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When did football get so serious?

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The ridiculous money involved for everyone is to blame - £20 to watch Oldham is ridiculous. I don't blame the owners for that mind, it is just the way it is in England. Everything has to be so cut-throat these days - you can be a Championship who flirts with the Premier League (called for example "Badford"), but you take your eye off the ball, over-pay on wages and suddenly find yourself in League 2 with shed loads of debt or administration.


All it takes is one or two years standing still and some jumped up non-league side will pull its act together, get an ambitious manager and overtake down the outside...


Plus I lose track of who plays for us these days. There is no way the current players are as bad as Hotte and Garnett were, but I have nowhere near the affection for them that I had for Ritchie's band of ragtag waifs and strays. It used to be exciting to see a kid like Tipton or Innes show flashes of potential and make you think of what a career he could have. Sadly though, theirs have matched Latics for wankness in recent years!

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You mean when David Mellor stopped doing it?


Gotta be when Danny Baker and Danny Kelly stopped their TalkSport (or was it Talk Radio?) show. Now that was football when it was fun.


Now? Take your pick and in no particular order...


High turnover of players

More loanees than homegrown players

Stuck in this division since Adam was a lad

Lowest crowds since er Adam was...

3 sided sh1t hole with no decent bar to hide in


The fans have become 'important' and know too much

Fanfare for the common man

That period a few years back where we rolled out (the same) old player after old player at half time. Something was lost after that.


No away team player to look forward to seeing

No home team player to look forward to seeing

No personalities a la tricky Ricky, Andy Rhodes, Stitch etc

No real link or bond between the fans and the players

False dawn

False dawn

False dawn


The internet

The death of football songs and chants (I swear I heard "Come on Oldham" v Brighton)

The scoreboard not prompting the above

The reading out of the half time scores used to be a religion


I could go on but there's a match going on and Rooney's just notched...




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I was talking to my dad the other week about the days when the local butcher would own the local club and players would be in the pub with the fans after the game. Lookin at footage from them days, yeah the quality of football maybe wasn't as good as todays (top flight level before people comment on BP these days) but damn it looked like as a fan not only the club cared for your support, but the players were like one of your mates.


The day football was turned into a huge a business, and money men saw they could make more money from it, thats when football died and slowly started to die the death it is doing.

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I remember going to the football, enjoying it and coming home and waiting eagerly for the next match, even if we lost. That's it. And this wasn't all that long ago either.


Now it's all about Trusts, roles within the club, income streams (I hate that term), development, planning, chief executives, and marketing. It's like a who's who of bull:censored: bingo.


Football has never been so dull and unimaginative.


When we sealed promotion in 1991, I remember a bloke I used to work with saying "promotion will be the end of Latics". At the time I thought he was full of, er, it.


Now I would never swap the 3 years in the top flight for anything BUT was he right?


Personally, like others, I think the FA, the Greedy League and Sky was the the end of the fun.

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