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Everything posted by underdog

  1. You beat me to it as I was emailing link to Trust members Cheers for posting
  2. TBF Corney did the same in June 2017 and the Trust raised it at the AGM that year. I honestly don't know if it's a common business practice to do this
  3. Plan is recorded delivery and hand delivered. with other back up options
  4. Hi Andy I think its confusing as there has been lots of cross over in the last few weeks. I will try and unravel it from my point of view 1) Facebook protest "stand up for latics". Planned for Tranmere match that was postponed. I believe one of the organisers was at last Saturdays fans meeting and I have not seen anything arranged for this week. so I will presume (and I could be wrong) but that group might now be waiting the outcome from the Trust/fan letter. 2) Fan meeting at OEC last saturday 23rd March. Arranged to let fans vent frustration and too see what a concensus of fans want and how together we can do this. Concensus was that the fans wanted to try the dialogue route with the owner and we are on target to deliver that letter/request. 2) Facebook protest "Abdallah out". planned for this Saturday 30th Grimsby match.. THIS IS NOT TRUST ENDORSED and I have only seen this this week myself. As fans we are diverse and diverse in how we want our feelings known. I don't believe anyone should be judge on how/what they want to do (well accept violence, intimidation ect). We are starved of good news for our club. We are more newsworthy off the pitch than on it. Cheers
  5. There are days.....hahah No not at all. On balance we have always been about the same number if you include co-optees.
  6. Yep he is and he's on holiday so what he is doing now he's doing it whilst away. We did ask on Saturday if anyone is interested to log it on the trust website as there is a section there. Or anyone on here even. You don't have to be a director to start with, in fact we recommend first you co-opt in and you could say serve for 6 months. It gives you time to see what we are about, to see if it is something you can commit too and of course,......saves us on paperwork hahah. Ideally to attend 3 meeting per season usually in person but the way technology is and that we have Darren who is a bit of a techno geek, we could look logging in. So if anyone thinks, you know I could be interested then please go to the trust website. https://trustoldham.co.uk/ Thanks
  7. I think I jinxed him as last night I said he was still a director. However, this was not a sudden decision for him or unexpected for us as we are aware somewhat of the circumstances. The door is always open for those that have previously served as volunteers...well just ajar for a few like that pesky Leeslover and Jorvik were right pains in the........only messing. We have a brief overview on the Trust site of who's who. We are now 9 volunteers - thanks
  8. Dear all For your information https://trustoldham.co.uk/news-announcements/position-of-mark-lund-at-trust-oldham/ Thanks Mark
  9. Sorry Peanut, I think I commented last night on another thread As Andy B has already confirmed above, yes we are almost ready for launch and as soon as it is done we will put it out for all fans, not just members or those that attended on Saturday....for All as we are all in it together. Andy has worked really hard on this since Saturday's meeting, bearing in mind it was the weekend, family commitments and work commitments he was on draft 4 of it last night. Reason for the re-writing, well the letter has to set the right tone, the message, the questions and timescales we wanted from Saturday's meeting with some undertones of Trust entitlement as well. We want it right and professional.....that's why Andy has done it and not me hahah. Thanks for patience
  10. Ermmm...okay. some delicate undertones there but overall. Subtle, short and sweet. Just like you Mr Sinnott Cheers
  11. The letter is almost there if not completed with questions gathered from Saturday. Andy B has worked tirelessly on it to get the right tone and cover all the requirements. With a list of questions from Saturday's meeting and timescales. He is on draft 4 of it as we keep giving him feedback.....Bless and he has a full time job as well. As soon as its ready, I am sure Andy B will be back on here with an update
  12. Max file allowance. I tried two and it would not allow me. I might have another bash tomorrow and do them individually. Might also by then get the months I am missing sent in by another director Cheers
  13. Hi Bunty Blue You are right and so is singe on his post with regards to the current position of the SLO. Mark has asked that any SLO questions please re-direct to the Club secretary in the first instance. Which is Mark Sheridan Edited: .... Thanks
  14. Dear all Ref: Trust meeting notes I have had a light bulb moment. I don't get many and yes it hurt. So here goes. I know the Trust website does not have our meeting notes on it. However, the notes have been approved by the Trust committee so there is no reason that they can not be in the public domain just because our website needs work. I think Latics22 and McFluff are keen to see them. I am unable to upload them on here but I can email them to you if you want to PM me an email address to send them to. I am missing September, October and November as I was working at the time and did them in my lunch hour. I will get copies of those missing months from another Director. So let me know Cheers
  15. We have requested meetings since December with the owner for an update/review of his first 12 months and future business plan. He has not been available. I will leave that there but glad is not the word I would use
  16. Haven't I read somewhere that he has said he has made several bids to the landlord for the land but its rejected. So wouldn't he have the money anyways to keep the club going regardless of whatever financial penalties us fans try?
  17. Dear all Its been a hectic week or so for the Trust team and of course, arranging last Saturday's meeting. I am still exhausted by it all. It can wear a person down all this voluntary stuff beyond usual office hours. The notes I drafted from the meeting are with the Trust team that were in situ for approval.......well I am only human and can make a mistake so they need checking. Andy B has done an initial draft of the next step with regards to what the concensus of fans wanted and the steps to reach that goal. He has done a marvellous job setting the right tone of it and we will roll it out as soon as we can. The Trust team have lives beyond latics and Trust...I know priorities and all. Your patience is appreciated Thanks everyone
  18. I can't look at Sterling without thinking of him taking out Youssouf on the sideline near the half way line, Youssouf had been getting some dangerous crosses in and set up one of our goals by half time when he did that. Don't think Youssouf played in English football again did he?
  19. Afternoon everyone, I have just come in from the meeting I have been panicked, nervous and almost sick with this meeting today. Not so much meeting you all, but of course having the diversity we have and differing opinions ....how we could get a consensus and achieve what we set out to do We had some questions on that were really not part of the agenda and we did veer off a bit but we reached the objective set of the next step, set of questions and timescales. I did make notes, someone kindly sent the Trust people a list of what we agreed as well and we will get them all together officially for all fans to view. I am just feeling a little unwell to do it at this moment, but I am sure the fans there will give feedback as well. Thanks to everyone who contributed today
  20. Sold out at 150. Best make an effort outside my usual match day thermals. I am excited and nervous at the same time
  21. Depends on the board set up. As far as I am aware it is Al and Trust Representative are the board member (TBA) and responsible for the business.
  22. My head spins with how complicated it is and how it became complicated The club is a business, it has two current board members the owner (Al) and the Trust Representative (TBA since recent resignation). Both responsible for running the business that is OAFC, partners why would one partner not tell the other of the suture plan of the business/club? I am glad Al has engaged with the fans, I don;t know if it has answered fans questions in the main or opened himself up for more. Anyways, todays meeting has an agenda that has been published and will be maintained. It's about a meeting of minds and the next step we take together.
  23. I have no idea on how to do it, maybe another or the Trust team can...or maybe a fan I will see what we can do Cheers
  24. I honestly don't know Dave if we have the set up. Of late of web/techno/comms chap has been doing the tweeting and photos out right away. Tomorrow he is chairing the meeting. I will certainly take some photos during the meeting and I am sure it will probably be meet doing the old fashion way of meeting notes. I am sure many fans will post/twitter during the meeting Thanks
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