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Always interesting to read people goalkeeping assessments.


With a keeper if you have never played the position is very difficult to critic. If you've played outfield you have a general overview of each position and are able to comment from a good starting point.


If you have never played in goal as a keeper (not just the crap outfield player that went in for his mates) it is very difficult to comment. It is such a technical/specialist position that is hard to understand!

to be fair ox has had his critics on here but they also voted him mom against gillingham so I think most posters give their opinion as a balanced view, looks great at times but sometimes seems to get the basics wrong for me but thats one opinion of many I guess.

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Am far from an expert - but have played at a reasonable level of non-league football in goal - so here's my two pence worth...


Oxley has improved from the start of the season and is an excellent shot stopper. However like most goalkeepers he is more comfortable diving to one side than the other - in his case his right. Interestingly both his superb recent penalty saves have come that side - poor research by the takers possibly?


His handling is also better on this side - the fumble against Rotherham came (I think from memory? ) on his weaker side as he doesn't shift his weight as well moving to his left.


That said, all goalkeepers at present are struggling with the movement of current footballs - and Oxley as with many current keepers prefers to parry (and punch) for this reason.


Sometimes I do think this affects his positioning as he subtly shifts too far too the left - precisely because he is more comfortable diving to his right. Think the Baxter free kick (possibly) or some of the recent strikes from distance that have beaten him to his right hand side.


He must improve his communication - which is very difficult for a young gk - I felt the same watching the highly rated young lad at Sheffield United (Long) who barely spoke to his back 4. It is interesting that their improvement has come with a more experienced gk - not that I have seen enough of them to comment.


Our defenders are clearly unsure when dealing with balls into the box due to the lack of information Oxley gives. I think about the late winner at Brentford where Grounds was screaming at him on the floor in frustration. That speaks more loudly to me than LJ's subsequent defence.


The irony about his reluctance to leave his line is that his technique when attacking the high ball is pretty good as he often takes it at the highest point when coming into traffic and rarely fumbles. Unfortunately for his defence - he just hasn't done it enough - and this in turn had led to an uneasy relationship at times.


I sometimes feel his distribution is a little unfairly criticised, but he certainly could release it quicker at times. His kicking technique is solid though and as a big plus for his defenders he can release the ball from both feet which gives them a greater margin for error. He isn't a footballer though - as his warm up shows and he is never completely comfortable with the ball at his feet.


Rachubka is a typical veteran with a reasonable all round game but not the athleticism of a younger gk. His agility is still ok as he showed getting down to his left in the second half yesterday but he will not make saves with the range of Oxley.


He is also not particularly tall which may explain a reluctance to come for contested balls - that said I had a lot of sympathy with him yesterday as swirling conditions are a nightmare for a gk.


One area I did notice yesterday was his use of the drop kick which enabled JCH to contest more easily due to its flatter trajectory.


Finally he has experience and talks to his back 4. He may not be perfect, but I think he is better suited to our back 4 at present - and their views may have been central to LJ's decision.

Edited by whitey1980
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Spot on Whitey. I also played in goal to a reasonable level and, like Rachubka, was never the tallest. I only ever reached 5'11", which is a bit on the small side for a keeper, so you just can't come for every single ball that comes into the six yard box. Oxley, on the other hand, is about 6'3", so he is better equipped to get in amongst the bodies.


I haven't seen anywhere near as many games this season as some, but I have to say that, in the ones I have been to (about a dozen), Oxley always had me worried with balls into the box. Excellent shot stopper, but his parries aren't pushed wide enough for me. He has to get them away from the danger area. I also agree that he isn't vocal enough. He should be screaming at defenders, but rarely does.


I've only seen Rachubka once, at Crewe, and thought he looked very solid. When he made his mind up to come for a cross, he did it and also organised his defence well. I'm still not blaming him for Crewe's goal. The way the corner came in, it was fairly high and took quite a wide arc, so I honestly don't think he would have got there. Had he been about 6'4", he would have done.


It's all opinions, but I'd be happy with Rachubka next season, but with a younger, taller and more commanding keeper coming in (not on loan) to push him for the shirt. And take it if he deserves it.

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Spot on Whitey. I also played in goal to a reasonable level and, like Rachubka, was never the tallest. I only ever reached 5'11", which is a bit on the small side for a keeper, so you just can't come for every single ball that comes into the six yard box. Oxley, on the other hand, is about 6'3", so he is better equipped to get in amongst the bodies.


I haven't seen anywhere near as many games this season as some, but I have to say that, in the ones I have been to (about a dozen), Oxley always had me worried with balls into the box. Excellent shot stopper, but his parries aren't pushed wide enough for me. He has to get them away from the danger area. I also agree that he isn't vocal enough. He should be screaming at defenders, but rarely does.


I've only seen Rachubka once, at Crewe, and thought he looked very solid. When he made his mind up to come for a cross, he did it and also organised his defence well. I'm still not blaming him for Crewe's goal. The way the corner came in, it was fairly high and took quite a wide arc, so I honestly don't think he would have got there. Had he been about 6'4", he would have done.


It's all opinions, but I'd be happy with Rachubka next season, but with a younger, taller and more commanding keeper coming in (not on loan) to push him for the shirt. And take it if he deserves it.


Youth team keeper Coleman (6'ft 4") might be the one, he fits your description, albeit he has a rush of blood at times.

Edited by BP1960
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I agree Bristol, and think that would be a decent template for LJ to work from for next season.


I also agree about Oxley parrying the ball too centrally. He has to remove the ball from the danger area and doesn't on occasion.


The point made by yarddog about Lockwood's communication is also a good one that has been commented on in a number of threads.


In a game like yesterday he was very effective, I do worry about his limited distribution against the better sides however as I think we have really struggled to retain possession of late which has negatively affected the whole shape of the team.

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The job of a keeper isn't just saving shots, communication, organisation and stopping things before they develop.


Oxley creates so many chances because he does not command his area and take the pressure off by collecting crosses. Rachubka is seasoned pro who is comfortable coming for crosses and he speaks so much.


Ox is a good shot stopper but for me that is all.


How many times has Rachubka released pressure in the last few games taking a cross ox simply doesn't do it. Would like to see him play the season out and if it goes well get him signed for next season

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It's a joke of a comparison : Oxley is far better than Rachubka. Can't be arsed explaining why, but if you look back at a previous post by me on a similar thread, you will see my reasons...

For what little its worth in terms of raw materials I actually agree Lee.


I think the question is whether it is the right time for him to be playing now. My strong suspicion would be that the input from more experienced members of his back 4 is what has prompted the change from LJ.


Unfortunately despite the real progress he has made and potential he has - I think his back 4 have struggled at times due to his learning curve.


Just an opinion of course.....

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It's a joke of a comparison : Oxley is far better than Rachubka. Can't be arsed explaining why, but if you look back at a previous post by me on a similar thread, you will see my reasons...

It's hardly a joke, but opinions will always differ. Oxley will BECOME a very good keeper, but he's far from it at the moment. The lad has a lot to learn but, at 23, he's got a fair bit of time to do it. A goalkeeper generally peaks between 30 and 34, much later than an outfield player, so I would still go for Rachubka, mainly because he's more experienced, more vocal and more commanding. Just my opinion, of course.

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Not a goal keeper, not even played much football but somehow I don't worry when Rachubka plays. Oxley on the other hand is gaining experience at our expense and I don't feel comfortable with him there. I think whichever back four is picked feels the same.

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