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Everything posted by Nohairdontcare

  1. If ever we were to be rewarded as fans with a nice relaxing 3-0 win tonight would be a good night for it...
  2. It shouldn't really matter to me - but it does. All my happy football memories are in the Chaddy. It's where I sat with my dad when I saw us in the Premier League. Having to go elsewhere just isn't the same.
  3. Some very worrying signs going from what I'm reading about individual performances on here. We're in a situation now where we can't afford to have players having off days. We need a string of big big performances. If I was a betting man I'd say we're going down.
  4. Some interesting reading on the Bristol City fans forum - claims Johnson went around telling players his dad didn't rate them - and left a folder with details including players wages in a cafe... all totally potentially made up of course. But an entertaining read.
  5. For me a lot of it is about memories, tradition and nostalgia - that counts for a lot too.
  6. This is something Matt Chambers should be getting stuck into for the Chron - if he isn't already. Sometimes sport reporters and their editors have to step off the roundabout of regular press calls and interviews and dig for their readers.
  7. So am I right in thinking fan-donated money has been used to pay a deposit for something, but we don't know what?
  8. Fans who donated did so for a scoreboard. So a scoreboard should be what they get - and if there isn't enough money donations should be refunded. Simple as that in my opinion.
  9. Actually having seen the highlights on Player it looks like everyone celebrated together - I thought from the sky highlights that this wasn't the case. Conspiracy theory binned as of now!
  10. Looking at the highlights, after the winner it looks like the players are more keen to go to the crowd than the goal scorer... trouble at mill?
  11. It is going to be tight, but we'll survive two points clear. Having said that, I stuck a few pounds on us to win 2-0 last Saturday - my predictions are best ignored!
  12. Great, ta. How he hasn't got pneumonia after Saturday I'll never know!
  13. Cool, cheers, I'm not on twitter or facebook myself but I'll set an account up and drop him a line.
  14. If anyone has an email address for Topoff can they forward it to me please? I got my pic taken with him on Saturday and would like to forward it to him (poor lad was freezing - I only managed a few seconds with my top off!)
  15. We had a blast mate, cheers. Already plotting the next trip.
  16. A point that feels like a win. I am content with that.
  17. The flight I'm on has just landed - doesn't look as bad as I feared... plus it should improve as the day goes on, there was sunshine in Dublin.
  18. If I have enough pints on board anything's possible...
  19. I'll be going on the piss in Oldham definitely - and the match is crucial to providing a short break in the hardcore pint drinking, that should enable me to be still standing by bedtime!
  20. Cheers Metty, hope I get to see my beloved Latics instead - but good to have a back up plan.
  21. What's the nearest match to Oldham town centre that doesn't involve a Premiership team? I might as well begin planning for alternatives...
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