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Stipey - help me. This is like a bad dream. This is NOT what the BT is all about. Fcking Star Wars and bleeding westerns? No, no, no. This is for deep and meaningfuls, is it not? :angry:


Sorry boss...


(Taken from the 15lads... thread, and about as serious as it gets!)

I'm quite an opinionated person, and I stand by my opinions, however I also accept I am not always right, and if someone who knows more proves to me they were right I accept that and learn from it... I also accept that things are never set in stone, situations change... and as such I think it is now time to enter Iran and fix this mess.


Iran are openly breaking a host of international agreements by showing prisoners on TV and it's about time we stopped it.


There is a host of evidence from multiple sources which shows that our forces were not in Iranian water and they are, simply, taking the p**s now!


Get in, sort it and get out!

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Guest gillianfn
Sorry boss...


(Taken from the 15lads... thread, and about as serious as it gets!)

I'm quite an opinionated person, and I stand by my opinions, however I also accept I am not always right, and if someone who knows more proves to me they were right I accept that and learn from it... I also accept that things are never set in stone, situations change... and as such I think it is now time to enter Iran and fix this mess.


Iran are openly breaking a host of international agreements by showing prisoners on TV and it's about time we stopped it.


There is a host of evidence from multiple sources which shows that our forces were not in Iranian water and they are, simply, taking the p**s now!


Get in, sort it and get out!



That's more like it.

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Stipey - help me. This is like a bad dream. This is NOT what the BT is all about. Fcking Star Wars and bleeding westerns? No, no, no. This is for deep and meaningfuls, is it not? :angry:


Here is a deep and meaningful one.


Does having 32 tubes of toothpaste in my bathroom cabinet make me a freak?





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Guest sheridans_world
Here is a deep and meaningful one.


Does having 32 tubes of toothpaste in my bathroom cabinet make me a freak?






Theif, true, but freak, must qualify!

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Here is a deep and meaningful one.


Does having 32 tubes of toothpaste in my bathroom cabinet make me a freak?







You must have a f'kin big cabinet then :)


Things that really pish you off part 227


Go to bed, zonk out then wake at 3am for no obvious reason (ie not pished bed, not wanting to go to bog, no strange noises outside/downstairs, no bad dreams) spend and hour, ahem, tossing and turning (stop it you know what I mean!) although still very tired not able to go back to sleep. Lying looking at clock, its 4.05 next time you look its 5.48 and although you have been back in the land of nod you've been dreaming that you're awake and can't get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours, and so feel totally disorientated, or in my case more disorientated than usuual, I hate it when that happens, or is it just me. :blink:

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Guest sheridans_world
You must have a f'kin big cabinet then :)


Things that really pish you off part 227


Go to bed, zonk out then wake at 3am for no obvious reason (ie not pished bed, not wanting to go to bog, no strange noises outside/downstairs, no bad dreams) spend and hour, ahem, tossing and turning (stop it you know what I mean!) although still very tired not able to go back to sleep. Lying looking at clock, its 4.05 next time you look its 5.48 and although you have been back in the land of nod you've been dreaming that you're awake and can't get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours, and so feel totally disorientated, or in my case more disorientated than usuual, I hate it when that happens, or is it just me. :blink:


That happened to me right before the aliens got me...



Edited by sheridans_world
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Guest gillianfn
You must have a f'kin big cabinet then :)


Things that really pish you off part 227


Go to bed, zonk out then wake at 3am for no obvious reason (ie not pished bed, not wanting to go to bog, no strange noises outside/downstairs, no bad dreams) spend and hour, ahem, tossing and turning (stop it you know what I mean!) although still very tired not able to go back to sleep. Lying looking at clock, its 4.05 next time you look its 5.48 and although you have been back in the land of nod you've been dreaming that you're awake and can't get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours, and so feel totally disorientated, or in my case more disorientated than usuual, I hate it when that happens, or is it just me. :blink:



That happens to me love, but it is down to HRT! I'm sure you can't use that one. Actually, I'll have "things that get on your tits Part 228" whilst we are at it. Couple of weeks ago I had to see the consultant again about HRT - cut a long story short I have to have it changed so he wrote to my GP. I called the surgery, spoke to the highly qualified medical doctor person who studied medicine for years.... oh no, did I fck, I spoke to the part time receptionist with less people skills than the most backward of fcking cave dwellers - who, when I mentioned HRT to her the conversation went like this:-


Her "I wouldn't know, I did without"

Me "what was that?"

