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Considering donny are now up...

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and presuming they will more than likely make an approach for taylor.


What would ppl on here consider silly money???


I for one wouldnt be as bothered if he went there as we wouldnt have to see him next season against us. But now that donny are a championship side, imo it should have bumped the price up.


My idea of silly money would be anything over 600k plus sell on clause and other incentives


Thats of course, if he wants to leave

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I think the club would sell for anything above 500K and any sell on clause they'd consider a bonus. That said if Richards goes I think that may alter things. I doubt Sheridan would advise TTA for Taylor to go for 500K as he really rates Taylor. Personally I'd understand it at 500K thou I'd be chuffed with 750K+.

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I think the club would sell for anything above 500K and any sell on clause they'd consider a bonus. That said if Richards goes I think that may alter things. I doubt Sheridan would advise TTA for Taylor to go for 500K as he really rates Taylor. Personally I'd understand it at 500K thou I'd be chuffed with 750K+.


Coppinger and 500k would do for me

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If we were to sell to Donny I hope Shez has a ready replacement lined up for him. £500k plus some big future clauses we should be asking for minimum I feel. They should also agree never to sign any players we are looking at as well!

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I think the club would sell for anything above 500K and any sell on clause they'd consider a bonus. That said if Richards goes I think that may alter things. I doubt Sheridan would advise TTA for Taylor to go for 500K as he really rates Taylor. Personally I'd understand it at 500K thou I'd be chuffed with 750K+.

if he rates him so highly why doersnt he play him in his prefered position then???


700k plus add ons would do...

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I'd be alarmed if we did sell him.


We have signed two good players this week and are looking to push for promotion this year so why would TTA even considering selling Taylor. Does Taylor want to leave? I'd be surprised if he does.


500K in the bank or retain a player that will help push us towards promotion ...

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I'd be alarmed if we did sell him.


We have signed two good players this week and are looking to push for promotion this year so why would TTA even considering selling Taylor. Does Taylor want to leave? I'd be surprised if he does.


500K in the bank or retain a player that will help push us towards promotion ...


Would be more alarmed if we sold him and didnt replace him

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I'd be alarmed if we did sell him.


We have signed two good players this week and are looking to push for promotion this year so why would TTA even considering selling Taylor. Does Taylor want to leave? I'd be surprised if he does.


500K in the bank or retain a player that will help push us towards promotion ...


I'd much rather we kept hold of him, must make sure we had the right person to replace him if we did, might lose us a lot more than £500k if we did just sell him and stay were we are.

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With Donny going up, will we benefit in any way? will any of their players be available on the cheap/free?



Wouldn't be suprised if he left he only has two loves us and Arsenal, he will never be good enough for them though.


The fact he has gone home and cried about the abuse he has received from the NSM upper hopefully won't steer him away.

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Wouldn't be suprised if he left he only has two loves us and Arsenal, he will never be good enough for them though.


The fact he has gone home and cried about the abuse he has received from the NSM upper hopefully won't steer him away.


Going off my mates who have had a ST in themain stand for years, the abuse mainly from the guys who have sat near his Dad for years. When he burst onto the scene they all wanted to be his Dad's best mate, slapping him on the back and buying him beers.


As Chris as not had as good a season this year as the previous they have now targeted him seemingly to upset his Dad ....... simple fact they it seems like as they are jealous that his kid made it through to play for the team they all wanted their kids to play for.


Not been an easy season for Chris on top of the abuse he got, worst of which came from the Swindon fans at their place, hopefully this doesn't effect him hanging around and we all start afresh next year.

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Give him away to oxfam. He may do something worthwhile for them. A coatstand for example. He is :censored:.






And Chris speaks very highly of you too. I think you need therapy, your hatred is blinding you.


As for the main thread, I wouldn't want to sell Taylor for anything, as it is very unlikely that the money would be used for new players.

Edited by slurms mckenzie
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Guest oa_exile
Give him away to oxfam. He may do something worthwhile for them. A coatstand for example. He is :censored:.






Rather harse Derek , there are plenty of others who I could term as ":censored:" during a season.

The lad gives 100% every game and deserves some credit , until he plays on the right hand side he will never achieve his full potential.

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Just a couple of thoughts regarding some of the comments here:


1) Where does he want to play? I can see an argument to play him on the right because he is predominantly right footed. But I can also see a bit of Joe Cole in him insofar that he may prefer to play left so he can cut inside and shoot with his right foot.


2) To all the Taylor detractors! Why, during the season, did nearly every team that we came up against quickly double up defenders when Taylor got the ball? Would it be because the opposition see him as a threat? Not everything he does works out but he does make things happen. He pulls defenders/midfielders out of position, works hard and scores his share of goals. If I do have a criticism, it would be that he goes down too easily!!!


