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Trouble on Sheepfoot Lane

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Actually it did end up in fisticuffs. A group of about 10-15 Liverpool fans had been having a bit of banter with the Latics fans knocking about. A few stragglers at the back took exception to the banter that was given back to them, despite the attempts of the stewards to separate the groups a number of punches were thrown. The Police were finally called down from near the hospital wall but it was all over by the time they "sprinted" down to sort it out.

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At the end of the game. (I left when most were still celebrating) SomeLiverpool fans opened the gates between the two sides of the RRE and started giving it the big un.


They seemed surprised that there was only me, an old man and a steward on the concourse. The riot police ran up and stopped them getting through quickly enough. But I don't think they were really that interested in coming into our end - considering when they opened the gate there was absolutely nothing there to stop them coming through and they didn't.

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Walking up Sheepfoot Lane after the game there was a bit of dancing between two sets of opposing fans, with a bottle thrown by the Liverpool fans which missed my head by a whisker. Couple of policemen were desperately trying to keep the two sides apart and had camcorders. Back up police arrived and both sets of fans got corralled off in different directions. I ended up being stuck in a group of Oldham fans that the police thought were Scousers, but police ended realising we were local and let us through on to Rochdale Road near Old Grey Mare...next thing a big group of Oldham hooligans ran at us from the direction of the petrol station, screaming at us also thinking we were Scousers...my arse went to be honest (can do without my losing my job and my life being :censored:ed because of a silly fight at football these days) and I managed to dive in to safety of the Grey Mare.

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Walking up Sheepfoot Lane after the game there was a bit of dancing between two sets of opposing fans, with a bottle thrown by the Liverpool fans which missed my head by a whisker. Couple of policemen were desperately trying to keep the two sides apart and had camcorders. Back up police arrived and both sets of fans got corralled off in different directions. I ended up being stuck in a group of Oldham fans that the police thought were Scousers, but police ended realising we were local and let us through on to Rochdale Road near Old Grey Mare...next thing a big group of Oldham hooligans ran at us from the direction of the petrol station, screaming at us also thinking we were Scousers...my arse went to be honest (can do without my losing my job and my life being :censored:ed because of a silly fight at football these days) and I managed to dive in to safety of the Grey Mare.

It's absolutely moronic isn't it. Still fascinated by it for some strange reason.

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a friend of mine and his liverpool supporting friend were set upon by scousers, oh the irony. they tried to steal his hat.. no word of a lie.


Now you've got me thinking! I took mine off and gave it to Underdog.....its gone missing, typical scousers- best cancel my bank card in case they've skimmed that too!


PS* I already get accused of stereotyping, live with it.

Edited by tangerinedreams
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