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Everything posted by edhunteruk

  1. i take it you mean keigan parker. yeah,he would be great here,although like you say we prolly couldnt afford him. but you never know,if shez has been a good boy tta's might just have put a little extra in his christmas stocking this year.
  2. straight in and straight out....like the sas!!!hahaha. i can find out the pubs that cater for away fans if you like. im taking my lad and the exwife,her fella and his mam(leeds fans)so doubt i shall time for a frestive drinkypoos with you mr 0000.
  3. he wont have a choice in the matter if shez thinks it will do him good. at the end of the day he needs to play regular,and if shez cant guarentee that he may send him out somewhere local,for his own good,i would imagine if he refuses he will end up in ressy's and have blown his chance. there is no shame going out on loan,look at beckham!!
  4. i think if anybody had gone to todays game and not been for a while they will have wondered what all the fuss has been about.and how forest managed to get to the top. i must say i was happy before the game with a point,but having watched todays game i am slightly dissapointed we didnt get all 3,if we had carried on like we did in the second min we would have had a rout on our hands.great movement and a superb shot which hit the post.....then we went long and high most of the time. eardly's passing today was shocking,everytime he got it he lumped it diagonal forward,or out of play down the wing. hughes was starved of ammunition,so not suprising he was going into midfield looking for the ball,when he did get it he made the keeper work. taylor spent far too much in central midfield today instead of skinning there defender which he was more than capable of. and stam,goodish game but 3 errors with one that could of cost us,no wonder kilkenny was berrating him,then crossley had words later. in all it was a typical game were both sides didnt want to lose,but didnt have the conviction or guile to carve out a win,the ref was appauling and some of his decisions were laughable to say the least. but at the end of the day we got a point,and got another clean sheet,and another unbeaten game to carry on the run.
  5. being involved with the first team,training and so on will do them no harm at all,he has had a few games and shez rates him highly.this is why he has had games due to first teamers being injured. the trouble is if all first team regulars are fit he wont get many chances,so then it wouldnt do him any harm to go out on loan,bit like trotman did,and look how well he has done. wonder how many people said beckham,gerrard,owen and rooney were overrated!!!
  6. you never know do you.davies moves out to the left,as bertrand could leave taylor has deputised there and shown to be usefull,so maybe shez is just covering the bases...... i have heard also that keigan parker is available,donkey lashers apparently want shut because he kicked a door at a massage parlour.....was there leading scorer last season.
  7. yes your correct...a resounding no. have a word with philligi,he comes up with songs
  8. at the end of the day yes there is a morale issue,but the clubs dont have to let the young uns go,they do have a choice. if the lads parents acting in his best interest say that he should go,as it shows he is better than most at his age,then the club has to get the best deal possible from it,wether its money and sell on clauses or something else. as other top coaches and managers have said in the past,if a players had his head turned there is no point forcing them to play on when there hearts not in it.
  9. i had bbc's live text on in the first half.it clearly stated we had more pssession,and if our accuracy was a little better we could of been 3 up for half time. maybe clarke thought he owed us,so decided to miss on purpose eh.....might of been told hes leaving in jan....who knows.hahahah
  10. good news for our coaching staff,proves there at least teaching the kids the right stuff. good deal if we get momey and a future sell on clause. yeah we only got one player so far on loan,but look how good he has been,and 1 is better than none. what you have to remember is that chelsea cant force players to come here on loan,what would you choose,bright lights of london or a chip muffin on tommyfield market!!!
  11. i cant honestly believe that after last seasons dramatic anti climax,tta's wont give some money for the team in january,yes we are still losing money,but now we have planning approval and they can see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel,they have got to look at giving as much help as possible to push on and get out of this league. players will move on naturally then and with all the freebies out there and the promise of new stadia we may be able to attract a better class of player. but we defo need new blood in january.
  12. think tranmere do a "kid for a quid" thing or something like that,like you say kids cant go on there own so an adult must attend.its that adult price that needs looking at. the club should be seriously looking into other ways to get people in,as has been said why pay £20 for league one when you can watch premier league for £24. as we are led to believe when this development is finished the club should be self sufficient,so maybe then tta's will do something.£15 is a fair price for league 1 football i reckon.
  13. i would imagine like has already been said he will be given until the end of the season,then the club always have an option of a 12 month extension. if we get promoted one way or the other,i doubt he would feature in many games,and seeing as shez says he is one of his leaders,would hope the club offer him some form of coaching role to help out the young players coming through. you cant knock his experience.
  14. you havin a laff!!!! i lived in middleton for 14 years......hahahahah.
  15. what about the unemployed??? i get £59 a week!!!! i spent £105 yesterday on tickets. once this development is done it wont so much matter about attendances in one respect. but hopefully by then we will be well established in the championship,which should boost attendances,but then again with our fans you just dont know.