And finally - DON'T SELL HIM.



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Just a couple of thoughts regarding some of the comments here:


1) Where does he want to play? I can see an argument to play him on the right because he is predominantly right footed. But I can also see a bit of Joe Cole in him insofar that he may prefer to play left so he can cut inside and shoot with his right foot.


2) To all the Taylor detractors! Why, during the season, did nearly every team that we came up against quickly double up defenders when Taylor got the ball? Would it be because the opposition see him as a threat? Not everything he does works out but he does make things happen. He pulls defenders/midfielders out of position, works hard and scores his share of goals. If I do have a criticism, it would be that he goes down too easily!!!


And finally - DON'T SELL HIM.






My sentiments exactly, why would we want to sell one of our best players, for a paultry 500k or less, when that money will not go back in to the side for transfers - lunacy i tell thee!


Taylor for me is going nowwhere, shez rates him, tommy rates him, they've invested alot of time & effort working with him to improve him as a footballer, to then sell him when all the noises coming out of the club are that of aggresive transfer policys (coming in, not going out!), building for a massive promotion push etc......selling doesn't make sense, and IMO it just will not happen!


Oh and Derek, watch the game next time Taylor plays for us - yes he tries things that sometimes don't come off, but try plying your trade with 3 people trying to stop you every step of the way, thats what young Chris has had to deal with this season, 2 or 3 opposition players surrounding him, but yeah, they'd do that to a sh1te player wouldn't they?? Beggers belief sometimes our 'fans' do......

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Chris is a homegrown player, but he is also a professional. An offer of increased wages, local-ish team and a higher division would be tempting to him - and I'd say fair play that he would want to go.


As to selling him? Not the greatest player and I do think some Latics fans over-egg his ability at times. But he is decent at this level and opposition defenders don't like facing him so he would be a loss.


£500k would be good business at League One level - anymore/sell-ons etc are a bonus. But as Slurms says, if he goes that money needs to be used to get a replacement attacking wide player or its a sign that we are happy to tread water in this division for a few more years.

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My sentiments exactly, why would we want to sell one of our best players, for a paultry 500k or less, when that money will not go back in to the side for transfers - lunacy i tell thee!


Taylor for me is going nowwhere, shez rates him, tommy rates him, they've invested alot of time & effort working with him to improve him as a footballer, to then sell him when all the noises coming out of the club are that of aggresive transfer policys (coming in, not going out!), building for a massive promotion push etc......selling doesn't make sense, and IMO it just will not happen!


Oh and Derek, watch the game next time Taylor plays for us - yes he tries things that sometimes don't come off, but try plying your trade with 3 people trying to stop you every step of the way, thats what young Chris has had to deal with this season, 2 or 3 opposition players surrounding him, but yeah, they'd do that to a sh1te player wouldn't they?? Beggers belief sometimes our 'fans' do......



Not sure if it was Hartlepoole or Carisle mid-week was the first time we played with out and out wingers for some time. Taylor and Smalley had a field day as the rest of the team played balls over the top of the FB's or for them to actually run onto.


Most of the season the CB played the ball to the FB and in turn Taylor had to come back to collect the ball after it was delay by the FB with two markers up his arse (so to speak) in tow........ sometimes its beggers belief as to what fans expect of someone put into this situation!?!?!


Yep at times he didn't have great games, but the rest of the team and opposition didn't make it easy for him.


Also note he was tried in several postions .. he his a young player with things plenty to learn, differnet positions to try and still developing. Surely he should know his best position by now I hear you cry ......... two words .............. Mark Allott.




If he was so bad why are all the teams above use supposely wanting to sign him???

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Just a couple of thoughts regarding some of the comments here:


1) Where does he want to play? I can see an argument to play him on the right because he is predominantly right footed. But I can also see a bit of Joe Cole in him insofar that he may prefer to play left so he can cut inside and shoot with his right foot.

He wants to play on the right. IMO he could do more damage cutting in from the left, but as we know he isn't always the most confident lad and I think that stops him sometimes from using the option of going outside the defenders more often to keep them honest. He has hit some great balls in with his left when he is on song.

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Oh and Derek, watch the game next time Taylor plays for us - yes he tries things that sometimes don't come off, but try plying your trade with 3 people trying to stop you every step of the way, thats what young Chris has had to deal with this season, 2 or 3 opposition players surrounding him, but yeah, they'd do that to a rubbish player wouldn't they?? Beggers belief sometimes our 'fans' do......


I do watch him SS and that's the crux of the problem.


