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Everything posted by ste1987

  1. Interesting stats there Rummy. Never realised Sheridan was so high up the list.
  2. I think it was right to let Allott go. Although he was good season before last, he was nothing special last year, and I think Furman and Worthington are much better candidates.
  3. About time this happenned, however they are asking for trouble with Dean Brill being one of the action shots in the window. Penney Out!
  4. Pele has been excellent, and Sarki and Olembe are excellent as they are young, have pace, and can play on wing too. Think I have more than enough to avoid relegation, which was my aim to the board. Also, its good now I know how to cash in on my Clause with Micah Richards. Might come useful in the January Transfer window
  5. How'd you manage that? EDIT: Just found it. Cheers, might initiate that in my game!
  6. The following for me would be contenders.. - David Eyres - John Sheridan - Les Pogliacomi - Lee Duxbury - Sean Gregan - Paul Murray - Fitz Hall - Clint Hill - Andy Liddell - Richie Wellens - Chris Taylor
  7. I also started a game with Oldham last week. Finished as Champions in first season (after being in a similar position to where we are now after 20 games, so there is hope! ). Only people who have stayed in my squad for second season is Abbott, Furman and Taylor. Gutted to have missed out on Chris Killen on a free (he went swindon, would have been good back up!). A few good freebies I managed to sign throughout (I signed some hot prospects for the reserves who are developing, but these are just first teamers).. - Pele - Cape Verdes international - DC - Michael Mifsud - ST - Andrea Orlandi (Loan) - ML - Daniel Jones (Loan) - Febian Brandy (Loan) ST - Ben Mee - (Loan) - DL When I got into the Championship, I then signed the following on free... - Carlo Nash - GK - Brynjar Gunnarson - MC - Salomon Olembe - ML - Hector - DL - Kristian Onstad - DC - Roberto Platero - ST - Emmanuel Sarki - DR
  8. I don't think the uptake will be amazing, but good on the club for giving it a bash and enabling the opportunity. Even if only a handful took the club up on the offer, its more money in the coffers that wouldnt have been there otherwise.
  9. Yeah I agree with that and I hope he stays here too. But if not...
  10. I would like to think DP will recall Fleming back in January.
  11. This week's Interview with an Opposition Fan for the Norwich City game can now be read by clicking here.
  12. Interview with an Opposition Fan #20 - Norwich City Welcome to this week’s edition of Interview with an Opposition Fan. Each week, myself and Razza699 scour for opposition fans to answer the questions we put toward them in the build up to the subsequent fixture. This week, Latics make the trip to newly relegated Norwich. As such, we found some Canary supporters to answer a selection of our questions... 1) So after relegation last year what are your plans this year? Are you aiming for automatic promotion? - Yes. At the start of the season that seemed a million miles away, but since we now know we've got a team to compete with anything in the league, realistically we've got to aim for a top 2 finish. We know what a play-off final defeat feels like, so keen to avoid that if at all possible. - Given our current form, automatic promotion seems like a realistic possibility now. However, this is Norwich, and nothing can be taken for granted here. We have a transfer window looming, and so far we have been pretty fortunate with a lack of injuries to key players. Apart from that, I'd say promotion this season is a financial necessity- if we don't make it, then we are in the brown stuff, right up to our windpipes. - Really proud of the club that after our relegation & torrid start to the season that we have recovered to be 3rd currently in the table and our aim must be of course to go straight back up. - The club clearly wants to go straight back up as evidenced by some recent board comments. And, much as I'm enjoying life in the third division, it's not somewhere I want the club to stay. Automatic promotion seems to be in touching distance now - the trouble is it does seem like a battle for second place. And going to Charlton needing a result may bring back some unpleasant memories. - We are now. At the start of the season, any finish in the top half would have been seen as a success (by me!). 