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Everton to get whole of Rochdale Road End?

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if I need to explain it then I guess you think it's ok to do what they did!

First of all it's illegal, lack of self restraint...kids you could kinda understand but there were middle aged men on there!

I was full of sheer jubilation but never once thought of running onto the pitch!


But that in now way means 1,600 fewer Latics should attend the Everton game.


And 1,600 extra away fans makes it safer?



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im furious" the club- and the fans! have to fight this- the game will be hard enough! it would be like giving everton, a goal start with the backing of 4,600 in the rochdale end! for god sake, ITS ARE HOME GAME... lets put are own supporters first... tell them to stick it! g.m.p. are f------g muppets!

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Debbie Abrahams (MP for Oldham East and Saddleworth) is also on twitter @Debbie_Abrahams

As is Michael Meacher (MP for Oldham West and Royton)



Think they could do with a few tweets especially from their constituents.

More twitter identities @GMPRoytonShaw


@GMPSaddleworth (also covers Lees)


tweeted all 5.

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I won't be going if they get the entire RRE. The club have come out and said after Liverpool in all the articles about getting the buzz back into the club. Denying as many latics fans as possible just kills that buzz. I hope someone at the club prints off the Gmp twitter account quotes from the game and asks them to explain the minimal trouble tweets. tell them to :censored: off corney.

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im furious" the club- and the fans! have to fight this- the game will be hard enough! it would be like giving everton, a goal start with the backing of 4,600 in the rochdale end! for god sake, ITS ARE HOME GAME... lets put are own supporters first... tell them to stick it! g.m.p. are f------g muppets!


United give a smaller :censored:ing allocation than that to the away fans that go there for league matches and their stadium is 65,000 seats bigger!!!


That just demonstrates the lunacy!

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Give them the small section and have done with it, dont let them bully Latics into giving them 4,600 tickets its not fair and I think like other posters have said more EFC fans the more trouble there *could* be!


Just rozzers trying to throw their weight about on this I think.


Hopefully Corney will tell them to go and get stuffed.



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Whilst it is annoying that GMP have had to put their two penneth in, its about time something was done to sort out the 'chav' problem in the rre. There is a minority of little cherubs who have seen football factory one to many times and think its all a laugh. I hope we dont give everton the whole of the rre as it will give them more atmosphere, but this isnt the first time we have heard about issues in that end of the ground. This also again opens up the debate about where the home fans should be and I really hope that next season the chaddy is the away end and the rre is the home end. The rre has better sound, a an unbloked view, better facilities etc.. It will also end the issue of how many tickets we give to away fans as every team will get the same


As much as I hate sitting in the RRE (a dwarf would struggle for legroom in there) full agree with this. Can't ever remember the 'chav' problems to the extent we have now when the home and away fans didn't share a stand.


As for the rest, agreed. it's Oldham's home game. The club have already made far more than they anticipated from the cup run. in the long term, I would say give everton the small bit.


Sticking up for fans at the expense of a slight reduction of potential gate receipts for the game could be better for the club long term if they want to put a buzz back in the place and move on from the attitude of :censored:ting on their own fans which, let be honest here, the club have been guilty of a few times.

Edited by Lookers_Carl
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Does the size of allocation for Everton have cost implications for Latics? Do the policing costs change?


I'm sure GMP would say they needed to provide more police, and the club should provide more stewards, if Latics don't accept their 'advice'.


"@GMPRoytonShaw: Royton – Arrests following yesterday’s football match. However, it passed largely trouble free"


Interesting tweet, needs re-tweeting and also tweeting to others!!


The OS article states "GMP have advised the club that in light of instances of public disorder against Liverpool, both inside and outside the ground and the pitch incursion at the end of the game."


It's advice, not an instruction.


How much 'public disorder' was there, as I didn't see any walking past the main stand and up Sheepfoot Lane after the match?


A pitch incursion? Yes, including people hugging, taking pictures, and crying! However, GMP don't understand Latics' history over the last few years.


