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Everything posted by underdog

  1. Oh Yes Ron Futcher....I'm sure it was him who demolished the advertising board going for goal at the chaddy end. He more or less got up, dusty himself off, sorted his one strand hair flick (a la Charlton from the 70's) and carried on. What a hardman - but just got on with it......
  2. Sod the striker... were almost back on track there, defence is pretty solid too. Lets get a grip in midfield please. Someone with a bit of bite, not afraid to tackle and can think about "where" to place the bloody ball - get it out to the wingers for chuffs sake and lets get some crosses in. We are more dangerous getting those crosses in and lets face it - more likely to score as we have no-one outside the box who even is brave enough to have a pop these days. Can we get Nicky henry and Mike Milligan back in the squad???........ I am desperate to see someone with a bit of passion to fight for that spherical object........
  3. he's still there, solid in our midfield.......
  4. I am so sorry Beardy to inflict a freebie ticket on you to last nights game....yes even a freebie for Beardy and he nearly left close to tears and frost bite to boot. So big man...you up for Milwall on Sat?.....unfortunatley, you would have to pay this time... Can you cope????
  5. +1, harrased an opposition player off the ball with him in Midfield with Milly we commanded the centre, biting at the opposition ankles, threading the ball through to oooooo Roger and Mr Ritchie and the delighful ricky holden on the wing And if you dare stood infront of a Denis Irwin free kick then you'd best get your life insurance in place if one of them caught you sqaure on.. Aww...days when latics players tackled and scored screamers from free kicks. Sob...boo hooo
  6. +1......I really felt disheartened to watch 9 of those players give a stuff last night. Where the hell was our midfield?,we desperatley need a midfield general to battle for that ball and dish it out to the wingers. In the second half there were two on the wings overlapping each other and not once did that ball get to them. We are going to get hammered on Sat and I'll be there to watch it unfortunaltey I am not amused...
  7. I just knew I should not have opene this post.... Then again a "ham shank" would have been more pleasurable/entertaining than that tosh tonight Thanks fo sharing...anyone else want to pass ontheir thoughts...
  8. Oh Beardy...your the "big friend" I was gonna kidnapp....Damn and blast..tisk...
  9. Wow...he's even that bored he's logged in from Holland to post this today.....how is sunny Holland? Can you drag spring back for us all on Sat on your return? Thanks Hubby....
  10. QUOTE (Fyldelatic @ Jan 10 2010, 18:06 PM) , but if we go on the attack from the off and lay siege to their goal...? Are you talking about the supporters or the players............. My moneys on the fans getting a goal
  11. He has nothing to worry about from what I heard, Berbatov was the one pulling the trigger.....nuff said.
  12. I sense a theme...did one of ours not go missing on the way to the hartlepool game on sat? Was he not a snowman by the time he was picked up?....
  13. I have a slight inklin that Sat game will be off.....something to do with all this powdery stuff that's fallen from the sky and apparently, more to come on Thurs What do we all think?
  14. Agreed, TBH he holds onto the ball way to long for my liking and then drops like a sack of spuds when he's challenged for it. Can't really see why Leeds would want him TBH, they are on the up - Taylor is a player who belongs in this division can't see him lasting in a higher one. But if a club wants to pay silly money for him then lets grab it and get someone in who shows some grit, gets stiuck in and is proud to wear our shirt.
  15. I heard it Diego, even from here...oh the pain.....I really wanted manure to stuff em well and truely..oh well. Back to our little plight - Footy or no footy this saturday. I really do need my latics fix back, no matter how dire we are, I miss it.
  16. Funnily enough, I laugh when we win, its' a nervous reaction I have. The other is my unexplainable turretts when anything Leeds Utd comes into my visual or auditory range.....hmmm
  17. Your welcome, however, I do pray to the god called vino...so it maybe not such a good idea afterall.
  18. Oh dear...I'll pray its called off then to save your legs getting up their, seasickness once your sat there and I'll RIP your bladder now by the time you get outta there to the gents on Lees stuff Its gonna be a messy one...
  19. me too, its been awhile since I've seen some talent on the pitch, oooeeeerrrrr!!!...run those little socks off Mr Abbot and firmly put yer balls in the back of the net..... I'm sorry...i've just realised we were talking footy...tut.... But yes, I am looking forward to getting my goal fix back. I am getting a bit desperate now as not seen a game since Wycombe and I am getting a little bit fed up of screaming even at our goalie to shoot. C'mon snowy white stuff, gives us a break....
  20. TBA on this one. We have snow predicted from Tues onwards up here. However, I think your going to be hit far worse than us on the snowy front come Friday. You may not be able to dig youself out to get to the station. Keep your fingers, toes and other extremities crossed.
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