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Everything posted by bensonio

  1. I'm not sure if this has ever been asked, but the game on sunday got me thinking... Why does Fuller always have ear rings in? When I played sunday league, I always got told by the refs to take my ear rings out so I always thought jewellery had to be either taken off or covered (wedding rings) to avoid them getting caught on something and taking your body parts off. Yet Fuller always has sparklers gleaming. And I'm sure I saw Kabul wearing a nose stud during one close up, is this true? And if so, what are the rules on that one? Any info would be appreciated.
  2. I don't even think Penney has played his plan A or B. Seeing Jacobson and Purdie are yet to start games he hasn't started with ihs prefered 11 and judging by our injury record, probably never will. We've been a patched up squad for some time now so not getting our way is to be expected until it hopefully clears up.
  3. Next time Spurs are 1-0 up at half time, they will go on to win 9-1 with Defoe getting 5. SUPERSTAT!!
  4. Plus all the clubs of players they're interested in know that Chelsea NEED to buy in january in preperation of the ban so clubs will definately add few extra million on
  5. Right, I've totally forgot what the real name for them are, but the pictures you used to get where it owuld be one picture at one point, then you move it an it's another picture? Anyway, that could be the May picture picture one-happy for a good season picture two-sad cause we've somehow balls the season up (again)
  6. Some fans of the red scum of manchester sang at Stamford Bridge too. Disgusting, but being the big teams nothing will be done. If it was Millwall, you wouldn't hear the end of it.
  7. There's one thing I'm concerned about... Where's the drawbridge to get into the stadium over the water?
  8. Exactly! Warms the cockles up just as well!
  9. "Due to the demand for tickets from Leeds United the decision has been taken, in consultation with the police, to allocate the whole of the Leesfield Developments stand to Leeds." Comes down to supply and demand. Leeds are demanding more than our fans are so why not take their money? We have a new stadium to build!! I just don't get how the cup game is on a sat tea time, yet the league game is moved to a tuesday evening. I'm not buying that its for 'policeing' reasons, because its the same set of fans, we're in a transitional season where the cup run means more for our coffers, an Leeds are looking at the money from promotion (if they finally get it right this time, but we've heard that kinda talk for awhile now) I think both games are pretty equal and one isnt more of a risk than the other.
  10. I got a bottle of whiskey into the Wolves game in the FA cup, sat on second row of chaddy end sharin it with my mates, not one steward said anything. On reflection of this experience, the sewards aint all that bad
  11. I walk down as I live nearby so I'm not sure about the ins and outs of this but what about the B+Q car park? OR do B+Q not like Latics fans parking there?
  12. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. If there are 2 players standing over the freekick, cover both options, put extra men (from the front line) in the wall, then when the chance arises, row z it to reorganise everyone. OR cover the posts, yeah strikers might then move into the 6 yard area, ind in front of the keeper, but all it takes is a nudge on the keeper and it (should be) free kick to us. Unless its Roberto Carlos
  13. Upload? My fave pic is of me when I was a mascot, but that is being a bit big headed and biased
  14. A - whoever owns you will rather get a few million in january. silly business to let anyone worth something go for nothing. B - how many seasons has Beckford supposed to have got you promoted? c - who were the 3 championship clubs? coventry (17th place and looking like a bottom half struggle this season) were definately interested, an McCarthy said other clubs were interested, maybe just a media tool to get them to hurry up and seal the deal? they stuttered and Leeds (challenging automatic promotion) came in.
  15. As much as it's nice to read such stats, I never read too much into them, as each season is different, players, personel, weather conditions etc. It's just a nice coincidence that would be nice to keep repeating, if not bettering.
  16. Well done guys, shame this never made more column inches in papers or even skysportsnews, would help start building trust with the policing at games rather than the "we're right and you fans are wrong" attitude that goes on at many stadiums up and down the country. I enjoy reading your column in the Mania on saturdays. Keep up the good work
  17. I had steve McClaren running through my head reading this quote... "It has certainly been happening every other week since I've been at the football club, but still no one has enquired about Chrissy Taylor and he has been injured for the majority of this season anyway." "On another note, I hope Brill-o sorts his keeping out, Welshy returns to fitness, keegy pops finds his scoring boots and lanky pole gets his hernia op sorted during a break in the fixtures"
  18. I think this board is fairly moderated as when someone is offended on here, the offended say they are, then a discussion goes on to clear the airs without the need to call in the mods. I dont think OldhamSheridan typed his comment with the intent of prozac in mind. But I can see how it can be offensive and upset people who are in contact with someone suffering from it and see the difficulties it brings.
  19. The only time I see a page in the Chron about a game is if there is a discount/deal on. And usually the deals are aimed at kids (I.E. quid in or family ticket) so being a mid twenty year old male it does nothing. I know it's good getting kids hooked as they could be future Latics fans, maybe some deals aimed at people such as me? I.E. young to middle aged people? Another prime group, I know some might hate it but...students! We have Oldham College, 6th form, other schools 6th forms, AND the Oldham Uni ctr. What about creating a scheme with them? When I was at Hudd Uni, they had student tickets going at 15 quid. I went for one for the Latics game, but the downside was the tickets were in the home sections so went an paid full adult.
  20. If Failsworth fails, at least Corporal Jones will be happy we're dead and buried as a club. Although that's going to happen whether we move or not if he's to be beleived.
  21. SCREW THE RICHARDS DEAL!! I wish we had never sold Trotman or had the F.A. Cup run either...perish thoughts about ANY extra income to the club cause we're running fine as we are and not running at losses It's a forum. If you don't like. Close the topic tab.
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