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hahah! You've been had by the automated swear filter.... and I sleep easy from 10pm on... but no matter what time I go to bed I wake up at about half six.


For the last three days I've woken up and my phone has said 6.37 exactly... its starting to freak me out a bit now.

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That'd freak me out too, a talking phone, whatever next.


Talking stuff,that's just reminded me.


A few years ago bruv in law was thinkin' of gettin' a new tv.He loves his telly he does,sits in his chair surrounded by all the remotes flicking channels,he's king of the tv when he's in the house,you WILL watch what he wants.


So we're talkin' about which tv to buy and just out of badness i piped up "Why don't you get one of those talkin' tv's"


Talkin' tv's,he says.


"Yeah,new technology.You tell it which channel you want and it automatically turns the tv over"


His eyes lit up,no more repetitive strain injury of the thumb,where can i get one.Told him to try the local tv shop they would point him in the right direction


Unfortunately at this stage things started to unravel as i got overambitious,what about teletext then.


"No problemo,you just say ceefax or oracle depending what channel you are on and shout out the page number and it finds it for you."


He's still havin' this but unfortunately our kid who was in the room twigged that i may well,not for the first time in my life,be bull:censored:ting thus depriving me of the sight of him going into Dixons or Comet asking for "One of those talkin' tv's".


Sooooooooooo close i was. :grin::grin:

Edited by inspectormorose
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That is class inspector! Would have loved to have been there to see the look on the bloke's face in Dixons.


Woo hoo! 4 day weekend! Been working flat out for the past few months, haven't even had time to scive on here and not wanted to look at a screen when I have come home so not been keeping up with stuff.

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That is class inspector! Would have loved to have been there to see the look on the bloke's face in Dixons.


The battle was half won before i started with the idea on him BT,because i could tell he soooooooooo wanted it to be true.Told him the technology was based on these alarm clocks they brought out where you said STOP and the alarm went off.Even my sister was havin' it until i got to the teletext bit when the Andy Bull:censored: Warning alarm went off in her head.


And yes,he would have gone and asked for one :grin: .

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That is splendid IM, pity it didn't run the full course.


Done yers them tunes.


Will pop over tomorrow , probably at HT Jimi T will have arrived by them, maybe bearing tunes fer me maybe not, if you have already done them Jimi can I blag an Arcade Fire instead :)

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My sleeping problem is solved, I woke up this morning and my talking phone said it was 6:36! A full minute early! The cycle is broken...?


As for the game I'm crapping my self. I don't see the Swans getting a result at 'pool to be honest, but we all know we've got to get a good win to make sure!


Plan for my day is, breakfast,tram,mum's for dinner,White Heart,George Hill,Home,BBQ&Beer,Sleep. Nice day... hope the sun breaks through, looking at bit crappy this morning.

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Well what a mornin' i've had,been out workin'.


Managed to shut my head in the car door at one stage (how do you do that,fool) then got a puncture on my way home that took me 25 minutes to change the bar steward wheel.


Could i find the wheel brace attachment that undid the locking nut,could i feck.The boot was turned upside down gas cards flying all over the car park at Alexandra Park where i had pulled in,choice language flying with 'em.Which fookin bright spark thought it would be a good idea to put it in a box secreted at the very,very back of the glove compartment unhelpfully marked locking nuts,i ask ya. :wink:


Then the jack collapsed after i got the flat off,luckily i had the spare almost in place and the car rested on it whilst i re-jacked and got it sorted.


Right,game time.


What else could possibly go wrong today :shock:

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That is splendid IM, pity it didn't run the full course.


Done yers them tunes.


Will pop over tomorrow , probably at HT Jimi T will have arrived by them, maybe bearing tunes fer me maybe not, if you have already done them Jimi can I blag an Arcade Fire instead :)


Clearly didn't see this in time, will do them for Sunday now we're there.


And I arrived in plenty of time today...right at kick off :D

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This De La Hoya/Mayweather fight had better be worth it.


Knackered but happy me and a wee bit pished,glad Monday is a holiday cos i'm going doing it all again tomorrow :wink: .


Yes it was,tremendous.Think the last 3 rounds decided it.Split decision.


Still 23 million ain't bad for a nights work even if you lose.


flip me the suns coming up.


I need sleep!

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Loving the "Beyond the wizards sleeve remix" of Roscoe that Phil Beckett played on the rev, first time I had heard of midlake.


Glad I have today off after queuing for 4 and a half hours yesterday, didn't trust the ticket office to get the tickets to me via the mail and apart from watching the snooker I didn't have any plans. Still would have preferred not to spend it queuing in the rain but hey-ho.


The snooker isn't going well, started supporting Selby in the semis and he had a cracking match but it looks like it has taken it out of him. Higgins is playing some cracking stuff and will wrap this up early. I was looking forward to a late night marathon but can't see that happening now.

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Glad you like it IM. Personally think their first album is better.


I queued for ages too BT, three and a half hours this morning/afternoon. Was bloody freezing and well hungry by the time I got me ticket.


The snooker's gotta be enjoyable, it's hosted by the lovely Hazel :angel:

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Guest sheridans_world
He ain't half making a game of it! Come on Selby! (Sorry sheridans_world)


Jimi, are you looking forward to the final session when Hazel will scrub up?


And i am £36 better off this morning :grin:

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Just been listening to the Arcade Fire and one of the Midlake ones chaps whilst doing my household chores.


Liking the Arcade Fire one Jimi.The Midlake one is pretty darn good in a late 60's West Coast (California not Workington) kinda way as well Mr S.



The Tales of one is the current fave of Edith Bowman apparently, didn't you confess a liking for this lady IM about the same time Jimi fessed up about his passion for the divine (cough splutter) Ms Irvin :)

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The Tales of one is the current fave of Edith Bowman apparently, didn't you confess a liking for this lady IM about the same time Jimi fessed up about his passion for the divine (cough splutter) Ms Irvin :)


Aye that was the one i listened to,very good an' all.Of course Edith would like it,i would expect nothing else from her lovely self. :wink:.


Not bothered much with work today,three hours earlier,got a throat like sandpaper,not sure if it was the shouting or the beer that's caused it (probably both).


A days rest and relaxation is in order methinks,weather is suppposed to improve tomorrow and they don't pay me any extra for going out in the rain. :grin:

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or the beer that's caused it


Beer?? beer?, pah no will power IM I didn't touch a drop of beer, one or two scrumpy jacks might have found the target tho' :lol:


Might have seen you yesterday morning, MrsS got up and ready to go but I dozed off again :( thus arriving later and having to wait for an hour and a half.


Me Dad voluntered his services, but seeing as the short walk back to the car at Crewe fair banjaxed him I didn't think it were a good idea!

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