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Everything posted by maddog

  1. Yep. People disappearing off the lists on the fishul. That’s how a proper club confirms backroom and playing staff departing. FFS.
  2. But saying to keep doesn’t mean you want them to be a regular in the starting line-up.
  3. And then when fuck-all, and fuckwittery happens, there’s no outlet for a protest until the season starts and it’s too late?
  4. You would. I wouldn’t lay money on it though.
  5. I’m sure a few of the ‘nitpickers’ would rather we just get more money in so we can pay some bills and wages and survive the summer break.
  6. I’ll be fuming if I end up in the play offs. I’ll be in Vegas and don’t have time for play off shit .
  7. Wasn’t there a strong rumour AL went into the dressing room after the previous home game, which we’d drawn and played quite well (Exeter was it?) and really tore strips off the players in front of Bunn, undermining him and the whole team in the process?
  8. Excellent response from the Trust methinks. *Shite fobby-offy one from AL.
  9. Have we had a home match on sky since the NS was built/finished?
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