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Everything posted by maximus1267

  1. I'm off to Portugal for new year. Hope this is all a dream and when I get back we are still pushing the play offs and pulling off another cup shock at Fulham. Remember its the club we support, players, managers and owners come and go, some sadly and some not so. A new manger will come in and if we do well all will be forgotten until the next calamity. All the best Frankie and happy New year AL, you filthy animal.
  2. Stability is the key, I thought we were slowly slowly getting there... Ah well let's gamble again and then in 6 months...........
  3. Im old enough and wise enough to know this. And what evidence that disrupting a setting team and club will have a positive effect. Each to their own opinions but I just can't stomach this charade
  4. I'm not happy with this. Yesterday was shocking and those players showed no effort, desire or fight for the club, us fans and more so the man who has to defend them after every game. Yep some poor signings and tactically beat at times but we needed continuity. Things before yesterday were settling or it seems and we felt a decent second half of the season was on the cards. Good luck to a lovely fella who loved the club and us fans. Players and owner should hang their heads in shame. Ashamed of my club.
  5. Wow Disappointed and ashamed of the players. I give them more credit than they deserve at times but there is no defending that, lack of skill, lack of quality but the thing that gets me is the lack of effort and will to perform.
  6. Hope we get a decent turnout, I get nowt but grief from Carlisle fans saying we never bring many up here !! Anyway safe journey and hope the team and fans can make me proud of my home town and I can have the bragging rights up here for a change. Should be a good game with goals galore.
  7. Local game for me this..... hopefully a win against Exeter will see a decent turnout at Carlisle. Only hour and half up a quiet m6 on boxing day. I never see us win here so hopefully things will change. Safe journey to all those travelling.
  8. Their forum makes a very entertaining read lol I think they have us mixed up with Millwall or Leeds. Sounds like Maidstone fans better equip themselves with plenty of PPE. I hope our nasty northern flat cap wearing, whippet owning fans don't scare them too much !!!
  9. Imo it would be crazy to disrupt the camp now. I feel things are settling down and the players all seem committed to the cause and give the manager 100 % He's new to management really, the club was in turmoil when he took the job, he wants the best for the club, I believe that. We are touching distance off the play offs and not half way through the season yet. Things could be better but there are signs of the team improving, if the players and manager give their all like against Lincoln then what more can we ask, we are a league 2 club with league 2 players, they won't score every chance, they will make mistakes and they will have poor performances. But having a good camp and spirit with a good group of positive fans could compensate for that little bit of quality we lack. Keep Bunn, beat Maidstone and keep improving as a club. That is all I ask from them. We will never be a man city but that doesn't mean we can't make huge strides with some consistency on and off the pitch
  10. Thank you........ Getting out of league 1, I had been saying that for 20ish yrs lol
  11. Sounds like they know summat so.. Are they hoping after the articles the club will open up or can they say nothing in fear of being sued
  12. Wot do you suggest I do then ? Firstly......I respect your opinion but I can assure you I'm not defeatist, I'm very much the opposite but I've learnt many times that you pick your fights wisely. Secondly..... as I have said on here in the past, long gone are my day of stressing over football, I love the club and have since around 1976 but there is pretty much nish, nada or feck all I can do about our current state. I am based almost 3 hours away in the middle of nowhere, I work a demanding shift system and on top of all that I can't get involved in much due to my profession. There are people past and present in and around the club and game that could maybe do or say something, but there is no point rocking the boat unless you are in a position to act and make positive changes or highlight wrong doings. We are just fans, I assure you they say we are fantastic, brilliant or whatever but that's it, as far as I see it. If you think you can do something to improve our fortunes or highlight the true facts of what has and is happening then my hat of to you. I can't sorry.
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