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Guest gillianfn
Would you like me to scan it for you Jimi :D

Although I'm sure its out and about on t'interweb somewhere.



Will you two stop it please? I'm feeling poorly.

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Guest gillianfn
Now I feel sick.


But if it had been that Hermione now that would have been quite satisfactory.



Right, shall we change the subject? And far it be from me to be a pedantic mare, but cast your minds back to a couple of weeks ago? Did Morrisy do a version of Gilbert's Nothin Rhymed or not? You rude Bleeders. :huh:

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I've got an interview.


For a proper job.


A week on Monday.


One draw back, it is in Essex. Not sure if I fancy it to be honest, but I am still going to go, then I can meet up with Kets for a post interview beer in the smoke.


I have to go on the tube too, so could probably do a little frottaging!





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Guest gillianfn
then I can meet up with Kets for a post interview beer in the smoke.


I have to go on the tube too, so could probably do a little frottaging!







That will impress your potential new gaffers, going for an interview smelling like an old bar towel. I presume you mean the day before? :P


As for frottaging, I wouldn't expect anything less.

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Talking of girl things, watched the finale of NYPD Blue last night, so had to sit through the adverts. Why do all these skin creams and such have to have ridculous ingrediants. Andi McDowell is using something with, and I wrote it down, pro-rectumall and pro-crapstyl, but I could see my way clear to forgiving her. Then there's some "cellebratty make up editor" or some such tell y'all to use oil of ulay or is it olay these days with polypropentapeppotarts in it, I mean :sign0094:


Then they advertise Yakult, invented by Dr Schroder, so why is it called Yakult and not Schroder, wasn't he as confident as Doctors Kellog, Snickers and CurlyWurly?


Oh and there was a thingy in Barbara Ellens Observer mag collumn about men with bosoms, ie moobs, well iof thats the case why are ladies norks not called woobs then?


This is what comes of 5 minute advert breaks on E4.


Anyway after all that adios Sipowitz (Dennis Franz has been brilliant) and Co, despite Channel 4's best efforts (showing one season at 1am etc etc) I've enjoyed NYPD from start to finish.

Edited by StipeTripe
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Guest gillianfn
Talking of girl things, watched the finale of NYPD Blue last night, so had to sit through the adverts. Why do all these skin creams and such have to have ridculous ingrediants. Andi McDowell is using something with, and I wrote it down, pro-rectumall and pro-crapstyl, but I could see my way clear to forgiving her.



I'm sure you didn't get it down correctly! Actually, that reminds me of something I heard the other day, which is a load of rubbish, but I shall share it anyway. Apparently, if you do not remove your make up at night, for every night you leave it on, it adds about 8 days to the way you look. What rubbish. I have been wearing make up since I was 15 and just in case I have to call out the fire brigade in the middle of the night, I rarely take my make up off. I bet in all the years I have been using it, I have probably only removed it about 100 times. (I do remove it in the morning though, before reapplying it!) Anyways, I have worked out that I should, by now, resemble a 59 year old and I don't. So that's a right load of old cobblers.


Leading me to men and moisturisers? Do you or don't you? If not, then you should. Nice bit of Clarins for men.

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Leading me to men and moisturisers? Do you or don't you? If not, then you should. Nice bit of Clarins for men.



I do now, taken me about 10 years to get round to it though. My skin has been getting worse over the last few years and I was sick of leaving half my face everywhere. I wasn't too happy when the mother in law bought my a load of Clinique for men stuff for my birthday, this was on the advice of the other half tho.


I went to the doctors about it about a month ago and she said that E45 cream :censored:s all over clinique and the clarins. So I have been using that for the last month and not only is my skin less dry, I have bene rubbing it in to my head too and I have had less dandruff/flakey skin but I can see signs of improvement generally, never had that with Clinique, not in their interests for the products to improve the situation only provide temporary relief. E45 is a damn site cheaper too.

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I do now, taken me about 10 years to get round to it though. My skin has been getting worse over the last few years and I was sick of leaving half my face everywhere. I wasn't too happy when the mother in law bought my a load of Clinique for men stuff for my birthday, this was on the advice of the other half tho.


I went to the doctors about it about a month ago and she said that E45 cream :censored:s all over clinique and the clarins. So I have been using that for the last month and not only is my skin less dry, I have bene rubbing it in to my head too and I have had less dandruff/flakey skin but I can see signs of improvement generally, never had that with Clinique, not in their interests for the products to improve the situation only provide temporary relief. E45 is a damn site cheaper too.



As far as I know there has been no ruling on the use of the word, "chuff," yet.


Chuff Chuff Chuffety-Chuff


E45 is totally the way forward. I get dry skin, if I end using some expensive girly type stuff (including them aimed at blokes) it does nothing more than hold the fort until I can get some of the real thing.

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I don't do moisturiser. My face was born self-moisturising. Always take my make up off at night, or my face breaks out into a blotchy spotty mess (even more so than usual)*.


