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Everything posted by JohnnyPimp

  1. I've got to admit that his treble whammy (suspension, fine and loss of an international cap) is suprisingly harsh but fair. I think it sends the right message to the rest of the squad and the fans that the club have taken his sending off very seriously. As far as I'm concerned this issue is over and Davies, when available for selection, should be given the full support of the coaching staff, players and fans. At the end of the day, a fully focused Craig Davies has been, and could become again, an enormous asset to the club.
  2. Absolutely my sentiments too. Plus, I missed last year's game because I was away on holiday.
  3. I know we've all got opinions but they don't have to be so wide of the mark.
  4. Shez didn't pull any punches in his post-match interview. Called the sending-off stupidity and said that Davis had acted like an idiot. Must say I agree with him but let's hope CD gets his head down over the next couple of weeks coz we've gotta lot of games coming up.
  5. Cast your mind back a couple of years when Richards first burst onto the scene and the tabloids were 'reporting' on a proposed £5m move to one of the big 4. I remember at the time being over the moon that Latics might get a £1m cut. £3.75m is an amount I couldn't even have dreamed of.
  6. I'm thinking of parking up at the Town Hall and walking to Spotland. The last time I walked from the town centre to the ground I was 11 years old and it seemed like a bloody long way! Please can someone let me know how much time I should allow myself? P.S. I have stumpy legs but can walk at a reasonable pace.
  7. There's no probably about it. There are 22 other teams in our division that would love to have him.
  8. 50 minutes to go and I'm off to the ground. GET IN!!!
  9. I love all our fans. Even the tongue in cheek-less.
  10. Well, I don't usually bet on Latics as you can quickly see your hopes, dreams and money go up in smoke. However, I couldn't resist £20 on us at 10-1 for promotion. Barring a bad run of injuries / suspensions I think top 6 is veeerrrry achievable.
  11. Well I didn't start watching Latics until I was 14, so I guess I can't join in. However, I've got a mental age of 11 so I'll say Andy Ritchie.
  12. This is from the Paul Fletcher blog on the BBC website: - "A colleague of mine is adamant that the signing of the summer in League One is Kieran Lee, who has joined Oldham from Man Utd. I've never seen him play - have you? As a full-back/midfielder he certainly provides options for Latics boss John Sheridan." I must admit, I'd almost forgotten about the lad. Quite excited again now though.
  13. End of the 'Story of 3 million' thread? Never!
  14. At no point did Phillips look good at left back (IMO ). I have little doubt that he could do a very solid job for us on the left wing but I think that we'll still be looking for a LB should he sign. Heck, if Simon Corney doesn't think that Chris Taylor is a left back wait 'til he sees this guy.
  15. I remember the game at Crewe towards the end of the 2006-7 season, where we lost (2-0?) and Roque got injured but Shez wouldn't let him leave the field, despite him limping around like a lame duck! I know that it would have put us down to 10 men at the time but I like the idea that he had to stay on the pitch so that we didn't have to pay for him!
  16. In Shez's Latics World interview he mentions that he would still like to sign a left-sided player, although he was non-committal on whether that person would be a left-back or left-midfielder. Incidentally, there is also LW footage of Lomax knocking in left-footed crosses during a recent training session although the ones I saw weren't very good (keep practicing Kelvin!). My guess on the left side would be a wing-back, probably young and on a season-long loan from a Champ or Prem club. He is also still on the lookout for a creative midfielder which, I must admit, I thought Whittaker had been brought in to play as. With the unexpected signing of Williams, our squad is looking awfully plump at the moment so I would think that the creative midfielder will have to wait until JP sorts himself out with another club (although I can't help but feel he's waiting for a pay-off from the club first). I've got to say though that the current squad is looking strong enough to challenge this year. Are those butterflies in my stomach or is it just wind!?
  17. Is this our new commercial manager, because he seems a little young?
  18. It's obvious that a number of building contractors will be scaling back / going bust over the next 12 months or so (although after so many years of inflated house prices it makes you wonder where all the rich pickings went!). It therefore strikes me that an opportunity will arise for the incorporation of a new building company, combining the collective talents of those people likely to be looking for new employment or the directions to the dole office. This company would have a large contract for the commercial and residential development of, I don't know, Boundary Park for instance. Sub-contract and material prices would be successfully haggled with suppliers and manufacturers, desperate for business. The development would grow slowly in line with confidence in the economy. All that is needed is funding from a group of businessman who have dealt with recession before and come out at the other end stronger. Businessmen who's personal assets have been chosen wisely to protect against world economic downturns. LaticsBuild Ltd, anyone?
  19. From Wikipedia (so it must be true ): - "Robinson has since announced that he plans to spend the remainder of his club career in MLS. Although he took a substantial pay cut when moving across the Atlantic, the considerably lower property prices of Canada as opposed to those of the United Kingdom allowed him to purchase a country estate near Toronto. Maybe falling house prices are tempting him back?
  20. I don't sense any over-reaction at all! Damn fine draw though, I've got to say.
  21. When did Thomas Cook come on board as our shirt sponsors?
  22. Huddersfield's scheme is clearly a loss leader. You only have to look at the Chairman's comments above. They've generated the same income from season tickets as they did last year. Well done! Now all they've got to look forward to is the gate receipt income from away fans and the bank holiday brigade who attend 1 or 2 games a year. Forget about pie and ale sales as well, quite apart from the fact not everyone who goes to games bothers buying something, they're not likely to get more than 3,000 extra fans per game because most of the 16,000 ST holders have no intention of attending all the time. The club is buying itself some support and atmosphere which is admirable, if expensive. Geeze, if only they had the acoustics of the RRE!
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