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Everything posted by maddog

  1. How unfortunate we’re driving it and won’t have hours to kill at all ?
  2. I’d rather him talk about the prediction league than PLANS, or lack of... ?
  3. Nope. 3 family members have birthdays at the start of August so we're often out of the first away game. And we were supposed to go the season before (think this was the start of the non-refundable hotel curse) but it was called off IIRC because we were unexpectedly still in the FA cup, and then it was rearranged for a Tuesday night.
  4. We’re going. New ground. That’s the only reason ?.
  5. This. I’ve been known to happy clap in my time but that’s not because everything is ok. Not everything has been ok since... well, I can’t even put a date on it - I started going in 1991 and everything wasn’t ok then. I put a positive spin on things Laticsy because I want to. I want to take enjoyment from my hobby. It’s something that takes over my weekends and I share it with friends and family. That does not mean I’m stupid enough to think everything is ok. But given there’s fuck all I can do about the stuff that’s not ok, I’ll continue to try to find positives. I’m finding it really really hard at the moment though.
  6. We scored 2 long distance goals against them that season - the first season the backpass rule came in. Nick Henry at Chelsea away on the first match of the season was the other one iirc?
  7. Could the player share pot as it stands be added to the central Warchest? And ringfenced for warchest purposes only (i.e., not spunked away on buying the youth team a minibus, as happened with previous trust funds).
  8. It was the sneering attitude I objected to. Standard for Paddy though, I suppose...
  9. Ah, the taps in the Ladies in the NS don’t work after half time either.
  10. It was a charity event but not for Gordon, and was a young fan with his mum.
  11. The Trust was set up, and should always have been about building a war chest for when the shit hits the fan. This seemed to be abandoned as soon as TTA arrived. So yes, they will have to sit back and watch it happen, as will we all, if it happens this time.
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