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Seven Subs Plan

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It can only favour the rich clubs. Us putting a couple of kids on the bench who won't play except under strange circumstances. Or Leeds who can stick their seventh million pound signing on there. Hmmm.


I would hope we try and be as negative about this as possible.

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I subscribe to the "terrible idea" brigade - it plays into the hands of the big clubs.


To be honest 5 is too many - 3 with 1 mandatory goalkeeper would even up the play - managers would then have to readjust tactically rather than like for like swap during a game. This would maybe help keep the operating costs for the smaller clubs in check and stop token substitutes who will never get a game

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I think this is a terrible idea as no only will it favour the likes of Leeds, it will mean that at the moment with our squad size and a few injuries we would be naming youngsters (not even necessarily reserves) who would only play if someone else gets injured. These youngsters won't be able to play for the reserves if the reserve game is on a sat (or realistically a fri/sun too) or for mid-week clashes too. Therefore these players will miss out on gaining the necessary experience in the reserves and not progress as well. Seven subs is alright for the Premier League and possibly the Championship but I don't think it does League 1 or 2 teams any favours and can't see what's wrong with sticking to 5 (or even reducing it to 4/3)

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Christ on a bike, all we need now is padding (to protect you from a Drogba "slap" presumably, or a Barton tackle, more breaks, being able to catch the hoofed ball and its American Football.

Or is that the plan anyway.......

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Stupid plan. Why do clubs need 2 extra subs? It wouldn't help the fringe/youth players, how does sitting on a bench week in, week out improve a player? Gives the manager more options but really shouldn't he be getting it right in the first place rather than getting so many opportunities to affect the outcome of games.


There would be no real achievement for youth players at getting on the bench because there's so many places, you could even give a place to a fan who places the highest bid, he'll never get on anyways.

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