2) You started the season with Gunn in charge then switched to Lambert after he left Colchester. Are fans happier with the latter? - In hindsight, getting turned over 1-7 on the opening day was the best start to the season we could have had. That might sound harsh on Gunn, but it shouldn't be taken that way. He was in an impossible position. Can't criticize him for wanting the manager's job, but he should never have been given it for the second time, after proving that he wasn't up to it the previous season. He was appointed in the summer when the club had no chairman or chief exec - which was insane. The manager should have been appointed after those two roles were filled. - Gunn was a great player, is a great ambassador for the club and the city, a club legend, and a thoroughly decent guy. Lambert is a genius of a football manager, who is working wonders with this squad of players. - The fans are really happy. The highest home att. in the league shows this. Even out supporting the mighty Leeds. - When Gunn was first appointed his long-time legend status meant that we wanted him to succeed. It was clear at Charlton that this wasn't going to happen and the kindest and most dignified thing to do would have been to say farewell and thanks after that match. We didn't; we may still regret those first three results of the season but Lambert seems to be working miracles - the first manager we've had in a run of many who hasn't had the luxury of signing a load of his 'own' players and has got players like Hoolahan playing to their best. - Yes, Lambert has turned the team around. There are still some fans that think Gunn would have done as well as Lambert, but they are in a very small minority. 3) How were your transfer dealings in the transfer and loan market? Any good signings? - Having just said that Gunn shouldn't have been manager, he actually managed to get us a couple of gems in his summer dealings. Jens Berthel Askou, Grant Holt. Can't comment on the recent loans, they've only been here five minutes. - Grant Holt and Jens Berthel Askou have turned out to be fantastic signings. There's been mixed success with the others, so far. - We changed a lot of the team before the season started, a lot on frees with a few bought. We have 3 loanees at present with the view to perhaps buy 2 of them in Jan as we try to build into a promotion/champ team. - Super Jens Berthel Askou, the Great Dane - no JBA, no WIN. And Grant Holt of course. Our most obvious loan signing is Fraser Forster, who despite a bit of Marshallesque kicking has been pretty damned solid. - Of the players that Gunn signed, Grant Holt has been outstanding, and Askou has been a real find. Stephen Hughes is also a very good player. The jury is very much out on other signings, Wiggins, Tudur Jones, & Gill. Other signings have been a disaster, Theoklitis the keeper, Whaley, loaned to two clubs already, and Maric, now released. Of the players that Lambert has signed, keeper Forster has been very good, and it’s too early to judge on the other two, Russell Martin and McNamee. It also seems like we have a bunch of “other” new players as Lambert has been giving the youngsters a chance, and overall they have done very well. 4) Are you looking forward to/have played any teams this year? - Not especially. However I do a lot of work for a big organisation in Oldham, so if we get a win next week I'll look forward to a bit of a gloat about that. - I've really enjoyed the 'old fashioned' terrace atmosphere at some of the grounds (Hartlepool, for instance). I'm looking forward to Col U away and Leeds at home. - It has to be Leeds after our narrow loss at Elland road & their place in the league. - Looking forward to Leeds at home, going to a couple more of the nice grounds (Yeovil next) but really enjoying any team who'd like to lose to us. - Gillingham for some strange reason. Local to London, two minutes from the train station, and a pub and a chippy between the station and the ground. 5) What has been your general style of play/tactics this year? Is this likely to change for the game against Oldham? - Diamond formation in midfield, with Hoolahan playing in an advanced midfield role behind Grant Holt and Chris Martin. Don't see any reason, other than injury, why that would change - not many teams in the league have been comfortable with it. - We play a diamond midfield. It was introduced by Lambert and his coaches, because we don't have any decent wingers, and our most creative player (Hoolahan) is best just behind the strikers. It is working because we have the right players playing in the right positions. (sounds simple I know, but the concept has proved beyond several recent managers). - Currently playing the diamond and would expect it to be the same on Saturday. - Why change the winning diamond - it took a while to find how Wes could play the best and now we've found it we'll continue to use it. Even though teams expect it, it's difficult to play against unless you park the midfield bus a la Carlisle. - Midfield diamond has worked well this season, and I see no reason at all for it to change against Oldham. 