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most haunted live..crap or for real?

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been watching it all this week-its based in lancaster.

now i WANT to believe that paranormal activities can happen,but watching this program -especially last night!-makes me think "what a load of crap!"

its gripping, over the top and funny too-not in the way they'd want you to laugh though..its as corny as the jolly green giants wedding tackle!


last night they had 2 or 3 fainting in this room full of sailors in a old pub,who " used to be on the slave ships ",along with some witches (lancaster was one of the places where they were tried and burnt/hanged...the pendle witches ended up there... allegedly!



its the last one tonight,so if you fancy a giggle and watch grown men cry because "something just touched me!",catch it on living tv..9pm its supposed to be recorded live too



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Wiki linky for Derek Acorah


Acorah's credibility has been questioned following his work on Most Haunted. On numerous investigations for the programme, Acorah would appear to become possessed by spirits or an evil entity or would appear lost and confused. On one such occasion, Acorah claimed to be possessed by the spirit of a man called Kreed Kafer. In a later interview the programme's parapsychologist, Ciaran O' Keeffe claimed that the character was completely fictional. O' Keeffe claims that he fabricated the "Kreed Kafer" character (an anagram of "Derek faker"), and misfed the information to Acorah who subsequently presented it as fact. In a separate interview, the show's presenter and executive producer Yvette Fielding said that she believes it was a "fake possession".


Draw your own conclusion.


Mine is "this man is a fake and this show is a load of tosh".

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I do believe some aspects of the paranormal are possible, in the context that they may take the form of human abilities that we haven't mastered yet. Abilities that might question our understanding of conventional physics.


However, Most Haunted is a huge steaming pile of made up crap for the consumption of naive and stupid people, and Derek Acorah is a great big screaming fraud.



Edited to add: Of course that doesn't mean to say I'm not afraid of the dark and wouldn't jump a mile and react like a hysterical 3 year old if something "creepy" touched me... :unsure:



P.S. Sorry creepy, no offence... :lol:




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i'm very much a "i'm willing to believe,but prove it!" type.

one night this week,they were on a ouiji board in the main hall in front of the audience...the usual crap endures with some added drama, but suddenly 3 members of the audience are outside puking up!

now i know hysteria can breed fainting, puking etc, but if it was fake,it was a bit of an extreme social experiment imo.


that scouser was as dodgy as a £3.59 note...a drama queen!


edit...watch the webcams from 8pm here..see if something "happens"!!! :sign0068::goggle::dead:



Edited by johnny punkster
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It's a pantomime. And I think Fielding knows it. However, I watched a bit last night and Ross claimed that from the previous nights "investigations" they had got their hands on scientific evidence. He didn't tell the casual viewer what the evidence was or what circumstances the experiments were taken. Absolute bollocks from one end to the other.


I also witnessed Fielding's husband(?) Karl Beattie being taken ill. For pete's sake, it always happens to him - and more so - it always happens to him when there is neither sound of video recording equipment in the vicinity. What a charlatan this chap is, he'll fib and act his way into making a scene, whipping all the gullible others into such a state so that all it takes is a slight breeze through a window or a floorboard creak to set the lot off in a massive hysteric chain reaction. It's funny.


It was funnier with Acorah though.


"Sam, are you telling me it's not of this werrrrrlld?"




There are no such things as ghosts, goblins, witches, spirits, entities, daemons, ghouls, poltergeists, or tooth faeries. All mediums, spiritual healers, so-called witches, palmists, tarot card readers and the like are lying, and are taking your money for nothing more than their own profit - and all you are getting back in return is a sideshow.





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Y'know all this "webcam activity" that the viewers are emailing/txting in about? Why can't we review these sightings instead of listening to that bald bloke with the amazing ears reciting all this crap?


cause its all cods wallop!

i watched about 10 mins of it and its just dull(how the hell security officers who watch these screens all day cope i never know!).

i'm pretty sure after 30mins your boredom will hit an all time low and you start imagining these ghosts...or many a heavy dose of acid may help?


every night they mention this and that has just been seen,but never replay them,even when they mention a time.

i thought the whole point was to try to prove this paranormal activity exists, so they would put on examples to help with their findings and theories.

nothing gets shown,so i'm discounting it as crap but entertaining(in the wrong sense!) tv.


having said all this,i'm still of the thinking there are some theories of paranormal activity that exists.i can't throw myself fully into the sceptic brigade because some things can make sense.


shall we make a visit to "the most haunted pubs " of norwich next month? B)



Location: Norwich (Norfolk) - Adam and Eve public house

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: 1549 onwards

Further Comments: Dying at the inn in 1549, Lord Sheffield (now nicknamed Sam) now makes the odd appearance in the building. Sometimes staff report the feeling of someone running fingers through their hair, even though no one else is nearby. In 2006 one man reported seeing a ghostly hand holding a head while sitting in the pub's car park.



