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Only Blue

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Everything posted by Only Blue

  1. Absolutely spot on nzlatic. I go the match with all my friends and family again and let's face it we are used to the fact the match can and is usually rubbish. Life is tough, watching Latics is tough, just try and get as much as you can from it. That is not accepting rubbish, it was rubbish, but people have got to stop making crazy negative statements.
  2. That's a massively sweeping statement and you have definitely blocked out large chunks of previous seasons. Dave Penney must spring to mind? I think you have posted that to get a reaction, which is fine, it keeps the debate going, but if you genuinely believe that then wow words fail me!!! All I can say constructively is that you need to find something else to do on a Saturday as it depresses you way way too much.
  3. Exactly. How many would have dragged names up before the match? The team selection is sound it is the players approach to the game that changes. The lower teams are more physical and our players do not know how to adapt to it and then once that battle is won they play with freedom and our players go into their shell, only choosing safe passing or hoofing it. It's not a new problem for us, but at least now we do win some matches before the usual howler.
  4. Stop blaming individual players as it's Barnet's fault!! We got hammered at home last time after beating them. As some other people have said there is definitely an ingrained mental block when playing at home. I am hoping the new players will dispel that and can't be judged yet until they settle in (although people already are). Just naming players who should be in AFTER the match always baffles me, such as Green, Dickenson etc. These same players have been involved in previous disastrous matches so why would they make a difference now? It is a collective team problem not individuals.
  5. It's going to be tough in the conditions but I do hope that there are signs that we have players in now who can start to pass the ball to their team-mates on a consistent basis, but not sideways. If we do that enough times you tend to win the game.
  6. It might not have been Latics fault for the delay. Sometimes there are last minute issues that need resolving before the signing can be announced, because you are right they did stretch it out a bit. Although it was well worth the wait. I think the slight sense of anti-climax comes from all the rumours mean that it's no real surprise or shock, rather the player himself.
  7. All will be revealed soon.... or maybe not. OAFC might just drag it out a little bit longer, say until tomorrow? .... haha!!!
  8. Stay focussed people Stop dwelling on past mistakes and get ready to rejoice in another signing that is better than what we have already got and so will improve the team again.
  9. I have got to admit the hints about signings and the speculation that follows does brighten up a drab Sunday.
  10. MM played most of the fringe players to see if even they were good enough to beat a team two divisions below. Even if we didn't have a Tuesday fixture I think he would have still played most of them. All the top teams do this in the League Cup and League One and Two do it in the Pizza Cup (I can't remember it's name). The only reason it stands out more this year is because we have a lot more player to choose from who are supposed to be challenging for the first team.
  11. Is this the lowest ranked team we have ever lost to? Even if we don't care about this Trophy we should still beat any lower opposition at home. Saying the players just expected to roll over them. Why? We didn't roll over Mickleover, or Ebbsfleet or many, many other so-called rubbish teams at home so why would it be in their heads they suddenly will do this? Considering in years gone by we were always reasonable at home especially on a Tuesday night then I also conclude Boundary Park is cursed!!!! If the players feel the fans put undue pressure on them then they won't have to worry soon as the attendances are going to drop . It pains me to see all the really young fans so happy to be at a match to then see the horror on their faces as the match progresses. We are going to lose this new generation and can you blame them.
  12. I think most of the starting eleven today aren't in Micky's long-term plans but fair play to him that he is giving them a chance to prove him wrong. Plenty on the bench to change it if it doesn't work.
  13. Somebody previously stated this incident could be a turning point. Three wins later I am starting to think it was. So well done Reidy, oh but don't do it again
  14. That does cover it. The fact we are shit and yet keep winning is a modern day miracle. Let's stay like this all the time.
  15. I am not talking about being unhappy , I am talking about slagging it off. Using words like "disgrace" etc. I didn't enjoy the match. I thought we didn't really deserve to win on performance but no team ever wins every game by playing well. So take these wins and be HAPPY about them.
  16. You put exactly what I would have said. Ignore the negative comments, most are to wind people up and the ones that genuinely slag off don't really understand football. The team is definitely starting to become hard to beat away from home even when not playing well, that is how it should be done and applauded. Let's face it the vast majority of fans will take this result for every away game, knowing full well it won't be like this for every away game.
  17. Had you heard of Stones before he joined? If we are signing young players on loan then unless you are a proper football enthusiast it is unlikely you would have heard of them. I trust Mickey's judgement so let's see.
  18. If this is you being happy after a win I would hate to see what you were like after the earlier terrible defeats. Just on another track I thought the Athleticos really added to the game today and were back to geeing us up during the drab bits, or did you think they were out of tune??!!
  19. The reason it has become a national story is that it is made to look as though all the players were moaning and I have got to admit that was my first impression. In reality it was one person filming and one made the comment, and even then he probably didn't mean it as harshly as it seemed. The problem is though it has really portrayed the whole team in a bad light and so they have put the club into disrepute. As long as they genuinely regret their actions then they have got to be punished, but then allowed back and forgiven. It is Christmas time after all!!!
  20. Totally agree. In the past when matches have been rubbish the atmosphere has cheered me up but it looks as though the Athleticos are struggling to raise the morale at the moment. The biggest cheer and loudest chant was when they hit the crossbar after the ref had stopped play. THAT is how bad it is getting.
  21. If you ever played for a team and got sent out to train in bad weather then many a team-mate would say the same thing so it's nothing new and it doesn't necessarily mean they won't put the effort in once they train, but at a professional club the image is everything and it has turned into a bit of a PR disaster. The club has tried hard to create an affinity with the fans and I am fully on board with everything they are trying to do, but for some reason this has irritated even me and I really shouldn't let it. I never boo the team but I will definitely be letting them know at Hartlepool the reason why they are there.
  22. You have fell into the trap of talking about him. I assume it's because everything at Latics is a lot calmer, so random thoughts of the past come back. Just forget him.
  23. I agree it looks bad when a stand is empty but equally it doesn't look much better with about 30 fans in it. Darren Royle previously stated they were closing it to save money and the vast majority either agreed or at least accepted the logic. Fair play to Latics , they have tried to keep everyone happy and so catered for the ones who wanted to return there but the numbers do not warrant it being open. I had my most magical football memories in the Chaddy and any future great games can be equally as good regardless of where I sit/stand.
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