OK, I will be honest, I perhaps over egg my pudding a little when it comes to being critical of Taylor, but I think it is a natural reaction after reading all the stuff typed about him on here.


All this 'he is still a kid' 'he is playing on the left not the right' garbage really gets up my wick


The 'kid' has over 100 first team appearances under his belt. Hardly a novice.


Everyone's favourite 'play him on the right' rubbish


OK, he is playing out of position, but the same rules apply I would think. What works on the right, will work on the left do we not all think? Why not try it then Chris?


Why sit twenty yards further back on the left than you would on the right? Why let all your defenders (fan type) reel off untruths about teams doubling up on you when the truth is in fact, that if you moved just ten or fifteen yards further forward as play developed, the second man (that being the oppo right midfielder) would be left trailing in your wake leaving you one on one with the full back.


It isn't like we are asking a binman to perform open heart surgery here, we are asking a footballer to play football in probably not his favourite position. Apologies to all binmen that have tried to perform open heart surgery - it can't have been as bad as Chris 'I will gaze at my boots' Taylors efforts on the left.


I'm not sorry about venting my spleen continually about him, but it sickens me to see all the defending of his very ordinariness (at very best) just because he is an Oldham fan - so very many of you think he is some sort of ginger demi god.


He isn't anything of the sort, he was a promising kid that like so many before him looks destined for lesser things in my opinion.


500k minimum? You are all having a laugh. His whole career transfer moves wouldn't tally up to that if he had more clubs than Windass.


As for the Wellens for Taylor swap rumour. Every single day of the week I would take it. Absolutely every single day.





Edited by philliggi
Edit foul language
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I do watch him SS and that's the crux of the problem.


OK, I will be honest, I perhaps over egg my pudding a little when it comes to being critical of Taylor, but I think it is a natural reaction after reading all the stuff typed about him on here.


All this 'he is still a kid' 'he is playing on the left not the right' garbage really gets up my wick


The 'kid' has over 100 first team appearances under his belt. Hardly a novice.


Everyone's favourite 'play him on the right' rubbish


OK, he is playing out of position, but the same rules apply I would think. What works on the right, will work on the left do we not all think? Why not try it then Chris?


Why sit twenty yards further back on the left than you would on the right? Why let all your defenders (fan type) reel off untruths about teams doubling up on you when the truth is in fact, that if you moved just ten or fifteen yards further forward as play developed, the second man (that being the oppo right midfielder) would be left trailing in your wake leaving you one on one with the full back.


It isn't like we are asking a binman to perform open heart surgery here, we are asking a footballer to play football in probably not his favourite position. Apologies to all binmen that have tried to perform open heart surgery - it can't have been as bad as Chris 'I will gaze at my boots' Taylors efforts on the left.


I'm not sorry about venting my spleen continually about him, but it sickens me to see all the defending of his very ordinariness (at very best) just because he is an Oldham fan - so very many of you think he is some sort of ginger demi god.


He isn't anything of the sort, he was a promising kid that like so many before him looks destined for lesser things in my opinion.


500k minimum? You are all having a laugh. His whole career transfer moves wouldn't tally up to that if he had more clubs than Windass.


As for the Wellens for Taylor swap rumour. Every single day of the week I would take it. Absolutely every single day.






I think Taylor is a good player, and really want him to stay, but have to agree with Derek, Wellens and 200K and some of the other rubbish thats spouted on here is a bit ridiculous. Id swap Taylor for Wellens if Wellens had to play on one leg!!

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OK, I will be honest, I perhaps over egg my pudding a little when it comes to being critical of Taylor, but I think it is a natural reaction after reading all the stuff typed about him on here.


(An admittance that your criticism is not wholly based on Taylor's performances but on fans having a differing opinion to your own).


OK, he is playing out of position, but the same rules apply I would think. What works on the right, will work on the left do we not all think? Why not try it then Chris?


(Absolute garbage, very few players are equally comfortable on either foot).

Why sit twenty yards further back on the left than you would on the right? Why let all your defenders (fan type) reel off untruths about teams doubling up on you when the truth is in fact, that if you moved just ten or fifteen yards further forward as play developed, the second man (that being the oppo right midfielder) would be left trailing in your wake leaving you one on one with the full back.


(The same argument will still apply because that right sided midfield will still move across and play deeper on Taylor because the opposition manager will have instructed them pre-kick off).

I'm not sorry about venting my spleen continually about him, but it sickens me to see all the defending of his very ordinariness (at very best) just because he is an Oldham fan - so very many of you think he is some sort of ginger demi god.





Derek - if you feel the need to vent your spleen about a good player (note GOOD, not VERY GOOD, not BRILLIANT), I dread to think about your reactions to players at Oldham who week in/week out offer nothing.



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