  16. you got to remember that most people dont finish work until tomorrow for christmas,so havent been able to get to bp.plus i think if we win on saturday and boxing day then there could well be a surge. but with christmas coming and £25 a ticket what do you expect. typical oldham fans????? the only typical ones are the glory hunters buying everton tickets because its a premier league team.
  17. dont forget to ask santa for some tweezers dereck,you will get splinters sitting on that fence like that..... 3 points and trying to get out of this pi$$ poor league are more importants,yes the cup run gives us money,but come on,are we likely to beat everton away......it doesnt really matter as im sure the 1500 of us will be in good voice.
  18. got my leeds tickets today at 3pm. also got two adults and a childs for boxing day against forest. was a polite woman behind the counter,and she told me they had sold 1,500 tickets for leeds!!!! but sold 4,000 for everton.
  19. im glad it aint bennett.after his poor showing again last night......diabolical. clattenburg to be fair has had more good games than bad. least its not some unknown muppett making a name for himself
  20. a very merry christmas to you and yours bob. best wishes to everyone(even oafc0000) on owtb this fine christmas and may 2008 be a very happy new year
  21. be interesting tomorrow then as i know someone who is going to ring for 3 adult tickets and 2 kids tickets as they cant get to bp in person. so they would be willing to turn down best part of hundred quid. most other clubs offer tickets for sale via there websites,the only time we have was with ticketmaster. i must say i have never had a problem before with tickets,either on the phone or over the counter,always been treated with courtesy and respect. but it just goes to show how much we need bringing upto date with certain things. im pretty certain if tta's knew that they were losing valuable money because of this they would make it a matter of urgency.
  22. read the thread properly please,then you will see what view i was coming from,the original debate was how pathetic the residents are for complaining of the size and scale of the development. and like has been sad,the very vast majority of fans on here are blinkered in as much as we all want the same outcome,we all want to see bp shiny and new with lots of money coming in better players coming in and maybe just maybe a return eventually to the good old days of premier league football. that my friend is fact and very much a given. the residents will only see things from there point of view and dont particulary want a load of noisy football fans,extra traffic everyday from the comings and goings of the new residents and the hotel with its conferencing facilitys,they just want things to stay as they are as once maybe twice a week they can live with football noise for a few hours. they dont give a damn if the club survives or goes bust,they are only interested in themselves. but you cant deny one or all of the groups concerned there views of the development. and to come on here and say things like the residents are complaining of the sheer scale of it.....tools,dont they realise the importance,without backing up or even trying to understand there point of view is just taking a one sided view of things. like i said would you be happy with a phonebox or bust stop being put at the top of your path,or an 8 storey building at the bottom of your garden......be honest most of us wouldnt.and would complain instantly to the highest authority possible. so how does putting two points of view across a debating table make me as bad as the residents????
  23. i cant win so i dont know why i try...really i dont. i dont need convincing of your thread you started the other day,it was a very well thought out constructed post regarding peoples fears. nobody is denying that,just your outburst in this thread calling channel m kn-obs,and saying die hard fans are stupid for not wanting it,and how dare the nimbys as you say moan about the scale of things. lets not get carried away here,we have outline permission only,not full permission yet,there is still a hell of a long way to go before it finally gets put into practice so to speak. we can now develope the nsm stand after christmas which will take 2 years,but there is still a chance the residents will get things scaled down so to speak along the way. like i said its a different point of view,and just exactly the same as you would be saying if someone built an 8 storey block of flats at the bottom of your garden.
  24. back on topic..... ok then what was your point in your earlier thread regarding the validity of die hard fans being apprehensive about the development. latics fans have a right to be apprehensive about this project,as we are still waiting for tta's to formally announce exactly what there intentions are now they have planning permission. nobody knows for sure if there going to be here longer than when they get there money back. most peoples apprehensions will more than likely be that they have to change seats,nothing more or nothing less.but there entitled to that view and there entitled to be apprehensive. now debate this issue properly please.without name calling or lowering the tone into a full blown attack.
  25. thats fair enough. but quite a few people havent had enough of this town yet and still live here earn here bring there children up here and so on,and in the grand scheme of things its a lot better than most places. but you cant go round arguing with people because they dont agree with your views on the development. i bet if you went round and asked the majority of the neighbours on the development and said the building wont encroche on your property and they will only be 4 storeys high they would be for it. just the same if you asked each and every oldham fan at bp on a match day you would be suprised just how many dont want things to change for various reasons. mainly being why develope a ground for 20-25k people and have 6k rattling around inside it. some peoples idea of redevelopment would be a lick of paint and to scrape the pidgeon muck off the seats. but you cant have a go at them.
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