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jenson buttton wins f 1 world championship

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I'm genuinely pleased for Jenson and all that, it's a well deserved title for one of the best and most consistent drivers out there ...


But please forgive me if I now go and hide for a few weeks while all the jingoistic morons take time out from f*cking their sisters to claim lifelong support and celebrate the mighty Button and his awesome victory over Johnny Foreigner even though the first time they'd ever heard of F1 was last year when that nice coloured lad won it and they didn't realise there was another English chap involved until last week.

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Happy for Ross Brawn...


Could not give a stuff about Jenson... First decent drive of the season in my opinion... His other six wins all came from having a car FAR FAR better than the rest of the field (the amount of times he gets on the radio and crys about x,y and z which the team can do nothing about really bores me)... Half the driver Hamilton / Alonso is and it will show next season I think when we have better drivers in better cars...


Happy the title is still in the hands of a brit but lets not fool ourselves regarding Jenson...

Edited by oafc0000
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Happy for Ross Brawn...


Could not give a stuff about Jenson... First decent drive of the season in my opinion... His other six wins all came from having a car FAR FAR better than the rest of the field (the amount of times he gets on the radio and crys about x,y and z which the team can do nothing about really bores me)... Half the driver Hamilton / Alonso is and it will show next season I think when we have better drivers in better cars...


Happy the title is still in the hands of a brit but lets not fool ourselves regarding Jenson...



I have to agree. If the car is perfect then Button is fantastic as his driving is absolutely textbook, the second the car was a little off the pace, Barichello took him to pieces. Hamilton didn't have a great car this season but he was still competetive. With Hamilton, Alonso and Raikonnen you always feel even if they don't have a good car they can find some pace from somewhere and challenge, with Button the car has to be right. That's not to say his driving today wasn't superb though.

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I think F1 is up there with the boat race as the sporting none event of the year.

Yesterday's race was F1 back to its best. Jenson drove a superb race, and there were plenty of other passes and incidents going on, just as it was last year in Brazil. The thing is, the Sao Paulo track is a proper racing circuit, which is something F1 is short of.

Montreal is another decent track, but other than that the circuits just aren't conducive to good high speed racing. The FIA have ruined the sport by taking it to countries who are more interested in the spectacle than the race, and the new circuits are poorly designed, narrow and flat.

I was lucky enough to be at the last Hockenheim Grand Prix before they shortened the forest section of the circuit, and it was a real racing track, like the Paul Ricard, Nevers and Brands Hatch, but Ecclestone and co would rather see the conga that is Monaco than put on a real race.

It's unfair to say Button had a better car, because he has shown himself to be a very good late-braker, and a driver who is not afraid to put his tyres off the driving line, but I'd like to see technology stripped from the cars, the circuits widened and racing returning to how it was when I was first drawn to F1 in the early seventies - then there would be no doubting drivers ability.

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Yesterday's race was F1 back to its best. Jenson drove a superb race, and there were plenty of other passes and incidents going on, just as it was last year in Brazil. The thing is, the Sao Paulo track is a proper racing circuit, which is something F1 is short of.

Montreal is another decent track, but other than that the circuits just aren't conducive to good high speed racing. The FIA have ruined the sport by taking it to countries who are more interested in the spectacle than the race, and the new circuits are poorly designed, narrow and flat.

I was lucky enough to be at the last Hockenheim Grand Prix before they shortened the forest section of the circuit, and it was a real racing track, like the Paul Ricard, Nevers and Brands Hatch, but Ecclestone and co would rather see the conga that is Monaco than put on a real race.

It's unfair to say Button had a better car, because he has shown himself to be a very good late-braker, and a driver who is not afraid to put his tyres off the driving line, but I'd like to see technology stripped from the cars, the circuits widened and racing returning to how it was when I was first drawn to F1 in the early seventies - then there would be no doubting drivers ability.


It was thoroughly enjoyable yesterday, that first lap alone was better than about 5 of the this year's races put together in terms of interest and excitement. The sport needs more of that.


Those who say that Button only won because of the car miss the point of the sport, a bit like saying that Mike Tyson only won because he was the most aggressive or that England only qualified for next year's world cup is because we had a better manager than the others.


It is a team sport, the team provide the car and the driver drives it. Brawn provided a much better car than anyone else's at the start of the season, what was Button supposed to do, give everyone else a 2 lap start to even it up? He won those 6 races before the others caught up but they had all had the specifications and a winter to get their cars ready for Australia, not Brawn's lookout that the other teams hadn't done a good enough job.


Button did have a wobble in the mid season, sportsperson in choking shocker! It is part of sport, fair play to the lad for coming through it and winning with a race to spare - some of the moves he pulled off yesterday were real brown trouser times, one false move by either him or the other driver and it would have gone to the wire.


Force India's and Toyota's cars have been up and down, clearly designed to work better at certain circuits, just like the Brawns, in recent years the McLaren and Ferrari have performed well at pretty much every track which is a testament to how good those teams are. Hopefully next season all the cars are much closer but this will result in the World Champion only winning about 4 races but picking up points along the way and people criticising as they "only won a couple of races".



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I wouldn't really class it as a sport, more of a pastime. Up there with shove ha'penny, apple bobbing, snooker and competitive gurning.


Really? I think any sport that requires athletes to be super fit, which F1 are and have to be, should be classed as sport. Not to mention the skills required to drive an F1 car at high speed!

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Really? I think any sport that requires athletes to be super fit, which F1 are and have to be, should be classed as sport. Not to mention the skills required to drive an F1 car at high speed!

OK, lets compare the physique of Nigel Mansell when he made a comeback to that of a top class pole dancer. I think I know who is in better shape. And whose event is more entertaining to watch.

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OK, lets compare the physique of Nigel Mansell when he made a comeback to that of a top class pole dancer. I think I know who is in better shape. And whose event is more entertaining to watch.

Hmmm, some key words there methinks. Being as when he made a comeback he did little more than prove beyond all doubt that he was nowhere near fit enough to be an F1 driver anymore.



That said, if we're comparing physiques, I'll happily concentrate on the pole dancers, ta. :grin:

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