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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Anyone can beat anyone in the NFL, all it takes is one bad day. Tennesse will lose at some point, but they are in a good spot. When you have a start like that, and like the Giants have, it basically means u can go 0.500 for rest of the season and still make the playoffs.
  2. Well, they kept giving us chances with penalties...how many times were they 1st and 15 or 1st and 20? Yet they didnt punt once. Says it all really.
  3. That blocked punt was quality...had a little chuckle at that. A great result for the Giants that....hopefully we will stretch the lead at the top of the BEast tonight.
  4. Just spent the last couple of days playin on Fifa. It was ok, better than I expected (Fifa tends to be crap so thats what I expect), but its not Pro Evo. I thought a lot of the time the games were very scrappy, and it seemed to take an age for the players to get the ball under control. Pro is out next week so ill buy that and give it a whirl. If its pretty crap (as the demo suggests it could be!) I might switch over to Fifa.
  5. Bloody infuriates me that game....its a great game but i cant defend and really struggle to score.
  6. He actually didnt mention Lee Hughes in the column tho did he? He was definitley referring to the issue, and as much of a cock that Gaunt is, I dont think what he said in his column today was wrong. It was something along the lines of (i cant quote cos i left the paper at work) "In 3 1/2 year McCormick will be 28, relatively young for a goalkeeper. There will be a club somewhere with no morals (and yes, Im talking about you Oldham) who will sign him". Now basically, if we are to go along the route of signing someone like Hughes (which we did) then we are opening ourselves up to digs like this....and basically we cannot complain too much about it. Plus, who care what John Gaunt really thinks?
  7. Its no hobby! If it was a hobby I might try to get her interested....its much more important than that!
  8. Theres a reason why they call it the NFC BEast. From what I have seen in the first 5 weeks, it is wide open this season! We havent really played anyone good yet, we start with an extremely tough run against Pittsburgh in week 8. It includes 5 games against all our division rivals....if we can come through that quite well I might start dreaming of a repeat.
  9. It has to be said....we were mighty impressive yesterday No Plaxico Burress, thought we might struggle a little bit, but still win.....but wow, absolutely hammered them.
  10. its currently 5 1\2 years so i reckon im pushin it....still live with my mum and dad tho so I reckon I'll get it in the neck one day!
  11. When I started seeing my Mrs I told her in no uncertain terms "you are number 2, and always will be. I go to Latics, dont ever moan about it/try to change me, and everything will be cosy". Somehow, she understood (or just accepted) this. She has no interest in football which suits me down to the ground, and she has never once moaned at me about going to games and spending all my money watching Latics. Happy days
  12. Id go out and enjoy myself too....but Envy? FFS!
  13. If you predicted that then you were terribly wrong. He won, on points, but very very easily.
  14. True...and whilst im not usually one to look for a scapegoat (was only one defeat ffs) if someones does look for a scapegoat then with davies they are looking at the wrong end of the pitch!
  15. Why would we get a fine? They were in the County end....not our fault they let away fans in the county end.
  16. Did anyone go to Chesterfield a few years ago on Boxing Day? (Back in the days of being really s**t in this division) Gale force wind into our face, driving rain and the open end....I could hardly see anything with all the rain water on my specs. As soon as we got in the ground we conceded and were 1-0, and thought...oh here we go again! Went on to win 3-1, Ratboy scored a screamer that got caught in the wind IIRC. I think that was the wettest I've ever been at a football match, although I did get a proper soaking on the way to one of our 1-0 home defeats last winter. The walk from the White Hart to the Ground, and it just hammered down...then stopped as soon as we were under the Chaddy End roof. Was still pissed wet through when we go back to the pub.
  17. It was voted for by "10,000 Empire readers, 150 of Hollywoods finest and 50 key film critics". A few issues back they asked reader to vote for their top 10....obviously everyone has different views otherwise everone would have voted for the same 10! I forgot to vote, but would have voted for Goodfellas at number 1. Its just an amazing film I never tire of watching. And if it was upto me Ghostbusters would definitley be a lot higher than 189. And the Godfather pt 2 is better than Godfather pt 1.
  18. I dont know, his injury record isnt all that bad....he has been to 4 pro bowls in 6 seasons, which you dont do if you are always injured. He did seem to play hurt a lot when he was with the Giants. Dont think it was a "great" move letting him go, but dont think it was a bad one either. Think it was a good decision for both parties. Hope he gets healthy and does well for New Orleans.
  19. If they keep in the chase for the playoffs, Shockey should be back in around 6 weeks, which would give them a good chance. Keep him fit and he is a bit of a monster at TE.
  20. Think thats 2 good results last night for the Giants. Eagles and Cowboys both losing is good for us I think, as they are more of a threat than the Redskins. Good news is we are on Sky, again, next week.
  21. Draw was fair. Defense wasnt that bad...how many clear cut chances did we let you have? If gregan was playin the whole game would have been different. Dickinson is a good player, but he would have bounced of gregan twice and then never gone back near him. Taylor is ace. Top player for this division. end of! I like Beckett, 24 goals for us in just over a season. Have him as back up for Hughes and I wouldnt worry if Hughes got injured.
  22. Basically, this thread is about him winding up the opposition by dancing infront of them, whereas some people think the original post says he shouldnt celebrate.....what I dont understand is, instead of running 10 yards towards the away fans to celebrate, why doesnt he just run in the opposite direction and celebrate in the middle of the pitch? If he does that there is no debate.
  23. With regards to replaying the game, you cant do it really. Marcus Hahnemann had a good point when he said it would set a dangerous precendent. Reading should have had a pen in the game, but didnt. Do you replay the game because they could have scored the pen? Basically, its a very bad decision from the ref/lino, but do you replay a game every time the ref makes a mistake? Because that is the precendent that would be set. I dont think they should replay the game, unfortunately its just one of those thinks, a shocking refereeing descision. I do think the ref and linesman should be demoted as far as you can demote them though. How can you really trust them to not make such a shocking decision again?
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