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There are some more fantastic pictures of old ground/stands and the like at this site. Stuart Clarkes work is brilliant, I've linked it many times but a visit to the place in Ambleside is well worth it.


One of my favourite pictures is the one on this link. Picture on the left in this link ... Port Vale ... its in one of his books with a bit more detail about the circumstances behind it, and brought a lump to my throat. I think the family of the man, who knew nothing about it saw it one day and wrote to Stuart Clarke to tell him the subsequent background and were proud that his passion for Vale had been immortalised.


Lots of smashing photo's


Fab Stipey.


I really did quite like the old pics of Springy Park, never saw Latics there but I saw a fair few games there. I remember going watching Wigan V Bolton there in division 4 (my how times have changed) and Bolton took about 4,000 fans and took over the ground then tried to dismantle Wigan brick by brick after the game.


Liked the old pics of M'boro and the Mackems too, proper old fashioned grounds that hold many a good memory compared to their newer, shinier flat packed bought from Ikea stadiums. The stadium of Light though is quite a magnificent sight when full, much better than the rest of the newer grounds.


Am back on the interview trail again tomorrow afternoon, and Wednesday afternoon too, though today Colgate have offered me until at least the end of August and a golden handshake if I stay. Got to admit I am tempted as I really like it there. No harm in going for the grillings though, they can say no as easily as I can, but it is nice to have that leeway in the knowledge that I have a bit more security for a few more months, especially if I think the right position will be one where I have to move.


Not bad really since it was only a three month contract in December.


Ah well, better get off to bed shortly, got to be up at 5ish, get in work early then I can leave for the day at eleven.





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Well at least they aint dumping you on your birthday DW.


Great pictures aren't they. There are a few books avaiable too, looking at them on a screen is good, but as nature intended is better :) Also some of the ground panoramas are in "huge" format at Ambleside although it looks like they changed the format a bit this year and its not all free but will still be worth a peek . opening times


At the risk of talking footie, been to Springfield 3 times, twice with Latics, which includes the Starbuck "Its just like watching Breeze Hill" game and once with a Bury supporting mate to watch the mighty Shakers, when ther must ahve been all of 1200 on the ground for and end of season affair if I recall correctly.

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Guest sheridans_world

Does anyone ever get annoyed by people who do 20 in a 30 zone or people who do 30 in a 40 zone etc etc.


I am trying to get into work early enough to build flexi up and i end up following these very annoying people! The is a speed limit for a reason, anything below it is a hazard. Well not really but still, bit annoying...



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Hmmmmmmmm I followed some tool up Middleton Road the other day, never got above 25, and the fricker slowed down at the speed camera too, arrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :angry:


Talking of Middleton, anybody notice the splendid Grade 1 listed Parish Church in the final episode. The tower dates from c1400, and there's a smashing stained gl..... whoops apologies there folks switched into Time Team mode, sorry didn't mean to come all over Tony Robinson.



Smut, just what this threads been missing :)

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Guest gillianfn
whoops apologies there folks switched into Time Team mode, sorry didn't mean to come all over Tony Robinson.

Smut, just what this threads been missing :)



Well well, it has been a long time, but it is back. Congratulations. Must be a cue for DW to stop cleaning his teeth and showering his dog and make his own mark.

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SW it was an intrinsic part of the long thread on JK that smut reared its ugly head from time to time, bit like a bad carry on film really.


Anyway Mrs G you're a fine one to show your face around here, what with your Papal carnal desires and all that :lol:

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Guest gillianfn
SW it was an intrinsic part of the long thread on JK that smut reared its ugly head from time to time, bit like a bad carry on film really.


Anyway Mrs G you're a fine one to show your face around here, what with your Papal carnal desires and all that :lol:



A girl can't have any secrets can she? Reminder to myself - don't send text messages to the lads in the middle of a game - they will share them and use them against me at a later date. :angry:

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A girl can't have any secrets can she? Reminder to myself - don't send text messages to the lads in the middle of a game - they will share them and use them against me at a later date. :angry:


I actually had his holiness on speedial having negotiated exclusive rights with the Chron for the story. :grin:

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Ive just found out a guy who i spoke to regularly on MSN and through another website, passed away!


He was getting ready for a liver transplant which was coming from his mum, and he was really upbeat, and you wouldnt blame him.


Even though he was going through so much he always had a smile on his face or would come out with something funny, he was bloody good on XBox 360 as well.


It seems weird as i have never met him in the flesh but have known him for a long while through the internet.



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Guest gillianfn
Sad news Mr Beard, things like that are never easy to hear and always knock you sideways, however you know somebody.


Blimey - bad news day. I have just found out that a friend from way back when (went a bit off the rails, left his wife and kids, drank too much etc) is terminally ill. I've told Mike to try and get hold of him so we can go and see him. Don't quite know what I will say as yet, but I'm sure I will think of something. It's the worst feeling in the world, not having a chance to say something to someone before they die. My dad has been dead 5 years now and still I have moments when I break down with the thoughts of questions that I will probably never have answers to:- I want to know if he knows about the letter I asked the funeral directors to put in his coffin with the photographs of us all, I want to know if he thought about me the minute before he died, I want to know if he remembers rescuing me from inside the manhole I fell down in Albert Barber's garden, I want to know if he knew that Elizabeth and Stephen ran down the church yard at his funeral, following his coffin so close they were almost touching it, but most of all, I want to know if he knows how much I loved him and how I still miss him, every single day...

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Doesn't matter that you never met him in the flesh Beardy,you make a connection with someone regardless of whether it's over the net and something happens to them it's painful.Sad news.


