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Everything posted by Lisa

  1. I'm afraid that at this moment in time, I can not confirm which Chaddy will attend but I can assure you there will be one there!!!!
  2. All members of Boundary Blues should have received a newsletter with the party details in, but, just in case you haven't, here they are!! Monday 1st December 2008, Royton & Crompton Golf Club, 7pm – 9pm (doors open 6.50pm) There will be a DJ, games, a quiz and raffle prizes. John Sheridan and his players will be there for you to meet, get autographs and have photos with! We will also be drawing out match mascots for the second half of the season. Tickets £6 members £7.50 non-members (includes hot food) available from the club shop. We have to strictly limit numbers this time as the parties are proving very popular and so get very busy!! We will not be able to accept people on the door, you must buy a ticket in advance. Tickets are non-refunable. If you have any questions, just ask!
  3. The locks have been changed! Anyway, does anyone know how I can get in touch with Maddog?!!
  4. I need to try and speak to Madog this morning, can someone pm me her number please? Thanks
  5. I'm not being your friend, I've just tried to ring you up and you didn't answer!
  6. You might not be allowed to go either yet!
  7. I'm trying to find out for definate what is happening with it, Boundary Blues didn't know until today that there was a possibility of it being moved!
  8. Please note that the Boundary Blues away trip to STOCKPORT on Saturday 4th October 2008 is now available to book. The day also includes organised football games with Junior Hatters and lunch with the Hatters in their lounge. Members £10.00 Parents £20.00. This includes your match ticket Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Booking forms are available from the club shop. THE COACH WILL DEPART FROM THE CLAYTON ARMS CAR PARK AT 11.15 AM PROMPT
  9. I don't think there is a cut off point as such, I just think when you add up the cost of the day it gets a bit scarey! For instance, for two of us it's £54 for the tickets, £5 to park and whatever the cost of the petrol is. So even if you don't spend money on food and drink whilst there, you're still talking upwards of £65 which is a lot of money to some people.
  10. Thanks for the mention!!! We always try to do our best for the younger supporters and provide a membership gift that is unique to Boundary Blues, I'm glad she likes it and thanks for the feedback :-)
  11. Most definately you were the one swaying. It was amazing how none of you could manage to hold a pint and open your wallet at the same time!!
  12. I think you'll find that I was the most sober person there!
  13. All the items from the Royle Bar and the Boundary Blues lounge will be taken down and be put into storage ready to be used in the new stand.
  14. Are you only going to drink 4 pints of Guiness all day?!!
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