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Everything posted by Lags

  1. Trouble is now Real, if this guy reads this board he won't be back. Did he leave the stadium straight after throwing the punches and where did it occur?
  2. I feel sorry for the kid having to see his dad like that, it's something he'll/she'll carry for life. For that alone the culprit needs a lesson. Was the culprit a regular Real? someone knows this arse.
  3. I need one more seat Beardy...the old man is making an away trip...oh dear whats he gonna make of all this! he thinks am sensible ya know!!!
  4. Am ya man Beardy.....I can captain a ship!
  5. Erm what you tryin to say? If the weight of booze (and Jacko's frame) is a problem stick the price up!!
  6. Myself, Jacko and Bro...3 I makes it. Hold that Beardy I've had to edit, Jacko as just text there's 5 more....so thats 8 ta.
  7. Diego, I salute your knowledge on all things council matters and read your posts with interest regarding the mechanism's of how everything works. In fact I would say many on this site look towards your posts for advice and direction. Now here's the however...... however this constant barrage that we, the converted on here ain't doing enough or willing in terms of emails etc is in danger of alienating the very people you're trying to encourage. Pipe it down a tad with that regard and return back to purely encouraging, advising and directing....Ta. I've said it before and I'll say it again, sure we may not have the numbers within the targetted wards that can cast a vote, but we all can canvass in that ward. We can saturate an area far more than the councillors can. There is always more ways than one to skin a cat. What about the voter who agrees with us but can't be hassled to get to the box by foot or bus? easy you tell them you'll collect and ferry them down there!
  8. OK I'll wind my neck in, it sounds like you'll keep your head firmly in the sand. I wonder which way TTA will place the top half of their turso's and wonder what they'll make of it. Under 4000 at BP for an FA Cup tie is abysmal. Haven't we heard that football attendances are now higher than they've been for near on 3 decades? not at BP they aint! spot the difference or does Christmas only happen in Oldham? OK forget the Christmas period argument, lets start talking all last season and this. Talk me through the falling numbers with that one.
  9. The amount of extra security that coventry game would require would wipe out any profits! don't like the sound of that tie at all. I like the Newcastle one at theirs.
  10. No, sick of the lame excuses.........it's F poor. I was totally dismayed and fear for the future... I really do. We need a fantastic run now just to scrap another 500 onto the figure.
  11. It's all very simple as the poster above says save your distaste till election day and offer your services to any other candidate. For every door step punter who then agrees use your car to ferry them to the ballot box..... it's the only way these clowns who patronise will understand
  12. The Emirates would be nice be I'd hate the drubbing we'd get! still rather be drubbed there than down the road. Either way I'd like a nice big fat cheque to aid TTA.
  13. Pretty certain it was said a week to a week and half back that Gregan was nearing returning to training and hence a comeback.
  14. The criminal mind always finds a way..... Pay in as a junior thou 42 and give the operator a fiver...split the difference. For sure the last visit to Port Valve they (operators and steward on gate) were defo taking.
  15. Groves for me, his legend lives on. Ritchie was a class act for us, so to Palmer. Stainrod was head and shoulders above the pack whilst in a Latics shirt. Whilst I had fond memories of the small ginger haired Graham Bell. As for Lister and Johnstone... way before my time I canna comment. Gotta mention Choccy he to was a good un who excited.
  16. If the Donny players shooting was that tennis player's (forgot his name) hitting they'd be up on a charge! Anyone just reading the stats to the game would have thought Donny were all over us with the shot count. Just shows how stats can indeed lie. Their shooting was absolute woeful.
  17. Mail sent to both as requested... now than IC, come tell whats angered you today.
  18. It's reported he was injured "in the build up" to the Donny game. Did anyone see him out on the pitch at the keepmoat? or does the build up mean during training? It just seems a strange ambiguos terming of it...."in the build up" !!!
  19. It's been said that Davies is carrying a knock. This may well explain his lack of closing down defenders last night, which is more noticable cos he usual;ly does. I sometimes wish Shez wouldn't slate him so much whilst on the pitch, only some players respond to that whilst other (and I think Davies is one) don't.
  20. oh dear Smalley was ok and played his part and as for Taylor not being a a left back in the two games he's played there this season he impressed me more than his usual position. Anyone care to disagree?
  21. Carl hits home hard the complete shambles this planning committee performs at. The highways agency report on the effects to the trunk road the development would have wasn't the main reason for the apparent refusal of the application and the reason why the origianl planning meeting was deferred. The main reason given was the roads leading up to the trunk road. Now Carl higlights that Bashforths claim that they (him and the planning committee members) only recieved the survey to which he questioned the figures at 4pm that evening, is completely wrong. Thay had that survey to hand in the Octobers (original) planning meeting held. Yet he claims they didn't have sufficent time to digest it's contents and on hearing the snipet where the report claimed it would have the effect of adding one car to a traffic light sequence queue. he said it was all nonsense and he didn't believe it. He also disbelieved his expert hired hand (Les Harrison) thus bringing his ability into severe doubt and question , yet Les Harrison who had taken the time to read and digest the report clearly agreed with it and advised like all the other experts, including the Highways agency to approve the application. Bashforth in his biased haste to refuse this application is tripping up every which turn. It's becoming abundantly clear his only aim was to refuse from the off and I suggest it's more to do with his narrow elected margin. Perhaps Phil Harrison is exactly the same and which the ex MP although trying to back these two inadvertantly confirms when she explains had the constituents nearby BP been Woolas voters he's would not backed the development like he is doing.
  22. Jac, could you post up that email you refer to ta. (the reply you've recieved. I mean)
  23. my reply to bash the trash. Dear Councillor Bashforth, Firstly it saddens me that you report personal abuse against yourself and your family and this is wholly wrong and I for one hope this ceases herewith and the culprits dealt with accordingly. I along with many others in that chamber that night when this awful decision was taken felt that you tried to sway other members of the committee into refusing this second application. For reason best known by yourself. Yes I know you passed the first application without any sign of objection, however you also knew without the mechanisms in the second application to pay for it, then it wouldn't be built. I find your alleged concerns regarding traffic none founded. All the accepted methods in predicting future traffic were used to provide yourself with a reasoned argument to find in favour. Sure on any given day of the year we all experience traffic hold ups when the next day we don't in the same place. Yet you use your experiences when this very thing as occurred to yourself whilst driving through this area to qualify your mistake or excuse!. Your highly qualified traffic officer (this is your opinion) Les Harrison not once but twice upon a councillor asking him to go over the report again told you and the rest of the committee he found no reason to deny this application on the grounds of traffic. You sir even tried to stop Les Harrison the ability to stress home this point by trying to suppress a response a second time unless he could add anything more to his first speech backing the application and the reports credibility. Lastly one of your committee colleagues has replied to an email stating had he been involved with the residents group to the level you had, then he would have explained his interest and left the room. Why sir did you not feel you should do that too? Maybe you felt you couldn't influence the vote from outside or maybe you feel you know better then Les Harrison to deliver the reports findings. Perhaps next time I need some plans drawing up to re-wire my home I should contact Les Harrison and not you. I mean you're only an Electrical Engineer apteral! Come on Steven, all is not lost yet, you can do the right thing still.
  24. Another point springs to mind with a number slating Deano for the number of misses. At least he's getting there to miss them! who else apart from Davies in the side is? oh and last week by the way it was Davies who needed dropping!!! It's about time the home crowd stating getting that seige mentality cos the way this season is developing we're all in a mighty battle on and off the pitch.
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