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Oh Heck C-Beck

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Everything posted by Oh Heck C-Beck

  1. Thought Baxter looked dangerous last week against better opposition so wouldnt look to much into how he will shape up for the season yet.
  2. I think that mini league could finish up in any order, no good value there IMO unless you have inside info on why those other three teams will have a bad season compared to us?
  3. Something was not right last season as he was a shadow of the player from the year before. I guess it was a mixture of injuries and loss of form. If we had money to burn I think we would have kept him as a decent squad player but I don't think we can afford to pay his wages to sit on the bench.
  4. Who was that young lad who made it into the first team squad a few seasons ago but then got sacked for disciplinary reasons?
  5. Why do you have to be so condescending? I guess he means having a pinned thread for the trust, just like the Latics for Life one as per one of his original posts?
  6. There could be a trust thread pinned to the top of the general board though i i am sure it would be more popular than the trust sub forum, especially if it was a place where questions were posed and answered. Small things like this could make a big difference to communication, no harm in trying surely?
  7. Why don't the trust have a heavily moderated thread on OWTB as a start to improving communication? (I mean heavily moderated in terms of removing debates/arguing/personal stuff etc). Lots of forums have threads with particular rules, I don't see why this couldnt work here. People can simply post questions/queries/worries/suggestions and someone from the trust could answer these in time. Any other posts could be removed. I know for a fact that the Brighton version of OWTB used to do this with the actual club, with the club posting anonymously. I guess people from within the club would answer stuff in their remit. If questions cannot be answered these could also be addressed in this thread with a simple, thanks but I am afraid we dont have that information, or cannot answer that etc. It would be a start at least, and would help to organise a two way dialogue between the fans and the trust etc. I also see the trust is looking to revamp the website. Why don't you move to Wordpress, a new good looking site could be up within minutes with a decent free template and it is built around a blogging platform, so why not have a regular trust blog? It doesnt have to be all secretive confidential goings on, you could have a whole host of people writing on there about all things Oldham Athletic, generating interest in the trust. I bet you could recruit a lot of content writers through this site. I really think with the right attitude the trust could position itself as another online focal point for OAFC. If you have a busy website, you will have a lot more interest in the trust.
  8. I agree with everything you say especially the bit in bold. Would much rather we gave him a chance rather than the trialists. Thought he grew in confidence as the half went on. Put it this way, I knew who he was by the end of the half so he must have been doing something right
  9. I agree, far too much of a personal agenda to be truly representative of the fan base as a whole, based on what gets posted on OWTB.
  10. Personally don't think anyone on here has been overly negative towards rogers just that he wasn't outstanding. From last nights showing I would put him behind Wes Korey Smith Mellor and Gosset for a CM spot, so not sure i would be clamouring to sign him. If LJ wants to take another look then fair enough.
  11. I was impressed with the RB trialist, thought he played it on the deck much more than when Brown plays there and looked much bigger physically. I would expect him, the trialist keeper, the latvian and maybe the injured guy if not too serious to get another look considering this is just the first game. Reckon 2 midfielders to go, not because they were awful but thought Gosset, one of our own, was better and had more influence on the game.
  12. thought Gosset looked good towards the end of the 2nd half.
  13. did i just see an accurate shot by Oldham for 18 yards?!
  14. Thoughts on Trialists 1st half? I would bin off Rodgers, but take another look at the right back (not outstanding but looks quite a physical lad and looked to play it along the floor mainly).
  15. surprised to see Mellor at CB i guess that is because we dont have any haha
  16. As long as we sign another striker to keep the competition up I think this is a good signing. Not expecting a world beater but should add experience and depth to the squad.
  17. Good luck to him would have struggled to stay up without him last season IMO. While people keep saying he will be easy to replace does it now worry you that every season we are replacing players rather than adding to them? I always hoped we could add some experience next to mvoto but now we don't even have mvoto the team is not likely to improve while we keep treading water like this.
  18. I bet these big fees are often for players who have not only played well for a long time, but are on long contracts at their clubs. In the past we could probably have got decent fees for Porter/Eardley/Taylor but were not looking to sell them and their contracts ran down. Recently we have not been doing well at all so not surprised we dont have players going for big money and if we want Baxter to go for big money he is going to have to get an extra yard of pace IMO!
  19. No City fans I know call him a lazy unambitious turd, its complete nonsense, as is the manipulation of the statistics. City play lots of games in lots of competitions and he has had plenty of game time every season bar last season. Including playing 29 out of 38 league games in a title winning side. Why would players with a good chance of playing regularly want to leave a club like City with all the money they have they are always going to be challenging for honours and will get paid a lot for the privilege of doing so.
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