6) You currently lie 3rd after beating Southend 0-3 on Tuesday. Fair result? - Wasn't there, but I'm told that while 0-3 flattered us slightly, there was no doubt that we deserved the win. - Yes. We were better than Southend, who are no mugs. - Both Brighton & Southend were fair results but hard earned. We let ourselves down at Carlisle in the FA cup but well done them they deserved it. - Wasn't there - but sounds like we did the same as we've done a few times this season - wear out the opposition and take advantage later on. - Yes. We were the better team. Once we scored first we were always going to win. 2-0 would have been a fairer result. 7) Who are Norwich’s key player/players? Who should the Oldham fans keep an eye out for on Saturday? - #1 Grant Holt, #2 Wes Hoolihan. - Grant Holt, Wes Hoolahan, Matthew Gibson. - The two Hs Holt & Hoolie but it’s a team, that’s why we have scored more than any other team in the league. - Grant Holt of course - and listen out to see if he finally has his own chant. Super Jens. Little Weslington Hoolahoopahan who will wriggle. And one of our own youngsters - Korey Smith - who is going to go on to great things, we hope with Norwich. - Wes Hoolahan and Grant Holt are the danger men. Jen Bertal Askou is a very solid defender. 8) Who do you think will win League One this season? Any outsiders or surprises? - Dirty Leeds. I think the wheels will fall off at Charlton eventually. That might be wishful thinking. Then there's five or six that will have a reasonable chance of the playoffs - the likes of Southampton, Colchester, Huddersfield, Millwall. - Leeds- they are too far in front already, and don't look like they're going to have a wobble. - Hate to say it but Leeds are in the driving seat. No surprises. Any of the top 8 to 10 have a chance. - Leeds look too comfortable. There'll probably be a surprise team making the playoffs but not much different from how things currently stand. - Leeds. We are all playing for second place, but there is a long way to go. 9) How do you think Oldham will do this season? - Not convinced you'll threaten the play-offs after a ropey start, but you'll be OK. Penney was fancied by some on here, in the past, to take over at Norwich when Grant left. - Mid-table or slightly higher. Do you still have the plastic pitch? I bloody loved that. I remember Mark Robins' hat trick to take us top of the premiership- how times change, eh? - Mid table. You can play very well & then seem to lose the plot. - I really don't know, but you seem to have turned into one of those teams that are quite happy to be in this division and play to stay in that mid-table spot. Aim to be that surprise in the play-off! - To be honest I’ve no idea, but that goes for a number of teams in League 1. We’ve already seen some very poor teams so far this season, so if you are better than some we have seen so far I’ll predict mid-table. 10) And finally what do you think the score will be on Saturday? - Oldham won't stop us scoring, and if Jens Berthel Askou plays it'll be a clean sheet, so I'm saying 2-0 Norwich win. We love big Jens. - Saturday? Sorry, I never predict NCFC results. - Depends on whether you come to defend or come to play. If the former I'd think we'd still sneak a win, if the latter we'll probably score three. Just hope not to have a repeat of the Walsall bore-draw. - I would hope we win but it’s still 11 v 11. My prediction 2-0 to city. I hope all your away supporters enjoy their trip to our fair city. - As Oldham don't seem to have scored or conceded many goals, I’ll predict a 2-0 to Norwich. Many thanks to those Norwich fans that answered our questions this week! They seem to have us sussed down to a T regarding how we will finish this season. But can Latics bounce back from the midweek loss against Leeds?...
  13. Due to the fact we only played Leeds a few weeks ago in the F.A. Cup, there is no separate IWAOF this week as such for #19.
