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Atmosphere at matches.

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Personally, I think the drum is having a NEGATIVE effect on the atmosphere as it drowns out a lot of songs, goes on for far too long and the majority of the time it is the same beat, which is usually faster than the actual songs. Therefore no-one can actually join in as their voices aren't heard due to the 'BOOM, BOOM, BOOM' of the drum.


As for various comments I've read on here about the singers in the bottom of the Chaddy not joining in when other sections start songs is complete and utter crap. We do join in, but sometimes we've exhausted our own voices when others haven't joined in and need a short break when the back of the Chaddy start up.

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I don’t know about anyone else but the things that make me sing are banter with fans of the opposition and us on the attack or controversy on the pitch with bad tackles or poor decisions etc.

The other thing is seeing the players play with a real die-hard attitude or gladiator like passion.


Take out poor decisions and ask yourself do we get the above at home these days?


Also we hardly sing our famous “Come on Oldham” Chant at home these days because every time we get a corner or some action the drum starts,

Drums kill lengthy songs this is a fact.


Also a key factor is Alcohol intake, I am more likely to sing at away games because I have the “I am on holiday” mentality and I am probably a little tipsy! Lol


P.S. I holiday in Grimsby.

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Personally, I think the drum is having a NEGATIVE effect on the atmosphere as it drowns out a lot of songs, goes on for far too long and the majority of the time it is the same beat, which is usually faster than the actual songs. Therefore no-one can actually join in as their voices aren't heard due to the 'BOOM, BOOM, BOOM' of the drum.


As for various comments I've read on here about the singers in the bottom of the Chaddy not joining in when other sections start songs is complete and utter crap. We do join in, but sometimes we've exhausted our own voices when others haven't joined in and need a short break when the back of the Chaddy start up.


I think the drum can be really good for the atmosphere. The guy just needs to slow it down a bit as it is he who dictates the pace of many songs/chants. Slow it down and it will last longer and give a chance for more people to join in and let the song/chant build up. I think alot of the times like you say it is too quick and it discourages people joining in. If the drummer is reading this, my advice is just try slowing it down a bit.


It will be interesting if (when) we get planning permission and some of the Lookers singers move into the Chaddy. We have plenty of willing singers just too spread out. I will admit that i don't sing at home games but sing for the duration no matter what away from home and it's nothing to do with having a few before the game, it's just because everyone stares at me in the Lookers upper if I start joining in (I'm nearish the Chaddy). In the Cup against Crewe it was a little better, but in the League it is a morgue and anyone who dares to join in the singing is looked at like they are mental.

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LIKE THIS!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:




(ad infinatum)


That's a way to get the crowd on their feet. Can't do it wheneverybod is sitting down, mind, but in the appropriate spot, could work...


Feck, it were an 'elluva lot of fun bobbin'...

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Chaddy -my view


A few have mentioned surprised that only a small part of the Chaddy sings... this as always been the case in my time going to Oldham (apart the 'big' times/games). In the days of the terrace only a 5th of the Chaddy really sang, everyone new that the main stand side was the place to be for singers and had a choice to be around there or not. then it was only really the lookers paddock sang else where.


The streamers / ballons have been mentioned, bought by me so many times. Even though I bought them and hand them out.... nobody can be bothered blowing them up and they end up all over the floor unused. Why bother most don't apprecate the effort or even care.


Big flag - got in ground at one every game before the end of the season to set up. Looked good ... but as soon as team hit the tunnel it was dropped there and then, firstly having absolutely no effect towards lift the team (which is the whole point of it) and then I missed the first tens minutes of the game trying to get in away (followed by the moans / groans from all around that I was preventing them seeing the game). This year in the paddock so no big flag except Leeds .... which I arranged with the help of several volunteers


The chaddy singers disturbing peoples enjoyment. ..... the debates been going on for years about people around this area moaning. Well this area as always been for the singers and since the seats have been in everyone knows this. If you don't want put up with singers / drum .... get your ST in another section ..... its not like its full ever.


