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When I were a lad, we had nothing but going to the pub or stabbing the cat in a burst of nervous tension to stop us starting our work. These youngsters have it easy nowadays with the tinternet to help them not complete essays.

They didn't have tinternet when you were doing essays? Exactly how old are you!?






PS, now it had been Stipey what had said it......

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Minty fresh shower gel?!!!!


What else can you buy Derek, maybe you can set up a little business selling on items?!! Cut price but top quality?!!


I work for Colgate Palmolive not just Colgate, hence shower gel, shaving foam etc. are all available. Only allowed a tenner a month though, but it will get me about twenty times what you can buy in a supermarket.


Those of you obsessed with cleanliness would love it there, even the top floor of Colgate Towers smells of the perfumery (where they make the bases for deoderants) and minty freshness (bases for toothpastes), though it can be a tad over-powering if there is a spill.


Pity it is all coming to an end, probably at the end of this month, though I may get to the end of May out of it with a little more than a spoonful of luck thrown in. I have really enjoyed working there, not looking forward to signing on again though.


My first day back with the scrotes is officially due to be April 30th. Ha! The irony. Real big threaders will get it I am sure.


Then again, I have never had as much interest in my abilities, it is amazing what working for a globally known brand name can do for you. Got an interview tomorrow, another one on the 17th and half a dozen people phoning me per week with opportunities, so whenever it finishes it has been nothing but good for me.


Oh, also for the RBTers.


I have just had some music on and it got me thinking about IMs funeral music thread, and a couple of songs came on in a row. Bill Withers, Grandaddy and my very own Bunnymen. All three in four songs. Made me feel a little melancholy.






Edit: decided to go and pick and choose my own songs rather than let the PC do it for me, just put Tiny Dancer on, reminds me so much of Almost Famous and the scene on the bus. Fabulous! Got a big smile on me kite again!

Edited by DerekWilson_1968
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Here is another one that Tiny Dancer has reminded me of.


How ironic that an Elton John song reminded me of this, and it wasn't the obvious link, it was just two words.


Anyone see Louis Theroux and the most hated family in America at weekend?


Now, whilst I am not religious in the slightest, I have little problem with those that do believe (unless they want to shove their beliefs down my throat), and I suppose in some way I do sort of want the whole thing to be true for the sake of both my parents.


That lot though were f**king nutters and preachers of intolerance, homophobia and just general hatred in anything they disagree with under an umbrella provided by a twisting of the messages in the bible. A little akin to those that practice terrorism under the guise that the Koran tells them it is the way to go.


Whilst I feel each to their own is a good concept to live by (unless you support C**y in which case you are and always be a first class c**t) the adults that chose to be part of it were brainwashing the innocent kids into believing this utter absurdity that they have chosen to live by.


There are links on the BBC website to clips and comments. Go and have a look if you didn't see it.


Oh, and the protests at the soldiers funeral (agree with the war in Iraq or not) were utterly distgusting.





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30th DW? Will they put candles on your P45? :)


Not seen that Louis T thing, recorded it mind, always watch Loius T's stuff. There was an article in the little media magazine that comes with the Guardian on saturday, couldn't believe that about the soldiers funerals. I know it takes all sorts to make a world and all that but...........


And what would I have said Mads? :unsure:


Wtf went on with this MB yesterday? All sounds very strange, anybody able to enlighten.


Oh have I won????????? Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


First person to post "no" is a sad melon farmer.

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Guest gillianfn

Morning all.


Did you hear that Keith Richards apparently once snorted his own father's ashes along with the cocaine he was taking. What a cock. And did anyone really need to know that?

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Guest sheridans_world




Yes i heard this, have no idea why anyone would make it public though!

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Guest gillianfn

Yes i heard this, have no idea why anyone would make it public though!



Indeed - clearly a twt of the very highest order. He apparently says his father would not have minded. I wonder how his mother and the rest of his relatives felt though? Perhaps I am just a bit sensitive when it comes to fathers and respect, but I really do think he is an utter hairy palmed fiddler. And that is NOT what I called him - I called him the slang word for masturbator.

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Guest sheridans_world

Haha Lol.


No his father wouldnt have minded my left b@11@ck. 'Oh dad, do you mind if i snort you after you have died'


I think he father would have shot him there and then... He may be able to play very very well. But he needs to sort his head out.

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Here is another one that Tiny Dancer has reminded me of.


How ironic that an Elton John song reminded me of this, and it wasn't the obvious link, it was just two words.


