Hence decent results against Luton and Plymouth and in reality they were no pressure games, we expected to get nothing and were unlucky only to get 4 points. When it came to biting the bullet time and the pressure was really on we were shown up by Torquay and Chesterfield. There should be nothing like this pressure from the fans on Shez for being just outside the play off positions. The Killen saga is indeed very murky, and IMO one of quite some embarassement for all involved as it played out. The one thing that was blatently obvious though is that the lad was fit and scoring but Ronnie wouldn't play him. I agree that Shez has made a few mistakes, replacing an ever improving Eddy and Rocky with nobody and Kalala was bad, but his major losses were Wellens and Porter. We were a good few weeks behind everyone else in the market and not knowing which division we would be in probably even more in our planning. Wellens and Porter are irrereplacable when you lose players of such quality for nothing, we don't have the finances to cope with such losses. So we soldier on in the same 'on the cusp' position that Ronnie got us to. Shez has got us into the position with kids and that bodes well for the future imo. I don't think we will do anything this season, but we are building for the future. I know which I would rather watch. KtF, Derek.
  12. I don't think that consistently sh 1te should be counted toward the player of the season vote. KtF, Derek.
  13. Changing managers is an absolute necessity if things are going wrong - on and off the pitch. Talbot suffered from an excessive weight of expectation I feel, he did miracles at Rubbish and Dustbins but had a lot of money from Mr. Griggs to do it. He didn't have a lot to play with up here and he suffered for it, but for me he would have kept us up despite some dire form in patches. It is subjective though and each person has their own opinion. Moore replaced him and it may just be fair to say that from day one I wasn't in support of his appointment (like we didn't know what to expect from him tactically). The thing that gets me about the Ronnie apologists (especially the ones that continually slate Talbot) was did it really get any better? In my humble opinion no it didn't, in fact I think it got worse. Torquay at home and Chesterfield away still gall me thinking about the lack of anything that could be called going down fighting. And we were going down. The day we played Chesterfield was the most abject I have ever felt coming out of a game, I even phoned my Torquay supporting mate and told him no worries we will be in the bottom 4 next week not you lot. It was my bloody birthday too. We survived because Pogs put in a top drawer performance against Bradford. So be it though - I was glad we survived, and Ronnie the perceived saviour, got a crack of the whip. He had a clear out and on the pitch it got better positionally but anything to do with playing entertaining football went straight out of the window. It was a shocking season to watch football following the mighty. Awful performance after awful performance came and went, the treatment of some of the players (Butcher at Barnsley will live with me for ever) was shocking, but they were doing what the manager told them to do. He got us into a decent position and failed quite dramatically. He is still doing the same thing on the Wirral now. I am no saint when airing my views, many of you will remember the night I completely lost it after arguing for months on end about Moores tenureship on JKL. It was always the fault of the players, the fans, the tea lady, the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, the sun was shining too low over the Chaddy - anything but Ronnies fault. He drove fans away from the club in their droves. The better players were left out of the team through personality clashes; I am going to cite the treatment of Killen who had been in a rare run of being fit and scoring goals, Ronnie didn't like him and he was left picking socks up in the dressing room at Chasetown despite being in probably the best form of his Latics career. I know loads will disagree with this point, but when fit Killen was a bloody good striker and to constantly use him as a sub or drop him was Ronnies biggest failing (of many). Anyway, our owners see an even bigger black hole and Ronnie just has to go. So they boot him to somewhere that is more appreciative of his jurrassic formula. So Shez takes up the reins. Now I don't believe all this about it was Ronnies team. If it was he would have been there marshalling them from the touchline. Shez was picking the players, forming the tactics and in general got us back to some sort of style of play that was entertaining to watch. It was Shezs team that he picked from players that were available. Think this one: Chasetown away under Ronnie vs Scunthorpe away under Shez. What would you rather watch? An extreme example I know, but indicative of the way that our current boss v our previous boss believe football should be played. We hoped for promotion but (eventually) sneaked into the play offs. We were a good side, but we were beaten by a better side - the Lashers were on a roll and fair play to them for such an awe inspiring run toward the end of the season. The agents then took over and Shez was really stuck between a rock and a hard place in regards to our two best players; Porter and Wellens. We lost out on both counts very late in the day and I think he has done his best in trying to bring players in. He doesn't want someone here who can't do a job, maybe someties that job is just filling in for a few weeks or months; but I feel so much talent was taken away from him without him having very much input that it was always going to be difficult to follow last seasons efforts. Much like Talbot, I think after last seasons exploits, Shez has a weight of expectation hanging over him. I think he is trying to rebuild, but given his financial constraints it is a tough ask to do in one season. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey. There is one way out of this division in the upward sense, and that is to play football. Despite the highs and the failings of this season, I can't think of a better man to be in charge of us right now. Shez in (despite the fact he still picks Chris bloody Taylor). KtF, Derek.
  14. For very much the same reasons as BB80 I am also plumping for Deane. Eardley and Taylor (as if!!) have the benefit of over a seasons experience now at this level and the other three just haven't been involved enough at first team level. Smalley has been far better than many of those that denigrate him on here would think and it has been a hell of a step up from Youth team football in a little over 12 months. KtF, Derek.
  15. Despite the fact that I am thoroughly bored of all football at the minute, I will still be getting one whatever the cost. It's the habit I can't break. KtF, Derek.
  16. Come on Paul, you can't possibly know that. The probability based upon our inconsistency, is that we won't make it, but it isn't a known quantity until we are no longer mathematically able to do it. I was thinking about the 'over a season you generally get the placing you have deserved' comment. It was something I was thinking about earlier after reading all the 'we don't deserve it' posts. I think it is the one rule of thumb that all football fans generally agree with. You can win cups with lady luck on your side but in the league things generally balance out over 46 games and you end up in a position that your quality of play has dictated that you should. OK, we have been inconsistent, been unlucky with injuries etc. but so have a lot of teams it seems. They must have been for us to still be in with a decent shout. They are still shouting for heads at both the City Ground and at Elland Road despite being in a better position than us. If we make it, then yes I believe we do deserve it, despite the protests at some of the fare dished up, we will have made it because we have been less inconsistent than other teams. Personally I don't think we will make it but the possibility is still there and I do agree with a fair amount of the analysis you have made. There is certainly something to be said for those that can see the bigger picture and are willing to state their opinions. KtF, Derek.
  17. If it was the olden days I wouldn't be on this message board. It wouldn't exist.
  18. Given a few shouts for the return of Muzza got me thinking. Of our former players that are still plying their trade, who would you bring back that you think would improve the squad? Despite his short tenureship at gods little acre, I am going for Clint Hill. The best centre half since Jobbo imo, and hypothetically, even if he was crap, just that goal celebration against the Trannies. In all seriousness, a real gem of a signing and a leader on the pitch. Tough as old boots but not without a bit of skill. What a shame we had him when everything was going breasts up, he could and probably would have been a BP legend with a longer stay. KtF, Derek.
  19. Why does anyone want Muzza back? He has been stricken with injuries since he left us and was a shadow of his former self when he returned with Carlisle. Added to that, most people see him through blue tinted specs and remember his closing months with us. Undoubtedly he was brilliant in that time, but in his last season he was very ordinary through most of it until it became 'putting yourself in the shop window' time. The lad was a decent footballer when the mood took him, but time to look forward now. He is nowhere near good enough for us anymore if we are to improve, stop living in the past. KtF, Derek.
  20. SW and Inspiral look pretty pleased to be there. LL looks like he is posing for Grattan circa 1985 and Ackey has just fell out of bed hasn't he? KtF, Derek.
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