I would:


Give Everton the small section of the RRE, and block the first 300 or so seats in the larger section - which has been done before; OR


Give Everton the whole of the Chaddy End and keep them in the ground for 10 to 15 minutes at the end of the match; OR


Leave things as they are, stick another quid on the ticket prices if GMP increase their charges, and tell them to f*** ***

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If they have to get one end why not the Chaddy end? How does giving them one end stop the pitch invasion? How many people have the police charged as a result of our, Oldham fans, attacking Liverpool fans? I would suggest that we have a much better relationship with Everton supporters. Was there any trouble when we visited them and shared a stand? Why not give Everton the smaller section of the RRE as that would reduce their numbers and make policing easier?


This will change the whole dynamics in the ground against Oldham.


Out of Order - they should get the same as Liverpool - end of.

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I wouldn't worry too much.

It's just a recommendation so it's obvious that they'll suggest the safest possible action that would reduce the risk of any trouble.

Therefore, if ANY issue happens after the game or during it - they are not liable.

They are probably looking at the time of the kick-off and will know that plenty of fans will be rat arsed.

Of course, it is highly unlikely any problems will occur with a mixed RRE - but that's not the point to them. They will say it's their duty to advise the 'safest option' and it would also mean fewer resources are needed at the game.

Of course it's in their own interests, and prob means Latics will have to pay more £ to get what they want.

That's disappointing, but it's business and I guess the police aren't thinking about supporting Latics when they are thinking about how their force is going to be spread about the region on the day.

But I'm sure we won't lose the full RRE.

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I'm sure GMP would say they needed to provide more police, and the club should provide more stewards, if Latics don't accept their 'advice'.




Interesting tweet, needs re-tweeting and also tweeting to others!!


The OS article states "GMP have advised the club that in light of instances of public disorder against Liverpool, both inside and outside the ground and the pitch incursion at the end of the game."


It's advice, not an instruction.


How much 'public disorder' was there, as I didn't see any walking past the main stand and up Sheepfoot Lane after the match?


A pitch incursion? Yes, including people hugging, taking pictures, and crying! However, GMP don't understand Latics' history over the last few years.


I would:


Give Everton the small section of the RRE, and block the first 300 or so seats in the larger section - which has been done before; OR


Give Everton the whole of the Chaddy End and keep them in the ground for 10 to 15 minutes at the end of the match; OR


Leave things as they are, stick another quid on the ticket prices if GMP increase their charges, and tell them to f*** ***

This. I was amazed after the Liverpool game that they just let the fans walk side by side into the car park. Absolutely no common sense at all
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giving everton the whole of the rre is a ridiculous idea! the club go on about how the fans were the "12th man" last sunday even the players were tweeting that the atmosphere gave them a buzz which got them pumped and made them want the win more? the acoustics in the chaddy are :censored:e there will be no atmosphere if we get put in there, everton will outsing us all game we are supposed to have the "home advantage" not everton! simon corney and barry owen need to stand up for the club and say NO to GMP

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Whilst it is annoying that GMP have had to put their two penneth in, its about time something was done to sort out the 'chav' problem in the rre. There is a minority of little cherubs who have seen football factory one to many times and think its all a laugh. I hope we dont give everton the whole of the rre as it will give them more atmosphere, but this isnt the first time we have heard about issues in that end of the ground. This also again opens up the debate about where the home fans should be and I really hope that next season the chaddy is the away end and the rre is the home end. The rre has better sound, a an unbloked view, better facilities etc.. It will also end the issue of how many tickets we give to away fans as every team will get the same

I'm sure the people in the front half of the RRE enjoyed getting soaked in the freezing rain last Sunday. I didn't even realise it was raining where I was sat in the Chaddy. I agree the view is better, and the accoustics, but not the protection from the elements, which would stop me attending matches at BP. I wouldn't be the only one, so why would the club want to lose even more supporters than they already have.

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I'm sure the people in the front half of the RRE enjoyed getting soaked in the freezing rain last Sunday. I didn't even realise it was raining where I was sat in the Chaddy. I agree the view is better, and the accoustics, but not the protection from the elements, which would stop me attending matches at BP. I wouldn't be the only one, so why would the club want to lose even more supporters than they already have.


Er, don't sit in the first few rows.

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Are people that silly to think GMP cannot police latics??? They police Utd, City, Wigan and Bolton all on a weekly basis and sometimes at the same time. It will all boil down to MONEY!!!


They would have said you can keep it the same as Liverpool but we'll need more bobbies so it'll cost you more or you can give EFC the whole of the end and keep it at the same price.


It's quite simple when you think about it

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