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Everything posted by Dave_Og

  1. No idea. Shocker of a username though; I'm offended and I'm not even a millennial.
  2. Barry It appears to be common knowledge that you keep track of what is under discussion on here. I don't know if that's true or whether you have a username. If it is the case then a direct question. You acknowledged in a radio interview that in the latter days of the previous ownership you were not fully aware of everything that was going on and that with the benefit of hindsight you could perhaps a have used your status as a Director to challenge more than was the case. As you have retained that status under the new ownership do you feel that you are now in a position to deliver similar challenges given what appears to be a poor level of corporate governance?
  3. It was the second Latics fanzine as far as I know after "View From Afar", an effort from OASIS. The copies of that are still tucked away in a box under the bed.
  4. Drayton destroyed their left back. He was booked and subbed within 15 minutes. I thought we'd signed Messi... And it was one leg of a six match acca that won over a grand. Had worse days
  5. Nonsense. That'd be the Clarke who was club player if the year at every club he played for. Obviously Wheater has played at a higher level but a more obvious leader? No. Blindingly obviously the only sensible option in this squad though.
  6. It's bonkers. He played half the season and then they bought someone to replace him.
  7. I guess there are many ways in which that could be read but the first thing that leaps out at me is that the figures barely changed inbetween the two key moments
  8. So he wS our best player last season. For half an hour
  9. He's got one hell of a track record in a very short space of time
  10. So we had a blue homekit and three of the four options for the away kit were blue to greater or lesser degrees. Sounds like they'd already bought them to me!
  11. Don't care aboutother clubs but I do care about what happens at ours. There are some very different scenarios here; I can see why a Chairman may bar a specific player from selection for individual financial reasons such as a contractual obligation but that's miles away from some of the stories that appeared to have credibility last season. They seemed largely to revolve around fallings out because some players voiced their opinions or because they were not part of certain cliques. I don't know if they were true but the number of them with common themes represented strong circumstantial evidence.
  12. Maybe it's Brian Cox #astronomicallywildspeculation
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