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New Keeper - Darryl Flahavan

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Quite right- at the moment Brill's place is pretty assured (DP won't play Josh). The introduction of a new 'keeper could well be what we need. Really pleased with this signing (and that of Hills).

I think it might have the opposite effect - Brill seems like a confidence player and being dropped will probably knock his confidence even further. I'm glad Flahavan's going straight into the side though,we shouldn't guarantee Brill his place when he's constantly making soft mistakes to make him feel better about himself.

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If Brill isn't big enough to pick himself up after this then he should be out. 'confidence player' is just an excuse for behaving like a big tart. DP can't mother him for the rest of the season. he needs to work hard and concentrate on where he is going wrong. Collett should take a long hard look at himself also.


A lot of people on here criticised Crossley, what I'd give for a keeper that consistant now

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If Brill isn't big enough to pick himself up after this then he should be out. 'confidence player' is just an excuse for behaving like a big tart. DP can't mother him for the rest of the season. he needs to work hard and concentrate on where he is going wrong. Collett should take a long hard look at himself also.


A lot of people on here criticised Crossley, what I'd give for a keeper that consistant now



For me Collett is a waste of a wage for a club like ours. For what i have seen this season; all he appears to do with Brill on a match-day is kick balls at him to fumble during half time. God knows what he's up to with him through the week?

As soon as the farce free-kick went in Vs Swindon; Collett should have been working all the hours under the sun with Mr (Not So) Brill on his setting up of & subsequent positing of a wall, and his positioning in his goal behind the wall.......


IMO it's not rocket science to get the youth team lads to form a wall and have Whitts, Sheehan or whoever fire in free-kick after free-kick for Brill to get used to different angles, pace & dip. Vary the taking position, vary the number of 'opposition players' (more of our youth lads!) in amongst the wall, vary the number of takers stood over the ball & make him work hard on an obvious problem area of his game. It has 2 major benefits; Brill gets correct coaching & practice at Free-kicks to improve his game & our own free-kick taker get a chance to work on set-piece routines that can be implements on a match day.


This would appear to either (a) not happened or it did; but Brill hasn't taken it on board - as we've then gone onto ship free-kicks from exactly the same type of taking positions Vs Hartlepool / Southampton (+ one that hit the bar) & Huddersfield........


Brill has some real technical issues in his game, ones that have cost us this season; and ones that will cost him his place on the footballing ladder if they're not acted on & coached out of him. If Collett hasn't made any improvements in Brill's game by now (4 months+ of training with him daily) then I’d question the merit of his place on the coaching staff as I have that of Dean rill's place in our team.



Welcome to BP Darryl by the way. Catch the ball, come for crosses & set up free-kicks properly & you'll do for me!! :wink:

Edited by slystallone
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For me Collett is a waste of a wage for a club like ours. For what i have seen this season; all he appears to do with Brill on a match-day is kick balls at him to fumble during half time. God knows what he's up to with him through the week?



but in the words of an ex manager


" you cant make chicken soup out of chicken :censored: "

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