Drum ... not getting inot this but CORNERS IS 'COME ON OLDHAM'. Plus most who travel / sing each week do not like it or need it...... Forest anyone!







Frankly there will never be one section of singers because you have the guys who sing/travel home and away who generally sit in the Lookers upper lower. Generally the only others who travel/sing are the younger ones (I know some of you who do sit / sing in Chaddy who travel don't worry) in the Chaddy


I know for a fact that when the lookers comes down not nobody wants to sit in the Chaddy singing section ... call it what you will but there is a division / rivally / different personalities etc between the two ranks... add the drummer into that etc I enjoy the Lookers .... didn't enjoy my season in the Chaddy last year.



... simple fact is unless the team are riding high (and winning the game on the day) its just never going to be any better, same with every club up and down the country

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Chaddy -my view



The chaddy singers disturbing peoples enjoyment. ..... the debates been going on for years about people around this area moaning. Well this area as always been for the singers and since the seats have been in everyone knows this. If you don't want put up with singers / drum .... get your ST in another section ..... its not like its full ever.


Drum ... not getting inot this but CORNERS IS 'COME ON OLDHAM'. Plus most who travel / sing each week do not like it or need it...... Forest anyone!

Frankly there will never be one section of singers because you have the guys who sing/travel home and away who generally sit in the Lookers upper lower. Generally the only others who travel/sing are the younger ones (I know some of you who do sit / sing in Chaddy who travel don't worry) in the Chaddy


I know for a fact that when the lookers comes down not nobody wants to sit in the Chaddy singing section ... call it what you will but there is a division / rivally / different personalities etc between the two ranks... add the drummer into that etc I enjoy the Lookers .... didn't enjoy my season in the Chaddy last year.

... simple fact is unless the team are riding high (and winning the game on the day) its just never going to be any better, same with every club up and down the country


:idea: Why don't all the Lookers singers move to the other side of the Chaddy therefore having 2 reasonably large and willing singing sections spread out across the stand. Surely that would guarantee a good atmosphere and make it more like away games are, where we are all on one side/end together. I will be moving to the Chaddy if/when the Lookers is knocked down, hopefully plenty of others will as well and then we can really get a good atmosphere going. It seems to me like people moan about the drum just for the sake of moaning. If he slowed down a bit and was a bit more selective in when he joined in, it would be an asset (at home at least).

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:idea: Why don't all the Lookers singers move to the other side of the Chaddy therefore having 2 reasonably large and willing singing sections spread out across the stand. Surely that would guarantee a good atmosphere and make it more like away games are, where we are all on one side/end together. I will be moving to the Chaddy if/when the Lookers is knocked down, hopefully plenty of others will as well and then we can really get a good atmosphere going. It seems to me like people moan about the drum just for the sake of moaning. If he slowed down a bit and was a bit more selective in when he joined in, it would be an asset (at home at least).

Didnt think was too bad on Satdi, thought we created quite a lot of noiz - mebbe I am just hearing things. Think the refs we are getting are sooo bad, everyone gets so wound up we are all on our toes trying to be the extra man to go against their 12th man - I am struggling to speak today - can't wait for the next home game - 3 points I hope at last!

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Why don't all the Lookers singers move to the other side of the Chaddy therefore having 2 reasonably large and willing singing sections spread out across the stand. Surely that would guarantee a good atmosphere and make it more like away games are, where we are all on one side/end together. I will be moving to the Chaddy if/when the Lookers is knocked down, hopefully plenty of others will as well and then we can really get a good atmosphere going. It seems to me like people moan about the drum just for the sake of moaning. If he slowed down a bit and was a bit more selective in when he joined in, it would be an asset (at home at least).


