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Everything posted by Crusoe

  1. Almost as though they didn't want people peeking...
  2. Much like one of his shots, the panic seems wide of the mark.
  3. Seems pretty clear to me when you look at the FACTS. Sold/loaned out/otherwise binned: Clarke, Stott, Fawns, Banks, Menig, Osei, Flynn Brought in/linked with: de la Paz, McEleney, Clarke-Harris, Pringle, Kwateng, Yarsuvat. Lemsagam is clearly aiming to rake in a fortune through very slightly increasing sales from names on shirts. Hence why the Doyle deal seems incomplete - he's realised it's not one of those Irish names that has far more vowels than you suspect when you hear it.
  4. "Which striker's name is not quite an anagram of 'Failed Poacher'?"
  5. But we don't have that many players under contract on big wages that weren't signed under Lemsagam's watch. To court relegation just to activate relegation clauses for three or four players would be cutting off his nose to spite his face. And it makes for a less visible and less attractive shop window for any players he might want to bring in.
  6. How? If they're out of contract, it doesn't make any difference. If they're under contract, how will it make them easier to move on? Other clubs are less likely to pay fees or match wages for unsuccessful players.
  7. Moimbé is listed on the official site. https://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/teams/first-team/defender/wilfried-moimbe/
  8. Oh I see. https://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/football/fc-nantes/fc-nantes-moimbe-et-kwateng-en-pret-oldham-5525621
  9. That's what I took from it. Someone asked about new players and he looked a tiny bit miffed and said something about already having 5-6 in, then mentioned another one in the next day or two. Wellens mentioned more players (plural) a bit later.
  10. Assuming Doyle is back on loan, that limits us realistically to foreign signings. Think you can't have more than 5 loans in the same matchday squad (Bryan, Benyu, Pringle, Doyle and Nazon). Maybe one more until Doyle is fit, but someone would have to drop out once he is.
  11. We had a defender/midfielder called Iain Swan. Late 1990s? Early 2000s?
  12. Brilliant news, hopefully they'll use it to give us the date and time when they'll be announcing the takeover. Fingers crossed.
  13. Right now I'll settle for not taking the club backwards. After that, we'll see.
  14. Would you like to buy some magic beans? Let’s wait for some confirmation.
  15. Possibly a silly question, but has Menig definitely left the club? I know all signs point to it - Wellens saying outright he wants him to go, the MEN reporting he'd left, not in the last matchday squad, etc. But the club hasn't announced it, Nantes haven't announced his return, and the French press are reporting that Ranieri isn't in a hurry to take him back and expects us to honour the loan agreement for the full season. Is he just sitting in an airport terminal somewhere?
  16. Yes, you’d think the club would only be comfortable with loans out if they were reasonably confident they could replace them with newly registered players.
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