You too Gill,just because we may lose touch with someone doesn't mean we don't still think about and care about them.Hope you get to see him.

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Guest gillianfn

Ta IM - Mike has spoken to him today so hopefully we will get to see him shortly. Well, not hopefully, because apparently he is an absolute shadow of his former self and is being cared for by MacMillan nurses, albeit he has told Mike that despite being told he is dying, he is not going to. Bless him.


I am so glad my pal from NI got in touch when he did and we had another chance to pick up our friendship. He could have died last year and I'd never have known.


Now get hold of the Chron IM, I feel a scoop coming on....... :grin:

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Now get hold of the Chron IM, I feel a scoop coming on....... :grin:


I've put Mike Yarwood on standby for today,i've heard he writes a lovely byline.


Which particular faith group are we thinking of upsetting today,are we after bangin' buddha :shock::grin:

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Oh dear.


The lad I am being some sort of reserve Best Man for this summer had the first of his three weddings this weekend, it's all a bit complicated what with her being of Indian origin but from the Middle East.


They had a whirlwind romance which took everyone by suprise (and would suprise Real Big Threaders who recall his exploits at the wedding I was Real Best Man at last summer) - but anyway, he told us he had taken the decision that he was going to save things of a certain nature for the wedding night, by which he was very clear that he meant the first one.


Well, I just got the photos. Not sure how to put it, but, erm, he appears, erm, like he can't wait for the reception to end and other things to begin. He might not have been in the right frame of mind to be wearing flat cut 1970's style trousers. It doesn't really help that in said photo he is standing between his mum and his mother-in-law, leaving them with the choice of either insulting them or having a photo of him with at the least a fatty, and I would argue a semi, with his arms around them, hanging up in the living room.

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Oh dear.


The lad I am being some sort of reserve Best Man for this summer had the first of his three weddings this weekend, it's all a bit complicated what with her being of Indian origin but from the Middle East.


They had a whirlwind romance which took everyone by suprise (and would suprise Real Big Threaders who recall his exploits at the wedding I was Real Best Man at last summer) - but anyway, he told us he had taken the decision that he was going to save things of a certain nature for the wedding night, by which he was very clear that he meant the first one.


Well, I just got the photos. Not sure how to put it, but, erm, he appears, erm, like he can't wait for the reception to end and other things to begin. He might not have been in the right frame of mind to be wearing flat cut 1970's style trousers. It doesn't really help that in said photo he is standing between his mum and his mother-in-law, leaving them with the choice of either insulting them or having a photo of him with at the least a fatty, and I would argue a semi, with his arms around them, hanging up in the living room.




That will haunt him for the rest of his life!! Class!

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Oh dear.


The lad I am being some sort of reserve Best Man for this summer had the first of his three weddings this weekend, it's all a bit complicated what with her being of Indian origin but from the Middle East.


They had a whirlwind romance which took everyone by suprise (and would suprise Real Big Threaders who recall his exploits at the wedding I was Real Best Man at last summer) - but anyway, he told us he had taken the decision that he was going to save things of a certain nature for the wedding night, by which he was very clear that he meant the first one.


Well, I just got the photos. Not sure how to put it, but, erm, he appears, erm, like he can't wait for the reception to end and other things to begin. He might not have been in the right frame of mind to be wearing flat cut 1970's style trousers. It doesn't really help that in said photo he is standing between his mum and his mother-in-law, leaving them with the choice of either insulting them or having a photo of him with at the least a fatty, and I would argue a semi, with his arms around them, hanging up in the living room.


Which brings us on to embarassing situations,don't think we ever did this on original big thread.


What's your most toe curling embarassing personal situation you found yourself in (or is this thread too easy for people to access and we won't play? :grin: )


One springs to mind,Moon Under the Water Wetherspoons on Deansgate a couple of years ago.Me and our kid were picking my ma up on a sojourn from Aberdeen,done some shopping went for lunch prior to picking her up.Went upstairs and sat as far from the front and only entrance as you could do.My sis tends to be very demonstrative hand wise when she's talking,as she made a sweeping gesture to illustrate a point she knocked my pint over,into my lap and onto my jeans.


Wet spreadage was immediate,and we were sat as far from the door as you possibly could be (as i think i may have mentioned :shock: ).


The looks of disgust i got as we trudged our weary way through a packed lunchtime central Manchester pub to get out were something else.I really wanted to stop,stand on a table and shout "I'VE NOT drunk MYSELF THIS DAFT BITCH HAS JUST KNOCKED BEER OVER ME" .


Instead i just kept my head down and kept walking.




LL i know it's not a football thread but yesterday was pretty darn good,was disappointed the Record never had "Japs Aye" as it's banner headline today.Had to make do with "Kimono over to my place,hey you we're having a party" not anywhere near as good! :lol:

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Which brings us on to embarassing situations,don't think we ever did this on original big thread.


What's your most toe curling embarassing personal situation you found yourself in (or is this thread too easy for people to access and we won't play? :grin: )

I have one so hideously bad that even I, the Man of No Shame, hesitates to reveal it. I dare say I will in a while. I may have referred to it it tother one but don't think so.

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I had a particularly embarassing moment in Henry Afrika's. Mentioned this on the original Big Thread. It involved litres of Bacardi, a toilet, a door being removed, and bouncers pulling my knickers up for me. Ahem.


I hear you on the spillage, IM. Saturday, I managed to have a pint poured down my leg, a pint poured over my arm, and a packet of mashed up mini cheddars down my cleavage (minus bag). Yer know, you try and mind your own business.....


Twas a very enjoyable trip :grin:




I think.



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