This is what I was hoping / think will happen. But only if the RRE is not available ..... would be nice for the team to be attacking towards Latics fans both ends. Hence the paddock army banner i made at the start of the season ... I'll put this up to show were the singers can gather

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I always seem to end up with old blokes, old women and a variety of oddballs who I swear are on some sort of care in the community outing at away games where it is designated seating. None of whom want to join in any sort of singing and I must admit that my enjoyment is always severly impaired. Scunny away last season was a prime example but luckily towards the end I was able to join others in standing behind the goal and become embroiled in celebrations that would otherwise look totally undignified for a 46 year old! It's much better at places like Huddersfield where you can move to be with like minded souls whether this is singing or remaining firmly glued to your seat, perhaps indulging in the odd gentle aside to your neighbour. Not condeming those who don't want to sing as each to their own, except for those who only seem intent on moaning no matter what. But that's another thread.


At home games I sit in the Lookers Upper in front of the lads who stand at the back and try to get things going every now and then. When it comes off it's great especially as it's near the away fans and therefore helps create "banter" that does improve the total enjoyment all round. The lads in the paddock section also give it a go but as they are open to the elements, their efforts aren't as loud as they would be with a roof over them.


Hopefully we will get the go ahead tomorrow night and we can start to look at areas where like minded folk can congregate (I'll refrain from going down the road of designated singing areas as it reminds me of the beasts of satan down the road). Personally I'd hope there will still be people who want to be near the away fans and hopefully given the design of the new ground, the people on the Lookers Upper and paddock who want to sing will be able to get together. Even if season ticket holders are given seat numbers I doubt the stands will be full so this should be possible.


On a similar thread, if the intention is to demolish the Lookers first then the club should give the fans the option to go in the small section of the RRE as well as other parts of the ground. I'm sure this would help liven things up.


Anyway, got my tickets for Leeds and Everton and just pray that my luck changes.....

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Why don't all the Lookers singers move to the other side of the Chaddy therefore having 2 reasonably large and willing singing sections spread out across the stand. Surely that would guarantee a good atmosphere and make it more like away games are, where we are all on one side/end together. I will be moving to the Chaddy if/when the Lookers is knocked down, hopefully plenty of others will as well and then we can really get a good atmosphere going. It seems to me like people moan about the drum just for the sake of moaning. If he slowed down a bit and was a bit more selective in when he joined in, it would be an asset (at home at least).


This is what I was hoping / think will happen. But only if the RRE is not available ..... would be nice for the team to be attacking towards Latics fans both ends. Hence the paddock army banner i made at the start of the season ... I'll put this up to show were the singers can gather

I think it would be good for the Lookers Upper/Lower singers to move to the RRE, then perhaps someone in the Main Stand can judge and end the debate once and for all about whether or not 100 singers in the RRE sounds louder than the Chaddy.

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How about tangerine and blue ticker tape / balloons. If everyone was to take something similar to Everton it would look pretty impressive as the teams come out? Does anyone know a supplier of cheap (or even free :pray: ) tangerine / blue paper or balloons?


did that against Blackpool at Bloomfield and they all blew away. Mark's done it as well several times.

As Mark said the flags are hard work as no-one is really interested and it doesn't give the team a lift as people won't hold them so they can be seen.


You make a good point though - a few make the effort then get dejected as nobody responds - what we need is a concerted effort by everyone at once.

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Be interesting if we move to the RRE.... then we can end the debate as to which is loudest.


I will post some sites I got streamers from before ..... if enough get them they'll be great but I'm talking in the the region of a few hundred going off same time.

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Be interesting if we move to the RRE.... then we can end the debate as to which is loudest.


I will post some sites I got streamers from before ..... if enough get them they'll be great but I'm talking in the the region of a few hundred going off same time.


pretty sure the RRE will be the loudest, not just from the Paddock singers and the accoustics, but also cos os the fact that it will attract non ST holders, who sit in other parts of the ground who like a sing-song to move in there.... I would be there in a shot, but I will never sit in the chaddy - terrible stand, pillars, and terrible accousics - no thanks....