  14. I think Heffernan will end up staying for the season. Would be good to see him play with Pav.
  15. This weeks Interview with an Opposition Fan for the Walsall game can now be read by clicking here.
  16. Interview with an Opposition Fan #18 - Walsall Welcome to this week’s edition of Interview with an Opposition Fan. Each week, myself and Razza699 scour for opposition fans to answer the questions we put toward them in the build up to the subsequent fixture. On Tuesday night, Latics face Walsall at the Banks Stadium. As such, we asked some friendly Saddlers fans to answer a selection of our questions... 1) In January 2009, Chris Hutchings was appointed Walsall manager. What are your opinions of him and what is his general style of play? - My general opinion of Hutch is that he's a good manager in that he's positive, doesn’t focus on negatives, and he's been trying to bring some kids on. Tactically he's naive for a manager who's got experience higher up. We often make things hard for ourselves by playing poorly in the first half and we've never really seen Hutchings change a game with substitutions - but this may be because our funds mean we have very little in reserve. Overall marks out of ten for Hutch is 6.5 - could do better. - About what we can expect, being a small club in limbo. Appears to be grasping the nettle of managing with no money quite well. - I think he is a decent manager that's doing quite well considering the budget we have. Like many have said he is a bit naive tactically but it does seem we are picking up a few points away which is a good sign. - I'm starting to come round to the guy, as I think a lot of our fans are. He seems like a nice chap but needs to learn how to change games with substitutions. I'm quite happy with him as he's doing an alright job for what he has to work with, namely nothing. I'd have had him strung up at half time against Wycombe though regardless of the fact we were to come back to win the game! - I think Mr. Hutchings was another cheap but viable option. Wouldn’t have been my first choice but in all fairness there’s not many managers would come for pittance wages with a budget as big as my 9 year olds money box. 2) Have you made any signings to your squad this season so far? If so, how have they been? - Almost our entire squad is new, but the best new signings have been Steve Jones, Darren Byfield and Mark Hughes, who all seem solid performers at this level. Matt Richards, Josh O'keefe and Sam Parkin however, are all not good enough for League 1. - Signings are the usual mishmash of freebies and castoffs. Some have worked (Byfield, Jones) others aren't yet quite so successful (Parkin, O'Keefe). - We have made a few signings this season and besides Parkin and Till they have all done quite well. Byfield and Jones have been superb signings, Hughes is decent, Richards is ok sometimes. - As with many lower league teams it's been very hit and miss. Byfield, Jones and our new captain Hughes are all vital to the first team. Parkin and in particular O'Keefe, I can’t see them ever making a name for themselves here. - We have made a few free signings that are run of the mill league 1 league 2 standard. Best player is Steve Jones not all because of his goals more due to determination and skill. Richards probably our worse signing but as I said earlier you pay peanuts.... 3) Last season, you finished 13th in League One. How do you think you will do in League One this season? - The same. We have an owner who has spent 20 years doing his level best to dampen the ambitions of the fans. If we ever start to look like we're going to achieve anything, further investment isn’t forthcoming and we are pathetically weak when it comes to negotiating good fees for our players. eg. Scott Dann left on deadline day for around £1m, just over a year later he joined Birmingham for over £4m. We got £250k for Anthony Gerrard who is now first choice at Cardiff. We got £400k for Danny Fox, who just over a year later joined Celtic. We got around £200k for Matty Fryatt, who is now being linked with a move to WBA for £2m+. - Top half would be nice. Realistically, 12th is an improvement! - I know we won’t go down and I still think we have a shout at the play offs but our best bet would probably be similar to where we are right know which is 10th. - Anywhere between 10th and 16th. - Any higher position will be an improvement. I’m sure that if we have any chance come end of January our chairman will soon see to that and sell our talented players for washers. 4) Are there any teams in particular you are looking forward to playing? What has been your most entertaining match of the season? - Not really, we don’t have any local derbies this season. - It's always nice to rain on Leeds' parade, or upset the Franchise. Most entertaining match so far was All Whites vs Bahrain. - I always seem to enjoy playing MK Dons for some reason, as for this season probably Huddersfield at home so far. - There is nothing about this league that excites me! - I’m personally looking forward to going to Southampton away as its one of the few grounds I haven’t been to. 5) What tactics are you likely to employ and have played with this season? - Standard 4-4-2. Quite weak in central midfield. We try to play football, but we don’t have the quality to move the ball quickly enough, or with any accuracy, so we end up playing hoof ball. - Hit and hope. Sometimes we keep the ball on the deck, but that's the exception, not the rule. - I think we try to pass the ball around a bit unless Weston is on the ball that is and we have to very hard working strikers which no doubt will cause a few problems. - Bypass our weaker midfield. Although it's been getting better recently... - We basically try and play a bit of football then when we’re outskilled we hoof it long. Anyone that man marks our team will stifle us and we will not create any fluid chances. Thank god we’ve got Byfield until January. 