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Everything posted by disjointed

  1. Are we covered now for the foreseeable future or do we have to do a sponsored something, maybe 24 hours listening to Robbie Savage.
  2. I got away with the Lee Barnard song at Walsall, I aint trying that one. Sorry Diego your sacked, come back McCartney
  3. Who could dislike the man in black Johnny Cash.
  4. That would have been a stupid thing to do, we aint exactly flushed in the defence dept.
  5. I dont think you can accuse Byrne of backing out of challenges,
  6. I don't know, just quoting what stitch said on the radio today. He sounded as though it was a definite no no as far as management is concerned. For what its worth I would not have had him back anyway.
  7. What cobblers, Wes worked his bollocks until poor substitutions by our ex manager meant he was trying to cover for 2 other men. The substitutions then meant everything was coming through the middle leaving the CB's exposed, Dickov cost us yesterday and he would have done the same if he hadn't done the decent thing and walked this morning.
  8. But he wouldn't come cheap. just signed a 2 and a half year contract remember
  9. Yeah I can see that side of it, but surely the only thing in Dickov's favour is that he might come a bit cheaper than other managers
  10. Di Canio then, he's Italian. Seriously though Owen Coyle would be perfect, what is he doing now?
  11. How does that make sense when Derbyshire and Wabara were never Oldham players per se. And they are only on loan at Blackpool
  12. Said it would take a lot to get him back into management as he loves what he is doing now
  13. What worse than JYM, by the way I would not have Hazell back.
  14. Always get the crackpots applying straight away, pub league managers and the like, of the 25 only perhaps 2 are realistic
  15. So its a given then Keith Curle next Oldham manager
  16. I think he must realise that Corney has the backing of the majority of fans, there are a vocal few who would want him to sell the club but this is not going to happen as no one would buy it. He wont walk he has already said he wont just leave us in it( in different words). Now is the time for us to really get behind the club, whoever is going to take over from Dickov needs our support. Onward and upward
  17. Just played all these notes on the piano, "And now the end is near and so we face the final curtain...............
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