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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Just got in from work........got a speeding ticket trying to make it back on time........please don't tell me I've missed it?
  2. Rick

    MOTM Vs. Peterborough

    I@ve gone for Taylor, but it was a close run thing between him and Gregan.
  3. He is just jealous of his more famous brother - Matthew
  4. Aww. I love a happy ending. It always makes me cry
  5. I must admit that BTB would often be found in the smallest room in my house , as this was also the quietest room in the house
  6. Window tinting is the next thing I want to do to my car !
  7. I know it is the law, but the law is an ass The Police should be clamping down on the Gypos who write their reg numbers on cardboard, or display different plates on their caravan to that on their Transit Pick Up and those people who deliberately alter the typeface of digits to make them look like something else. Put simplistically, the law should be changed to read that if your licence plate cannot be recognised by ANPR it is illegal. If it can be read by ANPR, then it is legal.
  8. Thin end of the wedge my In America you can gave whatever you want. If the DVLA would prefer you didn't buy the plates if you are going to misrepresent it, they shouldn't put them on sale. Providing that you have the accepted typeface and size, you should be able to represent the digits with whatever spacing you like (this will be completely readable with ANPR). You should be able to have club crest in place of the Euro/UK blue background with yellow stars if you want to and don't take your vehicle out of the country (again, wouldn't affect ANPR). If they fine me, or remove the right for me to use the reg number, do I get a discount off my Road Tax? Sorry, rhetorical question.
  9. When I got pulled (on a dark and snowy M62 near Scammonden Dam in December (HOW dangerous is that?) ) the Sheep-Pigs told me that as my reg plate read R11CK W rather than R11 CKW I was clearloy trying to avoid detection from speed cameras and ANPR. It is a complete joke - not forgettting where the money comes from to pay for their nice Volvo estate, training, tea, coffe, buscuits, wages and pension - yes, our friggin income tax. I drive around 40,000 miles a year and see some terrible driving standards (some of them by Police cars), yet I get threatened that I may have my right to display the rteg number I bought from DVLA taken off me if I continue to display it "illegally". How can the DVLA (also paid for by us tax payers by the way) sell me my number plate and happily take my money knowing what my name is and that I am therefore likely to slightly mis-space the letters and then instruct the police thqat this is illegal? It is a joke. I reckon you'd get less hassle for not displaying ANY number plates and just saying "They must have fallen off today, because they were there this morning".
  10. Here ia the list of who is on Ackey Lags Markoasis J@cko Alex1234 JoeP Mike and Bigfin The only ones I know are front row left to right as you look.... Bigfin, Markoasis, not sure, Lags
  11. Right. I am e-mailing the show now.......I can't wait for you to get rinsed on Telly off Hells Bells
  12. Who is on then? Do tell. Are they going to give Helen one or what
  13. I'll take a pot shot at 5 Will Hells Bells be getting a Latics shirt or other pressie off the lads? A Pink one would be well received I think
  14. I can't see this officially anywhere. He may have scored 18 goals, but Chris Taylor has scored 10 from the bleedin left wing!
  15. We played much better without him by the sound of it tonight. And we scored after he'd gone off.
  16. Not sure I wouldn't drop Hughes. Front line of Taylor --- Ales --- Smalley --- Ferreira Would seem very high energy to me
  17. I like Gordon, but Roy is a ................ (insert appropriate word here)
  18. I could never condone any kind of copyright infringement, but I have a DVD-R and Video Combo machine. Therefore, Phillig, If you would like me to make you a copy of your Video onto a DVD naturally for your own use, please PM me.
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