6) Walsall have earned 24 points so far this season, finding themselves in 10th place. What are Walsall’s strengths and weakness both on and off the pitch? - On the pitch we have a great finisher in Byfield, a great winger in Jones and two solid centre halves in Smith and Hughes/McDonald. Our weaknesses are central midfield, and Richards who plays on the left and our wing backs. Off the field we have the most comically bad PR, our owner specialises in insulting the fans by refusing to answer questions asked of him, refusing to turn up to the AGM and telling fans through the local media that they are a bit thick, and should go and support other clubs because they are financially worse off than us, thus implying we are well run and refuting accusations that his tenure has been less than positive for WFC. - Strengths - two decent keepers, two decent forwards. Weaknesses - Massive lack of direction, belief and plan from those in charge of the club. - I think we are quite solid at the back and like I said before we are a hard working side, our weakness is probably in the centre of midfield. - Forwards, whichever wing Jones is on, central defence pairing are all pretty strong. Our weakness' are the opposite wing, if our right back is playing against a pacey winger and the fact we don't start playing football until the 48th minute of games. Our other major weakness?! The chairman and his right hand man. Please get out of our club. - I’m amazed were so high just think how well we could do with another couple of quality midfielders but no Walsall fan will expect any miracles just grateful to get to 50 points and hope we’ve got some games left to stay mid-table. 7) Who is Walsall’s key player who we should look out for ahead of Tuesday’s fixture and for the rest of the season? - Steve Jones, he's scored 5 in the last 6. - Parkin. He’s bound to find form at some stage, and when he does, everyone had better watch out! - EASILY Byfield and Jones will cause a few problems; Deeney and Bradley are very good on their day too. - Steve Jones and Darren Byfield are a class above. When Jones gets the ball he can scare the living daylights out of full backs. Byfield's control and first touch is superb. Manny Smith will play at a higher level at some point. He's brilliant despite being only 7 years old. - I think Byfield and Jones will give you a bit of a handful but nothing else should really scare you to be honest. 8) Who do you think will win League One this season? Any outsiders or surprises? - Unfortunately Leeds. - Got to say Leeds - they've been here long enough to know what's going on by now, and shouldn't be in danger of imploding this time round. - I think Leeds have already won the league. Hartlepool seem to be going quite well this season and we should be an outsider as well hopefully. - Leeds. No question. They're brilliant. Now Grayson's in charge i have no real bitterness towards them. It seems like they're going about things a little better than they used to. Beckford's still a cheat though. - I always thought Charlton would win the league before a ball was kicked but Leeds do look class this year. 9) How do you think Oldham will do this season? - Flatter to deceive, like usual. Mid table like us. Too good to go down, not good enough to threaten the top half. - You'll be around about our position, give or take two spots. - If I remember right you lot always seem to finish quite close to the playoffs but just don't get in there so maybe you'll finish in a similar place. - 12th - ish. - I hope you have a good season. I personally have nothing against your team and be great if we met in playoffs but doubt it as well both be mid-table at best. 10) And finally, what score do you think the game will be on Tuesday? - Walsall 2 Oldham 1. - 2-0 us. - I think it will be a tough game but I’ll go 2-1 to us with Byfield and Mattis getting them. - 2-0 to us. - We have some momentum going with 3 wins and a draw albeit a 1 win against non league Stourbridge. I think we should press home the advantage but I don’t expect a goal glut. I’d take 1-0 saddlers wouldn’t be surprised if it was a goalless draw. Many thanks to those Walsall fans who took part this week. They seem confident of a win over the Latics and seem largely impressed with Darren Byfield's performances so far for them. But can Oldham capitalise on a somewhat promising result against Colchester at weekend this Tuesday?....
  17. Would love to have known what Martinez's half time team talk consisted of
  18. By starting this thread, you do know you have jinxed the whole lot and we will now get beat
  19. Thats what I thought too. I can understand their issue if they are being distributed, but if they are for personal use, there shouldnt be a problem. However, I suppose they have to monitor it as anyone can say its for personal use if they have the intention of distributing just to get out of it.
  20. I think 'officially' the steward may have been right, however I personally think its a bit fickle, especially if they are only for personal use.
  21. When we went down 1-0 today, it was the first time I have actually felt demotivated to attend Latics games. I have kept the faith many a time, but today, I finally felt that drab feeling all of those have mentioned on here before. However, once the atmosphere picked up after the Chris Taylor penalty, it began to get better, primarly because the fans then had something to shout about and spur the players on. I am also in the camp that literally can not wait to move away from Boundary Park. The general atmosphere and match day experience is just awful, and the sooner we move the better. I partly believe the reason behind all this negativity and drab feeling is due to the knocking down of the Lookers stand and making the place a 3 sided ground, but thats another story. Personally though, I will still attend regardless
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