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Everything posted by downender2

  1. any striker worth his salt would have buried that header ...beaut of a cross..
  2. this Ackey lad.....seems to be making a habit of putting his foot in it ...
  3. the irony of the last bit of your post just about sums up modern day football at the top level....I'm so glad we ain't part of it...
  4. :censored: was dropped for fightin at xmas in a club/pub when the squad was on a drinks ban ! penney lost it and dropped him rightly so!! quoted from another thread..the Chris taylor one
  5. its a bloody joke when less than 5 miles down the road is probably the richest club in the world.... IMO there shoud be a levy on all transfers and this money go into a trust fund that should be available for clubs like stockport, who are in danger of going out of business..the system would need some protocols and strong management to succeed.
  6. sniffing the crotches of young boys in doggy heaven. If anyone can think of a better way to spend their afternoons I would surely appreciate their suggestions.
  7. its highly likely..he'll be causing a stir wherever he's gone... what the late 70's and 80's would have been like without this blokes involvement and imaginative approach to youth culture..isn't worth thinking about.. R n R to malcolm..
  8. I've got a "few" mates who would be very interested in your interpretation of " top quality banter" in your own time son
  9. I knew I shouldn't have posted this seemingly innocuous question on this thread...
  10. whichever way you look at that....its in poor taste imo
  11. anybody think Blackpool have a fighting chance of getting in the prem...through the play offs...? food for thought.....
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