Location: Norwich (Norfolk) - Coachmaker's Arms public house

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: Late twentieth century

Further Comments: This phantom figure (who looks similar to Dick Turpin) stands at the end of the bar, and has been mistaken for a paying customer. A ghostly woman in black reportedly walks down the staircase, while bottles and glasses fall from the shelves without just cause.



Location: Norwich (Norfolk) - The Bridge House public house, Riverside Road

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: Twentieth century

Further Comments: Constructed over 16th century holding cells, the screams are assumed to be those of terrified prisoners.


Location: Norwich (Norfolk) - Wild Man public house

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: Late twentieth century?

Further Comments: A former staff member claimed to have seen a young boy run across the bar area and disappear up the staircase, though no trace of him could be found. He is thought to have died in the cellar in a fire, where heavy barrels are now heard moving across the floor late at night.


the last one,the wild man pub was the first pub we went to last month-real ales too!




In Oldham, the Old Original pub is situated in Scouthead. The ghost on the premises is a woman who met an untimely death at the hands of another. She was killed, being thrown down a well associated with the pub. Witnesses have spotted her image, wandering about the premises, probably looking for her murderer.


Location: Oldham (Lancashire) - Radclyffe Arms public house

Type: Haunting Manifestation

Date / Time: Twentieth century

Further Comments: Thought to be a man who took his life in the cellar, this lonely chap has been seen sitting in the bar, milking a glass of beer.




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i was gutted when i found out it was fake but a couple of years ago most haunted was LIVINING TVS best programme, I watched every episode, But derek acorah was found out to be lying about a ghost he was making contact with, the production team knew something wasn't right with derek (how he got the information on the locations ) so they made up a ghost and said his name in way derek acorah could hear and when it was time to do the investigation of the haunted place derek said the ghosts name, they sacked him after he did 1 more most haunted live when they told the viewers he was leaving to do his own show, its on youtube type in most haunted fake.

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well last night, of what i saw of it (kept nodding off, such was the boredom) wasn't exactly the grand finale i think they were hoping for...in fact it was probably the worst of the week.

those "experiments" or crankpot stunts just got dafter and definitely proved zero for the viewer...unless you were one of those ultra gullible types the show seems to have as a religious follower.

for example:

they tried to to an ouiji board, but instead of "using their energies" by touching the glass, they had cooper wiring attached to the glass,which they were pressing down instead.thus, trying to prove no one was pushing the glass..ok,fair enough..


feck all happened!!!! it was so funny ! "but it happened in last tests..we have video footage!" well dig it out then!!!!!!!!!!


so,after that failure, they decided to do another without the copper wire glass...surprise surprise..nothing happened!!!!

so in order to clean up their failure, they "couldn't contact the spirits" in there anyway!

utter crap.


my conclusion.

im very sure paranormal activity is around.its just not as easily accessible as these clowns on this program seem to think.its managed to snare a very loyal following and convince them of the crazy theories they come out with,with added drama to give it some edge.its total bollocks.


side note...that historian that was on,though he was probably the only sane person on that program.. (he delivered actual historical facts about the places they visited and IMO the most interesting part of the show-i love history!) ...wasn't he some weird creepy chap? :lol:

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been watching it all this week-its based in lancaster.

now i WANT to believe that paranormal activities can happen,but watching this program -especially last night!-makes me think "what a load of crap!"

its gripping, over the top and funny too-not in the way they'd want you to laugh though..its as corny as the jolly green giants wedding tackle!


last night they had 2 or 3 fainting in this room full of sailors in a old pub,who " used to be on the slave ships ",along with some witches (lancaster was one of the places where they were tried and burnt/hanged...the pendle witches ended up there... allegedly!



its the last one tonight,so if you fancy a giggle and watch grown men cry because "something just touched me!",catch it on living tv..9pm its supposed to be recorded live too


Lol was talking about this on Saturday. My brother was in Manchester one day a few years back when he bumped into a load of film crew on St Peter's St. He asked the guy what was going on and was told that Most Haunted were filming in Branagans (I think it was rated as their top haunting. The show about the JW Lees was also in the top ten). He asked the bloke was it supposed to be real and the bloke said "naa complete bollocks mate, half the stuff is being filmed in a warehouse in Rusholme".