Had a fantastic weekend away in Ireland. My friend is renting a place overlooking the Curragh Race course in Kildare, which was a very quiet and picturesque place to stay. Spent 3 days drunk :drinking66: , with my bedtimes being 5.40am, 3.40am and 8.40am. Spent Friday in Dublin, Saturday in Carlow** and Newbridge and Sunday on Elaine's sofa. Was great to see the girls again, have a girlie gossip, catch up, and generally put the world to rights :gossip: .


Been getting right into my new healthy lifestyle. The non-smoking in the week is going well, the dodgy soup making, and going to the gym.....managing to stick to them all quite well. With the gym thing, though, I'm finding it eats into my 'lounging around' time a bit too much for my liking, I feel like I haven't stopped. But, strangely, despite being knackered, I actually feel more energetic. :bounce:. Bizarre.


Finally managed to take my old PC to the tip today, which was an experience. Everything else seemed to have a place to put it, a cage, a skip......pcs went in a burnt out hole in the ground. Just reminds me of being little and my dad taking me to the tip (dunno why I always had to go with him) when our dustbin got full, get rid of old Christmas trees, etc.


And finally, I have my first bout of babysitting to do on Friday, in exchange for my return airport taxi. Hoping they'll all be in bed by the time I get there, and still be there until I leave. Surely even I can't fail to babysit 3 kids for a few hours? Watch this space.


* Presuming I don't pass out drunk before I manage it.

**Where we had a trip to a nunnery for an 'order' of Nuns called the Poor Clares. We found this quite amusing, especially when we spotted the array of photo opportunities next to the sign saying 'Poor Clare's Masses' :devilish: ;).

Edited by maddog
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As far as I know there has been no ruling on the use of the word, "chuff," yet.


Chuff Chuff Chuffety-Chuff



Sorry my fault, poor spelling, I meant CHOUGH, as in the bird see, obviously pronounced chuff, d'oh.


As Mads can probably confirm after here nunnery visit, many nuns keep choughs as pets, but don't feed them very well, thus individual birds tend to stockpile food and are very selfish at sharing it, hence tighter than a nuns chough.


Nothing shocking to see, move along now :)


Mads baby sitting is easy, as long as they are in bed, asleep first, only had one bad experience, and that was with new memeber on here anyway, McGoo84, as mentioned I believe on t'other thread. :blink:

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As Mads can probably confirm after here nunnery visit, many nuns keep choughs as pets, but don't feed them very well, thus individual birds tend to stockpile food and are very selfish at sharing it, hence tighter than a nuns chough.

:lol: That's what I thought you meant. :blink:

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Guest gillianfn
I know its not complicated is it, ok so my spelling was off but I really can't see why it was "shocking". Only Gillian knows the answer to that !



But Andrew, you did not mean that did you? You meant a nun's girly bits, I know you did, and you know you did. I shall say nothing further.


Cars and girls? Who said us women should be allowed to have vehicles of our own? I washed mine last week (well, I took it to one of those big machine thingies) - My husband said "Mmm, didn't know they did your car in red" How rude.


Today I had a popped tyre. How come? I didn't run over any broken glass or anything sharp. Just heard this bump, pulled over and there it was, empty of air. I haven't the faintest idea where the extra wheel is kept, let alone how to get the popped one off and put the emergency one on. So I pondered what to do. Should I stand by the road and cry, and hope someone feels sorry for me and stops? Naaaa, I'll phone Michael - he will help me. He then bollocked me for "driving it flat" whatever the balls that means!


To make my day better, I had to take my boy to the dental dept at Booth Hall - yes I know he is coming up 18, but the surgery he will have to have next year is done there for some reason. So, appointment systems. Why give someone an appointment time and make them wait 40 minutes? That doesn't happen in private hospitals - I don't get it.


Rant finished. Oh I do love a good rant on a Thursday.

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The last time I had a puncture I was at my brothers house and Dan was having an away football trip!! I couldn't get the wheel off, neither could my brother or my dad.


I ended up ringing Mazda Rescue (or whatever thet're bloody called) and even the mechanic who came out to it couldn't get the wheel off :P In the end he smacked it with a hammer and it came off :D He put the stupid space saver thing on, very emabarrassing (sp) driving around with that on!!! :blush:


The good thing was when I rang up, they asked me if I was away from home and did I have any children with me. I replied 'yes, it's just me and my baby daughter (she was about 4 months old at the time)' I didn't tell them I was parked outside my brother's house and they turned up within 30 mins!!!


The time before that, I had a Fiesta and got a puncture coming off the M56 (at the A556 junction). I had a meeting at work so had a nice suit on, I didn't fancy changing the wheel so I rang work up for someone to come and help me :D:D

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Guest gillianfn
Spare tyre?



It's not a bloody tyre though is it? It is an extra wheel!


And I've got the space thing on at the moment, bloke at the side of me earlier today, gawping at it. I was half tempted to open the window and say "Yes? Can I help you?" As if I'd be seriously driving along with a sticklebrick wheel on my car and leaving it for any length of time. Knob.

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