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Everything posted by underdog

  1. underdog

    MOTM Vs. Leeds

    GK for me Followed by Gregan - but I so wish he would not spit his dummy out after we concede and roast a fellow player in front of everyone. Does not instill confidence. Should have said after first goal "c'mon lads chin up, they are here for the taking". Something like Gerrard does for the pool or even Milly did for us - a captain who you wanna give all for when he's roaring to keep going. Oh well...another thing to add to my Santa's latics wish list...
  2. Did you get yer balls??...errrmmmmmmmmmmm Saw some in "the works" in Oldham today but they were foam ones but the size of a beach ball. Have a good one..
  3. Sometimes I could strangle that dummer, especially when he stops when we need him the most - like conceding a goal....THAT's when he should whip out thse sticks and bang out a beat. Something to the get the lads on the pitch to keep their head up.. May have to take up the drum myself.....
  4. Today's Chron says he's out of the Norwich game.....hmmmmmmmmmmm How accurate it is, is another matter
  5. "Who are you...who are you...??????????????".....oh yes Leeds, nice to know you have more to say typing than singing. Maybe the silence was in hindsight of the last fiasco on remeberance week when your lot couldn't keep your gob shut during the 2 mins silence. Would love us to beat Norwich away on Sat, but it means doing your lot another favour and keeping you to the lofty postion you are in - but a word of warning matey,its not over till the fat lady sings. Your not that good, C'mon Kettering. So......................... "nice to know your here......Chuff off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  6. I told Father Christmas that I have been a good girl this year and I would like the 3 points please against Norwich Hope the man in red listened....
  7. oh well!!! Its been a long day......but I stand by what I say about Gregan and I am a fan of his too...
  8. Ouch - well have to say that tonights Oscar does go to Colbeck for getting that free kick from no-where after he got his studs stuck in the mud. I don't like to knock our players but his first touch scares me......
  9. Agreed, we weren't bad in the first half just lacked that killer touch. Two defensive errors lets us down and have to say MOTM to our goalie who kept us in it. However, you have to score and at the moment we can't. Reality check - Penney is only option for me. If you don't agree then who else?
  10. Got to say chaps and chapesses - fantastic support from us all tonight in that crap weather. I don't know how many of braved the elements but it was good to see you all there We sang and cheered and the visitors did not say boo for the first half. Shame we could not find the back of the net with a torch, map compass. Yet we weren't bad in the first half and if only a goal had come the game would have been different. Oh well - that's footy for you. Good luck to those going to Carrow Rd on Sat - bet its going to be a great atmosphere no matter the result. Hope to see you all at BP fo the exeter game - don't forget your Chimbo Hat!!!
  11. Are we refereing to our beloved captain???...That's the only thing that lets him down when somethings done wrong or like the first goal tonight - he's in that players face. Instead he should be saying "alright son, keep going chin up"...instead he waves his hands and then struts like John Wayne. Shame really as he was also running IMO as MOTM. Its just that attitude sometimes...GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  12. Agreed - phew!!!...two silly errors again - however you've got to score to get away with errors.
  13. "Tonight's the night.....everything's gonna be alright.................Rod Stewart
  14. Agreed......is this our winter of discontent?????......bloody hope not, its cold enough, however, I will be happy if we finish in the top 10. Optimistic I know
  15. Agreed we should have took their cash and open up the paddock where the other stand use to be. In fact, why didn't we? Another missed opportunity me thinks Anyway get yer thermals out and see you all there
  16. Lets cut them off at pass.................get em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its almost 5.30pm...am getting layered up for tonight, I have acquired 40 glow sticks, hopefully I can get them into the chaddy. Not much of an impact but if we cannot raise the roof - am goona make sure we are seen....lol catcha at the game - get you thermals out.... Game on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.....
  17. Excellent - combined they have one leg stand on at the mo and can score/defend in both penalty boxes at the same time... a versitile player then?
  18. Excellent!!!!...Game on. I was the opposite to Tangerine dreams....felt we going to have em tonight and then the two injuries were announced last night and I thought "oh bugger", outnumbered and possible outplayed and my heart sank. My worse fears that this could be one of the last games between old foes as I am still not convinced we have a future anywhere and that OAFC will be no more as especially since our gates are tumbling. Boo hoo..... Until now reading this and the updates as of this morning. I am buzzing sat here at work and itching to get to BP tonight. I am going to get the pound shop at dinner and try and get those glow stick things for me and a few mates so I can dance around the Chaddy - even only to keep warm. I do hope its a big gate for the home side and any Leeds fans don't get in the Chaddy as I will then not be reponsible for my actions. I am hoping for a win but a draw wuld be great, a lose won't do as we tumble further down to the foot of the table and with Norwich looming. C'mon your blueesssssssssssssssssss...
  19. You mean me wrapped up in killer thermals on cold winters night does not float you boat, or melt any other man icicles on one of those night's either???? Why else do I go to BP....oh damn it!!!....its the footy, oh well.. My sex appeal has gone..boo hoo...sniff.... Must be my specs an my turrets (thinks thats how you chuffing spell it) that come out too on match days
  20. hmmmm....could be touch and go on that one at BP ...however, maybe in the grey mare/white heart, biggest pub crawl ever....
  21. Now dear....don't bust a blood vessel yet...we haven't sorted all the insurances out in our married name... Oh yes and the othe joyous news - Taylor out and pitch could be frozen too.. Oh the joys of being a latics fan. Just breath and have another coffee and stop oggling at the other stadium you've drove past four times today - Darlington?, you tart you, whats wrong with the mature BP?..... chin up soon be xmas
  22. Ye Gods!!!!!!!! The chuffing weather is agaisnt us now...two players down....what next?......aaagghhhh!!!!!! "she canna cope anymore Captain, she's gonna blow....." Just breath, just breath..... Phew!!! That was close.... Unless its going to be called off - I'll be there, see you in the chaddy folks!!!!
  23. Now, now, now gentleman. Stop throwing your toys out of the pram and play nice. We all have our reasons why we are going/not going to BP anymore and no-one has the right to bitch slap you for it either way. The reason why I started the thread was to get bums on seats really, to say yes were going to be outnumbered and if you can make it then please do. However, If you are making a stand against the club then no-one has the right to criticise you for it but thanks for explaining the reasons why. I was wondering what could change your mind and it has been explained by various fans that neither I, or another fan, or the club itself can't at this present time. Fair do's. I am ever hopeful that one day, that can change. Thanks T
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