Anyone see Louis Theroux and the most hated family in America at weekend?


Now, whilst I am not religious in the slightest, I have little problem with those that do believe (unless they want to shove their beliefs down my throat), and I suppose in some way I do sort of want the whole thing to be true for the sake of both my parents.


That lot though were f**king nutters and preachers of intolerance, homophobia and just general hatred in anything they disagree with under an umbrella provided by a twisting of the messages in the bible. A little akin to those that practice terrorism under the guise that the Koran tells them it is the way to go.


Whilst I feel each to their own is a good concept to live by (unless you support C**y in which case you are and always be a first class c**t) the adults that chose to be part of it were brainwashing the innocent kids into believing this utter absurdity that they have chosen to live by.


There are links on the BBC website to clips and comments. Go and have a look if you didn't see it.


Oh, and the protests at the soldiers funeral (agree with the war in Iraq or not) were utterly distgusting.






Completely agree Derek, we watched it and I was disgusted at the way they made their children go with them. The kids didn't know what was going on or why they were there, they didn't know what the placards were all about. It annoyed me the way they put their kids in danger, that poor 7 year old who got a drink thrown at him from a passing car, and all they did was clean him up and carried on!! Maybe that's the same as taking Lucy to Latics, not sure why she's there, get's dragged along by her parents, drinks thrown on her in the pub?!!! :unsure:


Although I do think that the older girl was the one who could have her thoughts changed, she seemed to take a shine to Louis and seemed quite sensible.


Full marks to the people at the funeral though. To keep their dignity and remember why they were there instead of going and smacking the protesters must have taken a lot!!

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Guest sheridans_world
With apologies and grateful thanks to Scapegoat...


So he starts something like this....and only does 6 posts. (AS of the time of writing this....)

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Going back to snorting ashes. In that "Wedding Belles" thingy that was on last week on C4 one of the "belles" was so desperate for a fix she snorted some powder out of a box at her dealers flat when he left the room, turned out to be the ashes of his dead dog that he couldn't be parted from, ho hum made me laugh anyway :)


Oh and Keith Richards is a nob anyway doesn't matter what he's done

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Guest gillianfn
Oh and Keith Richards is a nob anyway doesn't matter what he's done



Knob indeed. Funny. I just don't understand drugs - have I missed much? :blink:

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Snorting things - my dad's cousin used to be a military policeman on Greenham Common back in the days when it was a US Cruise missile base - safe to say he could handle himself a bit. One of his peculiar habits was that he took snuff - I think he did it mainly for the effect on the Yankee Imperialists who wondered what the flip he was doing when he kept tipping powder onto his hand and whacking it up his nose to obvious exhilaration.


I think they also wondered what he was up to when he called after his dog when he was taking it for a walk. He was clearly not a man burdened by political correctness, his dog was black and he was a fan of the Dambusters film.

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I think they also wondered what he was up to when he called after his dog when he was taking it for a walk. He was clearly not a man burdened by political correctness, his dog was black and he was a fan of the Dambusters film.


Nowt wrong wi calling yer dog Blackie :grin:


That LT was mind boggling,sat there increasingly open mouthed at it.As has been mentioned pure brainwashing, them youngsters when he was asking them what the signs said and if they understood them and they obviously didn't.What about the guy who had been to make a documentary about them years before and had ended up joining them,why would you do that these are seriously unbalanced adults controlling a group of kids who basically never had a chance of being normal.


Oh and Gill if i was Keith Richards ma and knew he'd snorted his da i'd just say.


I'm being buried.


DW funeral music,i've moved on now.


I've told the family i want to go in with my coffin upright on a surfboard and all the congregation and pall bearers wearing Hawaiian shirts and shorts with flip flops and shades to Calhoun Surf by the Raybeats.


Never surfed in my life (net apart :wink: ) but what a tune.

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I read about that god-bothering family a while back - I think I remember that there is a flying picket of Hells Angels who follow them around to discourage them. I only wish there was nothing more serious to worry about in the world than some blokes who like a big cock up them.

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Didn't see any Hells Angels, just a bunch of f'kin idiots.


Church ??????


Watched it last night, the thing that really got me was when the little lad (7) got hit by a carton of drink and his Mom said what morons would do that to a child and I just thought well look w you're doing, to your own flamin' child. It was quite amazing everytime Louis asked a pertinant question they just said he was silly/dumb or didn't understand.


Praise the lord.

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