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Monty Burns

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Everything posted by Monty Burns

  1. We get a free bacon butty whilst we wait, right?
  2. Ewww so you be doin it for city in a few years? Angin.
  3. Three solid signings, to a solid looking squad.
  4. Weve obvs got a rep that people who are off the tracks can come here for a bit then leave as soon as they find them again. Or somebody bids £40k.
  5. Because we cant find a tranmere or everton fan to tell us he is :censored:. Even in the world of the internet where there is always some weapon with something negative to say, its all solid in this case.
  6. Im not actually talking about now, I was merely musing about recent times. I also wasnt reffering to staff parking on the tarmac bits. I probably need to visit the hospital for an hour or so (people having babies, breaking legs or gettin old, you know) say four times a year. Each time I always find land owned by Latics rather than a private company (if it was the NHS then I would probably park there, but that is another story). Usually it would be that bobbly car trap on sheepfoot lane, but more recently we have been sent to the main car park, paying 2 or 3 quid cant really remember. Theres always others doing it at the same time and also when we leave (at which point some of the cars were different, indicating other brief staying fellow couple of quid payers.) Just used to wonder and I wrote it down. Then somebody said the staff part (which was quite obvious and seperate) nets £100k fixed, so I added that on top. Wish it never happened now.
  7. So would I on matchday parking. However, 400 people per day visting the hospital for a couple of hours at £2 a pop..
  8. Even more than I thought then. Maybe close to £half a million per year.
  9. Every time I go past the car parks on a normal non match day, and see a couple of hundred cars parked on there at £3 a pop or whatever it is, my brain always does some quick maths and tells me the car parks probably make in excess of £300k per year. Then a Latics driving school car goes past me and I think hmmm bet that makes some money. Wonder if the club get any of this? Im going to bring it up on owtb see if anybody knows.. Then I forget or the club does someting stupid (or occasionally something good) and we talk about that instead.
  10. So lets all fall in line for the message eh? :censored: that. Hats off to the pompey fans.
  11. Im quite jealous of the portsmouth situation, wish we had passion like that.
  12. Now that is better.Academies wont help that much as half the players playing in them arent even English. Things are getting better tho, that was a fairly decent team we put out last night. Add in Berahino, Stones, Sterling, Wilshere, The Ox, Barkley and Zaha who all could have played...
  13. Light years harsh. They were better but we had chances.
  14. Aye. A decently priced safe standing chaddy could be quite a money spinner...
  15. Well if they all drive then 74 cars heading for that roundabout be a nightmare.
  16. Well yeah, Australia is south of here to be fair.
  17. We are :censored:e at selling players. Somebody usually pops up and mentions trotman and eaves, but they were silly bids we recieved, we didnt negotiate them.
  18. Yeah probs. But that is my team on this day right now.
  19. Stuff like this makes me laugh even more at 'LJ left cos of Ched' and 'we cant get a manager cos of Ched' even 'weve lost face in the Football world cos of Ched' Absolute clueless some people.
  20. Thats him. Single handedly inspired a pre season tour vhs I think!!!!
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