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Everything posted by JoeLatics

  1. Great idea OP, try emailing the club and see if you can get them to advertise it on the fishul & so on?
  2. Fan-tastic tonight, don't think I've enjoyed a game that much for a while! Dickov's really got them playing with passion, at last, and really leading by example, going in for every single ball in the air, despite being about 15ft shorter than the lad of theirs who was marking him! I can barely remember a single Wigan chance, bar the penalty, and we definitely dominated the first half and last 20 mins, I think!
  3. Saw it quite a few times! Good to see they're keeping it up.
  4. Anyone got odds on Gordon Brown? Needs a job now :P
  5. He better bloody had be relieved of his duties! I wasn't happy about Penney going, but if the Directors decide otherwise, then why keep his Number 2 in?!
  6. Good for her, kept her nose clean throughout! Although if the FA are now letting women ref men's football, why aren't they also allowed to play? It's their own disadvantage if they aren't as strong, or talented, surely?
  7. You're right that it made no difference, but by the Laws of the Game, he had to do it. All the refs at League level will have assessors in the crowd, so they do have to follow the Law to the letter, which, in cases like this, is stupid. Also, the advantage rule doesn't come into it at all, a drop ball was the correct restart, and the only one he could have given, regardless of it being over-officious.
  8. Was it just me, by the way, or was the lino on the Main Stand side female? Never seen that before, if so!!
  9. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, please don't go there!!!!!
  10. Last 5: W3 D1 L1 - 10pts out of 15 = 2pts per game. That would be 92 points if sustained overca season, automatic promotion beckons next season!
  11. Gregan's hattrick was the highlight for me, and the bit where Dave Penney suddenly decided to become a player, came on, and scored was incredible! As well as every single team except us getting 60 point deductions, putting us right in the Automatic Promotion slots!
  12. Best ref for years, he actually understood the advantage rule!
  13. Get a bit of DP's Blue White Army going? Should drown out the chavs, at least?
  14. The level of intelligence in these people: What Hardy hasn't done for the club doesn't merit talking about.
  15. Bloody typical Scousers! Get 2 dubious penalties, and still feel the need to handball it into the net! If there's any justice in football, they'll go down on the last day of the season, after somebody dives to win the game.
  16. Yeah, but the number of points he's saved us this season, we'd be down already without him!
  17. It was pretty funny, he was walking out, then a steward felt the need to escort him the rest of the way
  18. The 'Guy' tried, at least, but he missed about 4 sitters...
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