Her "oh nothing"

Me "No, it wasn't nothing, WHAT did you say?"

Her "Oh I was just saying that I don't know much about it, I didn't need it, I managed without"

Me "Well good for you love, I'm pleased for you, but at 43 when I was told I had dodgy bloody cells likely to be the beginnings of cancer and had to have drastic surgery, I CAN'T do without, but congratulations to you for being so stoic"

Her "Sorry I didn't mean it to sound like that"

Me "Well that's how it sounded to me, you should learn to keep your mouth shut and just do your job, you are not paid to give any opinions are you?"

Her "No, sorry about that"


Cheeky old bag. When I went in later that day, I wanted to shout out, "Right, where's the frazzled up old cow with thinning hair, bad skin and loads of wrinkles then"


And Wilson, all that toothpaste - perhaps it is a subconcious effort to avoid smelling like a dirty old ashtray? :grin: Only 3 months to go......

Edited by gillianfn
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Receptionists at surgeries everywhere are tools. The ones are ours are right frickin know alls that know nowt. Its been ages since I went fortunately but they ain’t half messed me Ma & Pa about of late. Arsewipes one and all. :angry:


Anyway I'm trying that HRT at the mo, hops replacement therapy, I can get six tins of it for a fiver at Bargain Booze


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Guest gillianfn
All paid for honest guv!


OK I get it dead cheap from the shop at work. I am buying mainly shower gel and toothbrushes this month with this months allowance.







If it's not the pink stuff that smells like germolene, it's not worth brushing your teeth with in any event.

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Guest gillianfn

Word of warning, well two actually - COTTON BUDS. I poke my ear holes with them regularly, I love doing it, it is addictive. However, I am now suffering terribly as a result of my stupidity and have got a cyst in my inner ear. What a idiot I am.

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Oooh, nasty!


I had one on my nose, outside, and it hurt like a bugger!


Felt strange when they cut it out 'cos they had to press on my nose whilst cutting it and I couln't feel anything other than pressure on the side of my head and on my eye's - really really freaky feeling!


Wouldn't mind, but it wasn't even as big as a pea when they finally got rid of it!


Still, it's gone now... oh how I miss it so :wink:

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Guest sheridans_world
Oooh, nasty!


I had one on my nose, outside, and it hurt like a bugger!


Felt strange when they cut it out 'cos they had to press on my nose whilst cutting it and I couln't feel anything other than pressure on the side of my head and on my eye's - really really freaky feeling!


Wouldn't mind, but it wasn't even as big as a pea when they finally got rid of it!


Still, it's gone now... oh how I miss it so :wink:


Do these ^^^^^ count in your 4000 words? :grin:

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Guest gillianfn
Oooh, nasty!


I had one on my nose, outside, and it hurt like a bugger!


Felt strange when they cut it out 'cos they had to press on my nose whilst cutting it and I couln't feel anything other than pressure on the side of my head and on my eye's - really really freaky feeling!


Wouldn't mind, but it wasn't even as big as a pea when they finally got rid of it!


Still, it's gone now... oh how I miss it so :wink:



Doctor asked me what I'd been poking in my ears and I lied and said nothing. Like he didn't know. Why are cotton buds made then, if you're not supposed to shove em in your ear holes? I mean what the fck are they for? Cleaning the kitchen floor?

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Guest sheridans_world
If only!


But good point, well made!!


Only reason i make it is because i have 2000 words to be in on Thursday and have finished 550...

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All paid for honest guv!


OK I get it dead cheap from the shop at work. I am buying mainly shower gel and toothbrushes this month with this months allowance.







Minty fresh shower gel?!!!!


What else can you buy Derek, maybe you can set up a little business selling on items?!! Cut price but top quality?!!

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I should have recognised a procrastinator when I saw one! :wink:

When I were a lad, we had nothing but going to the pub or stabbing the cat in a burst of nervous tension to stop us starting our work. These youngsters have it easy nowadays with the tinternet to help them not complete essays.

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