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Everything posted by maddog

  1. New one on me. And I’d say, a total pile of made up bullshit.
  2. My 2p, for what it’s worth. I’m not going to go on too much about this, as I don’t want to sound condescending. Also, hearing what other people have gone through can be so valuable to people, so I’d rather that take front seat in this thread. Everyone is different, but some general advice: -Don’t be hard on yourself for struggling. It’s part of the complexity of the human condition. You’re far from alone. Mental Health problems are so very common. -Asking for help is not a weakness. It’s a difficult thing to do, and shows strength. -If you need professional help, that’s ok. Ask for it - that’s what the NHS is there for. Healthy Minds is the usual NHS first port-of-call. In some boroughs you can self-refer, or ask your GP to do it for you. -Use your natural support. Make the people around you are aware you’re struggling. Work out a plan of action if things get really bad. Tell them what you need from them. Some people won’t be helpful, but some will surprise you. Give people a chance to help - they can’t help if they don’t know what’s going on. -Medication isn’t for everyone, but don’t totally rule it out. Talk to your doctor about it. Take as prescribed, and if it doesn’t work, there’s other types you can try. -Keep structure to your life. Force yourself as much as possible to keep active. Exercise if you can. -Take time for yourself and be kind to yourself - but try not to let this turn into self isolation. -Know that you can change, things can change, you CAN cope, and things CAN get better.
  3. Nothing to apologise for BL. It’s important the culture of mental health-shaming stops.
  4. Oh, it’s wonderful. Only downside is if there’s anything too controversial, people quote it and you see it anyway. You won’t miss anything. Use it!
  5. I’m happy with either. As long as there are some positives to take, that’s what I’ll take from a game. It’s a very simple way of enjoying your hobby.
  6. Champion by Christmas ?. Still waiting for it all to turn to shit ?.
  7. ? Wedding is in New York then we’re off to Vegas, baby!
  8. Fuck, no. We’re in the US for a wedding 18th-31st May. Automatic all day long, please!
  9. That’s weird. Ignoring the summer mentoring from @24hoursfromtulsehill is serving me well too ?.
  10. I don’t think you can talk about climbing the table and then include games that could not help us the climb the table - especially when they were against teams in higher leagues.
  11. She did join up years ago, you Johnny-come-lately! And she was bobbins! I need to learn how to respond to multiple posts in one post don’t I?
  12. Nah. Just getting to the magic 50 so I won’t get relegated... Bear in mind I’m usually shit at this because my predictions are too positive. When the results on the pitch turn to shit, so will my predictions.
  13. Heaven forbid he thanks anyone currently there....
  14. There’s not a club in the league that let fans play with a beach ball while the game is in play. And quite right.
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