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futchers briefs

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Everything posted by futchers briefs

  1. A long way home gary mac was quality do fullbacks score hat-tricks (this could class as 6 words!!) it was chuffin windy! above the bindippers hahaha
  2. In the 3rd division champion winning 1973/74 season, i was 6months old (still in the womb!!) in mi mums bulging belly (sorry mum!) , stood at the back of the chaddy end!! I was -3 months then!! That's pretty young!! I remember the celebrations well!!!
  3. Even the possibility of the green eyed monster for some LL!
  4. Bring your hats, it's cold at BP at the moment......and if they are made of tin, all the better!!
  5. Stay on your line and you're slated.....your defence gives the ball away and all out of position and you have to come off your line and.....get slated. Thanks for keeping it down to just 1 anyway Mark!
  6. If i remember right, wasn't they all out of position because WE had given the ball away in our own half AGAIN?? As for Crossley to blame Are you having a turkish?
  7. need an onfield leader What's happened to Jarrett Taylors tackling oh dear glad we had crossley allotts proving critcs wrong our youngest bench ever? all be forgot saturday!!!
  8. Whilst not agreeing to tackles of that nature, apart from Allott do we really have anyone else putting their foot in aggressively enough - i think not. Sadly lacking one or two 'nasty'/tough guys and leaders to have ever been considered play off material. Good young kids, but a couple of players with a bit of nastiness and definite leaders are needed at the moment imo. Taylor does need to go the andy holden school of tackling though!
  9. I wasn't suggesting a 'still a kid' mentality - but was merely pointing out that at 18-21 in particular, whether coached professionally for 10 years (GENERALLY) or not, they are still learning their trade and are likely to 'often' make mistakes and wrong decisions. When pan lids at 21 have been to school for '10 years' they don't do everything their teachers have told them do they? As for international games, 2 or 3 games at that level will have given him good experience for sure - but that wont have significantly improved his game yet!! As for inconsistent - i thought he did his job as a defender well enough yesterday - rarely getting beat, recovering well when required and clearing his lines mostly at the right times. But as most people have stated, because Eardley does have ability,he is willing to get forward and put crosses in, due to us not having a 'natural right midfielder/winger. However, if he continues to get forward, his crossing and general distribution will undoubtedly improve. If he was so consistent, then he wouldn't be playing in the 3rd division.
  10. Also the "Gary Mac" goes missing brigade are back - Unbelievable!! - though you're kind of right DW68 - with horses and courses - but i thought he ran his tripe off again tonight out of position.
  11. Does MOST over rated mean then " a first good full season full of promise - yet managers/defenders smarten up on him in the second season, therefore making it tougher for him to have the same impact?" oh and "doing this whilst playing on his least natural side?"
  12. As for the one chance to cross...had you gone for a 'brew and a pie when he 'did' their right back and put a great ball in from the 'left' wing midway through the first half? As for some of those having a 'pop' at Eardley and Taylor (just a reminder 19 and 21 years old!!), the lookers lower and upper definately has its fair share of critics with these two guys....but ffs give them a break - there's been far worse footballers at bp, who i haven't heard criticised with the same rubbish as these lads get - local/youth product or not - they are young lads trying to make their break in the game - get behind them. As a team we were poor again last night - yet these two seem to 'kop' it on a regular basis.
  13. 1t half....everybody shocker......2nd half....a bit more purpose, pace and liveliness from all...As for Crossley.whilst not needing to be Peter Shilton to notice that he doesn't leave his line.....I would be pretty miffed as a keeper if everytime the ball drops in the penalty area i had to come for it, as my centre halfs weren't winning anything!!...Although he should come for more, he is not responsible for lack of challenges with the opposition in the penalty box!! Livermore seemed to play a better line though when moved to centre half - good to see Lomax in and apart from Mcdonald i didn't think anybody else WOULD score!! Well done Ratboy!! Not surprised though he didn't start with Robertson - has he played many games recently? and he had to give Smalley and Lewis another opp together. Mid table not brill, but looking at players out - and the amount of games these young lads are now having to play, they'll be ok!!
  14. Sign 9!!!! new players!! Loan out Alessandra and Smalley.....release Lidds, Greags, JP?!?, MACCA?!? As the often controversial John Mcenroe used to say....You cannot be serious!! I agree it would be nice to replace 1 or 2 of these players with better players but we can't even make one permanent signing in transfer windows, never mind 9!!!!
  15. I remember very similar calls for Lidds to be dropped over the last couple of years!! Unless we are going to start attracting players of Aaron Lennon and Joe Coles quality, then a reality check might be in order in terms of 'lazy and ability' for players at this level. I think we expect too much from our younger lads at times.
  16. I posted something very similar in early January http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...ntry82910"" target="_blank">youth benefits (hope the linky thing works!) If not i'm sure admin might help me out! And i'd definately rather discuss these guys - the "future" of our club, rather than an over appreciated average journeyman - who has built up his own backing group at BP - Paul Warne and the latics' Warnettes!!
  17. How true LVP almost makes me 'spew!'
  18. and i think leeslover is right, so we'll leave it at that now!
  19. ' a new logo for the town is mentioned!!' I dread to think!!!!
  20. I was going to put that 2nd one as well...was that the one with 'redsure' across it?
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