Edited by jimsleftfoot
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My mate's sister worked on one of those shows for a few years (despite having an audience of 6 people and a goldfish in the UK, it was for one reason or another sold to half the world) and I can confirm that it was indeed a right load of old :censored:e. They would do things like trying to get in touch with a particular person by going to an old houise, on the basis that he had also lived in an old house.

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Most haunted is one of my favourite programmes on TV... you may laugh, but it is true. Utterly addicted to it, sometimes it is brilliant, sometimes it is terrible, sometimes it is (a very little bit) frightening... however, the fact that ghosts are involved are pretty inconsequential, the brilliance of the show is that they realise the strength of an ensemble cast, play on that and dont take it too seriously... of course evryone knows it is tosh - I dont think anyone really claims otherwise, and when someone takes it too seriously (Acorah) they get kicked off, which is what Ciaran did to the scouse wonder and super-sam. Every now and again something happens that are genuinely freaky, however 99% of it is them all trying to keep a straight face as they say the ridiculous and try to claim the wind is ghost noises...


However... it is redeemed by episodes such as when they went on the Queen Mary, The Brannigans episode mentioned above, and the Pendle Hill live episode. Staged or not, occasionally they get it exactly right - and that is priceless TV.


The only bad thing about it now is that Richard 'Legend' Felix is no longer on it... and the fact they keep trying to do more and more stupid things on the live shows. 8 nights it just rubbish. Just stick to the basics, shove them in some abandoned ruins on the moors, and watch them scream lots... the 'ghosts' are almost inconsequential, the 'cast' is why it har run for 10 series' and Y-Vet is a multi, multi millionare..... fair play to em.

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I was in two minds about whether any kind of paranormal activity was true until i did a module at uni called paranormal psychology. The lecturer was quality, he certainly made sense about it being untrue he said something like the burden of proof is on the accused not the skeptic. I remember him saying how researchers are making resonable requests to these people like psychics and whoever else to allow themselves to be tested and studied to see if they are in touch with the spirit world, with the vast majority obviously declining knowing they'll be found out for the frauds they are. He did mention one notable person did go for testing (Uri Gellar) and it was said he was constantly shifty and asked for time alone when asked to perform his spoon trick and tried to conceal his hands when doing it. What else made it interesting was that without fail every week there was some 40+ year old woman who was a very firm believer in all this tosh and it made for some funny confrontations between her and the lecturer (i think once a debate of theirs lasted a full hour long lecture without us being taught). Also liked how he showed some of the methods palm readers used to tell you stuff (like cold reading).

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The lecturer was quality, he certainly made sense about it being untrue he said something like the burden of proof is on the accused not the skeptic. I remember him saying how researchers are making resonable requests to these people like psychics and whoever else to allow themselves to be tested and studied to see if they are in touch with the spirit world, with the vast majority obviously declining knowing they'll be found out for the frauds they are.


James Randi and JREF (James Randi Educational Foundation) have been calling these crooks out for years - dangling $1m to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.






It's Carl Sagan Day tomorrow too.

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At a time in the not to distant past i was willing to pay a assassin to take out Akorah, the guy is faker than Jordans tits and deserves a slap!


Im a firm believer that its all bollox, and if you want to believe then thats upto you, but in my 32 years i have never come across anything in the slightest paranormal, unless you class Leeslover getting a drink in as paranormal???


"But a plate flew across the living room!!!"


1) Why the f*ck do you have plates in your living room?

B) Why do all ghosts choose crockery rather than a fluffy cushion?

3) If there are so many different types of ghosts where are the maid ghosts? They would clean the house rather than mess that :censored: up!

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