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Everything posted by Steve_R

  1. More reason why we have to go flat out next year for the top spot and bullocks to this playoff talk
  2. I remember Chris Taylor going in goal away at Port Vale in a night match that we eventually lost 3-0.
  3. Unsworth apparently said at the fans forum that we were looking to bring in 8 or 9, so he must be confident of binning off them he doesn’t want to make room for the new signings. Then again, he has been known to talk bollocks before
  4. I’m sure he got relegated with Bury. I think it was them who coined’Colin Wanker’
  5. If I’m right, they’d play whoever finish fourth rather than fifth, and if they win that then Notts county. Seems a risky strategy for an extra day’s rest to me.
  6. Because if one lad has assisted most of his 30 goals, nobody knows who he is. If we have the perfect opportunity to blood some youngsters, then the 30 goal top scorer is obviously going to be the popular choice amongst the fans, here or anywhere else. Surely it’s not that hard to work out. Anyway my original point in reply to Dave’s post, was a couple of people on a message board hardly represents a clamour
  7. I don’t think there’s much a of a clamour, more that we’re in a position we haven’t been in for years which is nothing to play for really in the last few games. It’s the perfect chance to give a couple of youngsters some first team action, if only 20/30 minutes from the bench, and he seems the obvious choice
  8. Fair enough, and I’ve no problem with anyone who has that view. I’d settle for that if it ends in promotion, but the problem is, we won’t know that until then end of the season. I want to win, but preferably in a style I enjoy. It seems it’s almost become a crime now to go to a football match and expect to enjoy the game.
  9. We’re in the National League with bigger gates and income than nearly everyone else in it. It’s not that big an ask surely?
  10. I hope it’ll be a lot better to watch next year, but my belief in that we’ll be up there challenging is more to do with the poor standard we’ll be up against then much faith in the manager. I happy to give him the benefit of the doubt for now though
  11. Does he get the final say though? Apparently it’s a joint decision from the recruitment department, of which Unsworth is just a part of and holds no more sway than anyone else. That’s what that guy off the podcast who knows everything keeps telling us anyway.
  12. I say that every year but it never works out! Still renewing though
  13. He lasted longer here than he did at Salford, and didn’t get relegated with them
  14. The Chaddy end acoustics are shit. Never understood that one, and anyway it’s a football stand not a recording studio
  15. In some ways I agree with this. One thing that always used to get trotted out when people were banging on about how good it is after a decent away following was ‘as a % of our home support.’ Not heard it once this season as our home gates are among the best in the division so its nowhere near as impressive.
  16. There’s a couple on here who just like to take the opposite view of the majority. Come next season I really hope Unsworth turns it all round and we’re all praising him, but they’ll be picking faults, criticising any popular new signings and defending those who get a bit of stick. Its how they roll and we all know who they are
  17. If the day ever comes when we give Unsworth the boot, then given his track record selecting our managers, I’d send Joe Royle on holiday until the next man is in place.
  18. Ok I’ll simplify it for you. If we’re firmly in the mix for promotion (not x amount of points off the play offs) people will more than likely put up with boring football. If we’re not, they wont.
  19. Why is it odd? People can tolerate dull football if it brings success, but won’t if it doesn’t. A manager will get more leeway if his football is good to watch. I’m sure adults understand that, and a few kids too.
  20. When Ronnie Moore was here we finished 10th, and we’re in the bottom half for a good while. We’re currently 16th. If you play boring football then there has to be success at the end of it. Although 10th was a big improvement on the previous season when we stayed up on the last day, it was basically only a mid table finish which didn’t appease anybody. if Unsworth has us in the top two or three next season playing like this he might win people over, but if not he’s no chance.
  21. The point is really, can we win, or seriously challenge for promotion playing like this, and if so, will the fans put up with it? We’re all desperate for success so I’m guessing the answer would be yes. Skip forward a year and we’re top or near the top (hard to imagine I know) and I think the atmosphere would be different. The question is, is that possible playing so negatively, and can Unsworth deliver it if it is? Many believe the answer to be ‘no’ to both. We’ll find out though I’m sure, as I don’t think he’s going anywhere anytime soon.
  22. I was happy enough with the result yesterday, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt so underwhelmed after a win. Maidstone we’re awful, haven’t won in ages and a rightfully bottom of this shite league, yet we laboured to an unconvincing win, only sealed in the 93rd minute. Their side looked like they’d been cobbled together in a car park on a Sunday morning. Some of them looked so out of condition I’d back myself against them in a fitness test and I’m 63 years old and last saw the inside of a gym when I did PE at school.
  23. Whether we end up in the National League North or not, I don’t think Maidstone will
  24. People always look on games in hand as a positive, but if we lose our game in hand over Gateshead on Tuesday, they’ll actually go above us and we’ll be back in the bottom four. in our case games in hand could turn out to be a bad thing.
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