RRE all the way - think you will see it absolutely packed once more if we get given the chance.... and it will be the noisiest stand, also gte the banter with the oppo fans which i used to love in the good'ol days!

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I sit in the Chaddy, over on the main stand side, and I don't really mind the drum that much - on the whole probably gets more songs going, even if it is the same ones on repeat.


What I can't stand however is when there's a lull in the singing, and the guy with the drum is just pratting about with it - giving it the odd bang, or tapping his sticks against it. Even just doing a slow beat. It's driving the people around me mad, and on more than one occasion against Donny someone threatened to shove the sticks up his aris.

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did that against Blackpool at Bloomfield and they all blew away. Mark's done it as well several times.


Everton is a much more enclosed ground and i think we'll be in a big block rather than stretched across a whole wing. I know Mark's done it before and can understand why he would be put off doing it again as many people can't be bothered even blowing a balloon up. Making a big deal of it with an article in the programme, on the OS, even giving out balloons when the tickets are sold (ok, maybe a bit late to do that for Everton but at some point in the future, maybe). If every Latics fan is aware of what is trying to be achieved more may buy into the idea and make the effort.


Basically the point of creating an atmosphere must be to give the players a lift. This doesn't have to be just about making noise but about being visually impressive as well, so that when the players look over to our end they can see what it means to us.

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:idea: Why don't all the Lookers singers move to the other side of the Chaddy therefore having 2 reasonably large and willing singing sections spread out across the stand. Surely that would guarantee a good atmosphere and make it more like away games are, where we are all on one side/end together. I will be moving to the Chaddy if/when the Lookers is knocked down, hopefully plenty of others will as well and then we can really get a good atmosphere going. It seems to me like people moan about the drum just for the sake of moaning. If he slowed down a bit and was a bit more selective in when he joined in, it would be an asset (at home at least).

I've had my years in the Chaddy. I left it about 8 years ago to sit in the Paddock and Upper and have only on the odd occasion when there's been no other choice bar the Main Stand, gone in. I hate what it's become from when I first started going Latics. In the last year I was in there, it was full of youngsters who'd of done Cilla Black's Blind Date proud. There was too many people with chips on their shoulder. These exact same people are the one's still talked about as to having the same chip on their shoulder now.


Terrible Stand. Terrible View. Pillars in Way. Poor Acoustics. People with chip's on their shoulder. No Thanks.


If and when the Lookers comes down. I and most of those I go with will be in the R.R.E. - It's what we've said since it's been talked about - If we dont get the option. I'll go where I did for the Mansfield cup game and the Wednesday friendly and sit in the Main Stand.

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I've had my years in the Chaddy. I left it about 8 years ago to sit in the Paddock and Upper and have only on the odd occasion when there's been no other choice bar the Main Stand, gone in. I hate what it's become from when I first started going Latics. In the last year I was in there, it was full of youngsters who'd of done Cilla Black's Blind Date proud. There was too many people with chips on their shoulder. These exact same people are the one's still talked about as to having the same chip on their shoulder now.


Terrible Stand. Terrible View. Pillars in Way. Poor Acoustics. People with chip's on their shoulder. No Thanks.


If and when the Lookers comes down. I and most of those I go with will be in the R.R.E. - It's what we've said since it's been talked about - If we dont get the option. I'll go where I did for the Mansfield cup game and the Wednesday friendly and sit in the Main Stand.

Taint that bleedin bad - not where I sit anyway - too cynical too young Rocky!

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I'd just like to start off by saying that I'm really new to all this. It's my first season at 'Latics.


No one seems to sing much where we are in the main stand, but I love joining in with the songs. Unfortunately I don't know any of the words or the tunes and so if no on else is singing around me I can't join in.


Could this be part of the problem that some people simply don't sing 'cos they don't know the tunes/words?


I realise this isn't quite as positive as may be you'd like, but it may possibly be a stumbling block that no one has considered.

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