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Everything posted by martjs

  1. Nowhere near as many back in 1990 - it was pre-Prem days and they hadn't won the league for 20-odd years then so a distinct lack of gloryhunting fans. Again, pre-Prem and so nowhere near as many live matches on the box. We used to go in Sheddings after the match and thats where I spotted 'em. Aaagh! Probably due to the booze I saw more red shirts than there were! Anyway, we used to go to Sheddings at night too. Morgan and all that! "Simply The Best" Heady days, only problem was lack of late-night food after closing time... And for some reason the owners at Yips didnt like me knocking on their window after they were shut! "Nothing left!" Good times...
  2. I have noticed since you passed it (the baton) on. I'm assuming your position became untenable. Like I said, it's good to have you in the "silent majority".
  3. Not sure what you're getting at with your first comment. There were a lot of red ManU shirts at the ground (Watersheddings) and in the club (Sheddings) after the matches. Maybe those fans bought and wore ManU shirts because they were similar to ORLFC's colours...
  4. I went to watch Oldham Rugby in the 1990 cup run cos a few of my mates were fans. After a while, I noticed a lot of Oldham Rugby fans were ManU fans and other Rugby fans hated Latics - so how does the above work again?
  5. Someone call Matt - his account has been hacked... Welcome to the dark side. It's good to have you on board...
  6. And the bad news is that just because a "vocal minority" on here believe the opposite it doesn't mean that will happen either...
  7. I had the regional problem but someone "came through" with at least 4 options (cheers Prozac). I used an S-video cable (get me!) to connect it to my 32" LCD TV and the picture wasn't that bad. Maybe I'm easily pleased - for an exile it's always a bonus to see Latics play live BUT the defeat got me thinking: when was the last time we won when live on TV?!?
  8. Come on - don't you know that Derker is a seething hotbed of wannabe Latics fans?!?
  9. Tell me you didn't just fly back for the Leeds match? I've thought about flying back for a Wembley play-off final (when we got close once) and on another occasion for a Cardiff cup final - damn that Spanish goal-scoring wizard that Wrexham had at that time...
  10. Yeah, I noticed him too... Wonder what he's looking at or thinking...? Caption competition anyone? "Fwwhoaaarrr, look at the wings on that!"
  11. Cheers but... ...as expected I get: "SORRY, YOU ARE UNABLE TO ACCESS THIS CONTENT. This content is restricted by your graphical location" FFS. Why, oh, why is the "WORLD wide web" restricted by geographical location????
  12. Yes I heard that but didn't they say they banished that curse two season ago with a late winner?
  13. Ok will do. Cheers Matt! He was the last time I saw him!
  14. Matt, do I remember you saying a while back that you knew of a way of "changing" an IP address so it looks like it's from another country (may have been during the dutch fan posts)? Just wondering if it could be used to watch the match on FAtv.com tomorrow from outside the UK...
  15. Lol. I see one of those "motivational" posters and after groaning about it I think about those funny spoof versions (demotivators)and wish I could find the link for them... ...found it! http://despair.com/viewall.html
  16. LOL! Can you PM me any *cough* sources you might be referring to? My, er, usual source is not showing it in their schedule - mind you they always change the channel as soon as the match is over! Any updates on the FA web site being "regionalised" from other ex-pats? I suppose I could email the FA...
  17. You're forgetting we're currently topping the table for "most English football (soccer?) fans living in the Cayman Islands" (allegedly) there underdog...
  18. Well there's been less than 2,000 posts on this thread so far and, to me, that's ridiculous and just shows how this board has stagnated in the 3rd tier of English football (message boards). If we can't get 8,000 by the time we play Leeds in the cup on Saturday we might as well pack it all in. And don't point out the 40,000+ viewings as that includes "visiting fans" from big name clubs - the likes of Udders, L**ds and the Bindippers lurking behind their curtains. Incidentally, what's the "capacity" of a thread on this board? If it's less than 16,000 (posts) then it definitely lacks ambition...
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