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Little insight into the club (incl. Richard Eckersley news)

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Not sure where this would fit into the plethora of current threads, but just had a quick chat with Richard Eckersley. Few tidbits that might be interesting to those who are errr.. interested in these kind of things:


- He's still with the club, just getting over an ankle injury

- Players absolutely loved Dunn and were 100% with him

- ..but it became clear quite quickly that he was in over his head

- Intimated that Dunn didn't have the full backing of the board during his tenure

- Acknowledged that it was a vicious cycle of results/crowd/board pressure and that Dunn should've probably just been a player post-Kelly


Nice chap, overall.




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Guest nonaenever

Interesting and thank you. If you speak with him again just ask, "If they liked him so much, why on Earth did they not bust a gut for him then?"


Because, frankly, many players did not PERFORM as though they held him in great esteem - or if they claim they did then we are relegation certainties and they are just very poor players.

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.. and Dunn only loved 2 of them!

I think he was aware that what he was saying would be leaked.


Overall, the proof will be with Shez. If the perform halfway to their potential then things will be rosier.

And u t will highlight manager failings.


But, thank you for the insight. Appreciated.

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Eckersley was a Dunn boy wasn't he? perhaps some in other circles never mentioned what they thought, well in a honest way.


They all loved Kelly too, or so we are told.

Sounds that way. I think Eckersley is OK from what I've seen but him being signed, hardly played and extended is beyond bizarre.
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Eckersley was a Dunn boy wasn't he? perhaps some in other circles never mentioned what they thought, well in a honest way.


They all loved Kelly too, or so we are told.



.. and Dunn only loved 2 of them!

I think he was aware that what he was saying would be leaked.


Overall, the proof will be with Shez. If the perform halfway to their potential then things will be rosier.

And u t will highlight manager failings.


But, thank you for the insight. Appreciated.



Sounds that way. I think Eckersley is OK from what I've seen but him being signed, hardly played and extended is beyond bizarre.


Most people are alright. Most people get on.


How come you've decided Dunn must be an exception to this rule on the back of a player saying they all loved him?

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Understand the scepticism, but he seemed pretty open and genuine. Once I'd clocked it was him, he asked what I thought of the new manager etc. Intelligent lad, didn't give much away but that's reflected in the limited 5 bullet points above :OASISscarf:

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Interesting and thank you. If you speak with him again just ask, "If they liked him so much, why on Earth did they not bust a gut for him then?"


Because, frankly, many players did not PERFORM as though they held him in great esteem - or if they claim they did then we are relegation certainties and they are just very poor players.


Didn't ask at the time, but it was clear he thought the board hadn't supported Dunn (as appears in my original post). Maybe other players thought the same and their lack of conviction was towards the board and not towards Dunn at all?


Like my original post also says, vicious cycle and one it'll be tough to get out of for a while (hopefully sooner rather than later)


FWIW, I quite liked what little I've seen of Eckersley on the pitch. He's not first choice granted, but I'd have him in the squad :)

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Player says Dunn was well liked, some of you say "naah, he's just saying that, he must be a :censored:"

That's a big jump. I think everyone is saying nah, they've been :censored: on the pitch, they can't have "absolutely loved" him that much.
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And I aint saying that at all Harry, am saying people say things to strangers that isn't true.


I didn't have a good nor bad opinion of Dunn, so no axe to grind. I truly believe these players are where their ability warrants. Kelly/Dunn/Shez needs backing with at least 4 main stay players to stand a chance.

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As far as the players go I suppose it could be quite varying. What I mean is for every player that hung onto every word Dunn said there was another that wasn't particularly interested.


I remember during a home game when Kelly was gaffer Mike Jones running over and shouting at him " what do you want us to do?" when we were getting beat ...

I saw the same player last week when taking a water break during an injury completely ignore Dunn when he was talking to them!


May be something and nothing but I doubt everyone thought he was the bees knees somehow!

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