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Everything posted by Matt

  1. ...and the Gay Signature Pic award goes to Diego!
  2. Yeah overuse of "okay" and "obviously" should be in there too. Don't you just hate the way some people's sentence goes a bit higher in pitch at the end, especially when it's a question? I think the Aussies do it, but it's "caught" on over here too.
  3. MY LIST OF ANNOYING PHRASES AND WORDS "Basically" "Literally" "At the end of the day..." "...turned around and said..." And now I've got... "acoustics"
  4. Rick and Stella - oh dear,oh dear, oh dear...
  5. Apology accepted. I apologise for calling you a dunce. I meant backup with respect to insults. Calling someone an idiot on a messageboard is just a cowards act in my world. One could expect an incident if they where to call me face to face. Let's just call it a day...
  6. It's not the quantity of posts, it's the content. Considering my connections to the site in the past, I'm more likely to have a higher post count. Swaggering around calling people idiots is a keyboard warrior in my book. You are a keyboard warrior. All mouth and no backup.
  7. Which I had done in the first bloody place. Which makes no sense whatsoever in complete context. In one sentence you are questioning whether or not I understood you post, in the next you accept my reply to your post. You're all over the place! I hate keyboard warriors, I get the red mist.
  8. Good retort. You've probably nailed it there Ed.
  9. You are clearly oblivious to where this might lead to you dunce. Which part of that don't you understand?
  10. It's not just a Mediterranean thing though Ed. I think it's just the outlook of the UK fans, we are so grey about our footy. And of course, the UK is the only place where football fans work machinery.
  11. I did read your post properly. I can hardly comment on what you've not posted! I'm no drummer, percussionist (etc) but a great big drum is indeed a great big drum - and I've been in the vicinity of quite a few similar instruments at sporting events. The atmosphere was brilliant. So yes, I can comment. Perhaps it's not the drum but the fans, I yearn for a continental approach to supporting our team.
  12. Because I sit in the Lookers Upper means that I have never sat next to a drum - and therefore I am not in a position to make an opinion? How you get to that conclusion is beyond me!
  13. I like the drum = you think I'm a moron = I think you're :censored:e reporter in drag. QED. Opinions, opinions.
  14. It'll take me twenty minutes to stetch off first, so give me plenty of warning. I'm not as supple as these young 'uns. How the :censored: should I know? Sorry There isn't one any more, it's more "self policing". Stevie_J posted an announcement a couple of weeks ago...
  15. I take it the sudden bout of tourettes was out of annoyance that our legend is playing for United, rather than questioning the validity of the statement. If it's the latter then blow it out of yer arse SKTF. My mate knocked on his door today - he's a salesman. They were talking about the masters amongst other stuff, and Ritchie had said he'd defected to the Red side.
  16. Is this a Titanic moment? Stitch is playing for United...
  17. No, no Sheephead - go away and make your sig bigger! I thought I'd clicked away from OWTB for a sec.
  18. My mate brought me home a patch from the Balkans - It's not exactly one that you can wear though really...
  19. Where have I corrected you more than once for the same point? I've read it again, and my last entry was to explain what a straw man argument was, and not you being called one! I wasn't beating you with the same stick, I had to use the example again. So no, I will not post back whatever it is you want me to say....
  20. You main point is that you don't want to let the drum ruin your Dad's day - am I correct? Am I also correct that it is due to the noise issue? (air horns lol) I didn't say you are a straw man. Since you quoted me back here , I felt compelled to prove that this statement was not a clear picture of what was going on. I said the stance of lumping together the boo-boys and the drum protesters together, is mereley arguing against a position which is created specifically to be easy to argue against. That's called a straw man argument.
  21. Considering my stance is not correlating the boo-boys with the drum protesters, I find the last couple of posts suggesting as such a straw man argument - so have another go. Bring the air horns too Lags, the more noise the better - but isn't that exactly what you don't want? Give the lad a chance and join in...
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