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Everything posted by sjk2008

  1. That reminds of John Barnes introduction on his football on five show: "Hi, and welcome to John Barnes Football Night with John Barnes. I'm John Barnes". We gathered that John. Plonker.
  2. The best fight i have ever seen in the UFC is Forest Griffin Vs Stephan Bonnar (I think it was the final of TUF Season 2 or 3 - correct me if i am wrong). An all out stand up punch fest for 3 rounds. Personally, I had Bonnar winning that fight but I cant blame DW for offering them both contracts. And i'm a big fan of Forrest Griffin just because he seems to love the sport and isn't just arsed about the money. Some of his immediate post match interviews are quite amusing too.
  3. He is definitely a left footed central midfielder and that's where Wenger has played him whenever he has featured.
  4. And yes, Rooney followed by Jags as el capitano.
  5. Maybe this then? ***************HART**************** *RICHARDS**JAGIELKA***CAHILL***COLE* *************RODWELL*************** ********MILNER*******WILSHERE******* *WALCOTT*****************A. JOHNSON* **************ROONEY**************** This team could has extreme potential, one of which i see apart from A. Hole seems to be made up of players who genuinely play for the love of the game and not for the publicity or money (Gerrard, Rio, Terry)
  6. A World cup 2014 possible team: ****************HART**************** JOHNSON**CAHILL*****DAWSON****COLE ************HUDDLESTONE************ ***LENNON****************MILNER***** **************WILSHERE************** *********ROONEY******AGBONLAHOR***
  7. A World cup 2014 possible team: ****************HART**************** JOHNSON**CAHILL*****DAWSON****COLE ************HUDDLESTONE************ ***LENNON****************MILNER***** **************WILSHERE************** *********ROONEY******AGBONLAHOR***
  8. Can you PM them to me too please? Much appreciated!!
  9. A man had great tickets for the World Cup Final. As he sits down, another man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the empty seat next to him. "No", he says. "The seat is empty". "That's incredible!" says the other man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the World Cup Final, the biggest sporting event in football, and not use it?" "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife was supposed to come with me, but sadly she passed away. This is the first World Cup Final we haven't been together for since we got married". "Oh, I'm terribly sorry to hear that. But couldn't you find anyone else to take the seat? A friend, relative or even a neighbour?" The man shakes his head, "No, they're all at the funeral"
  10. I'm pleased. When we panned them a few years back but only managed a late late late draw (thanks Gary Mac), I remember tucking into a pie(s) and they were nothing short of delightful. Infact, the best pie i've had at a football ground. Those pies are in sharp contrast to Burnley who's pie was rock hard and would have wiped Akibiyi clean out had I thrown it onto the pitch back when we lost 3-0 in the carling cup. (Ironically, they were sponsored by Hollands at the time).
  11. Not liking all the negativity in the room. England 3-1 USA Rooney 2 Dempsey Lampard (pen)
  12. I was sceptical myself at first but it could turn out to be a good thing. No point slagging Dickov off before's he's began. At the end of the day TTA are't going to impress everyone no matter who they choose (realistically) so why don't we just give him a chance anyway and if we're bottom of the league by January then feel free to vent your fury.
  13. Wild rumours which are obviously rubbish i can have a giggle at, but ex managers informing him of developments are just plain ridiculous.
  14. The fat Ronaldo for sure. Fatty:Skinny 10 PACE 10 10 HEADING 9 10 FINISHING 9 10 SKILL 10 10 STRENGTH 9 If it wasnt for those horrific knee injuries he picked up, he would have been IMO the greatest ever player.
  15. Here's my best England team Scott Carson Danny Mills Matthew Upson Keith Curle Phil Neville Kieron Dyer Seth Johnson Carlton Palmer Steve Guppy Michael Ricketts John Fashanu Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.ph...8#ixzz0pDiwF2zt
  16. and all that keep's you gripped to the show. Love it!!
  17. How have you watched the last one, there's still 3 episodes left on Sky1? Regardless, please don't give away the ending, it's upsetting enough knowing it's nearing the end let alone knowing how before it does!! Quite interested to see just how they plan on making the movie of 24 though. I'd love it to be a big 4 hour epic, you wouldn't catch me sitting through any ordinary film for that long put it that way!!
  18. I watched the first two series of Lost and I was impressed, but not to the extent where I felt once an episode had finished I HAD to watch the next one until my eyes could not stay open. Now, that is what 24 does to me. Impossible just to watch one episode at a time unless you're watching it on Sky, and even then it's painful having to wait a week for the next one. Anyone else here think 24 is as good as what I think it is??
  19. You think so? Well why dont we get an online game going as I'm sure there's a few fellow FM2010 players on here that be may be interested.
  20. Lee Clark seems to be doing a good job at Udders so I dont see why Butt couldn't make his name here?
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