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Everything posted by Steve_R

  1. Given Miller's comments on Bunn this week, from other things I've heard and the way the players celebrated the first goal with him yesterday, It looks pretty clear that the players have loads of respect for him. My main worry if we bin him off is I really wouldn't want to see this lot playing for someone they didn't like.
  2. Agree with most of that summing up. To me, once the much maligned Gardner was taken off we fell apart.
  3. The one thing I've always said about Latics is, no matter how bad it gets, it can always get worse.
  4. Bloody hell Claire, if you're struggling to find the positives I've no chance in finding any!
  5. I wondered how long it would be before someone trotted out the 'it could be worse, we could be Stockport' line
  6. When this season started I was really surprised at quite how poor the standard was in this division. After the first few games I consoled myself with the thought that although the football was crap, at least we should have a season at the top end of the table, that could end, at long last, in a promotion. This was based mainly on how poor the league is than thinking we were any good. Now, over a third of the way through the season, we are 15th in the fourth division, and worse, playing like a side that is 15th in the fourth division. We've got rid of all the 'trouble causers' and replaced them with carthorses, who might not give the owner and manager any problems but don't give the opposition any either. We're an awful team in an awful division. Off the field, everything seems even more chaotic than under the previous owner, and any hope I had that we might turn the corner has all but disappeared. There's still plenty of time to turn this season round, but can anyone really see it happening?
  7. Then if everyone's at fault, why continually single out one? And why jump down enyone's throat if they point the finger elsewhere?
  8. So you say every week. Yet the rest of the shower, the manager, the owner, it can't possibly be there fault if we lose, usually abjectly You have no words! Thank fuck for that
  9. You continually criiicse Garndner but anyone who has a go at the club, you're up in arms. Whether he was MOM or not. there were at least 8 others worse than him and at least he didn't go hiding
  10. I think its the fact that it keeps happening, then the boss comes out with his excuses that it all because he's been clearing up the other guys mess, then lo and behold, it happens again. As has alrrady been said though, I don't think that missing wages were a factor today. We're just shit.
  11. That's the one that got picked. Off the other two, one's fallen out of favour and the other has only played 45 minutes all season. Hardly enough to call a game off.
  12. They might be in better form when we play them, and we could be in worse. We have to play them sometime.
  13. I understand what your saying and plenty have made the same point, but if you think something is going to work you can't just abandon it at the first sign you think it might not. We went from 1-0 to 3-0 down in a couple of minutes. and before that I thought we were slowly getting back into it after an awful first thirty minutes. The key to this is whether Bunn learns from his mistakes now he's made them and apparently admitted to them
  14. Really pisses me off this. Three players missing, do we can call the game off yet only one of them piayed today. I the manager thinks we can do without them today then we can do without them next week.
  15. People view games in different ways. Some are quite happy to be bored to tears for 90 minutes as long as the result is ok, others want to see a good game, with the right result being an added bonus. For plenty, the two go hand in hand. I very rarely come away from a game completely happy if I haven't enjoyed it but we've won, likewise if we've played well and lost. There's nothing wrong with whichever viewpoint, and it's not really up to anyone else to tell you which stance you should take. If it's entertainment that you're after fine, it the result is all that matters, that's fine too. Personally, I'm finding the standard of football at this level so poor that having seen all the games so far I can only say that I've 'enjoyed' the second half at Grimsby, but I've been delighted with the result in the other three games we've won. If the football's boring then there has to be an end product to it, ie promotion. I won't be happy if we chug along and end up finishing eighth or wherever. We're that starved of any success though that I can live with it at the moment as long as it leads us somewhere. I do think we're improving though, so hopefully there's a lot more to come
  16. Agree with this, definitely this season's boo boy. Especially with some of those who spit blood at anyone who offers the slightest criticism of any other aspect of the club.
  17. Some ridiculous over reactions to the over reactions.
  18. I can't be arsed trawling back to find the threads immediately after the Rotherham game but from memory there were plenty saying he had to go, Similarly walking away from the ground and in the pubs afterwards, and it didn't seem to be too unpopular a decision once it was made.
  19. I agree with all this, but seeing how quickly fans turned on Sheridan with all the credit he (should have) had in the bank, Wellens doesn't stand a chance if this run goes on much longer. I just hope that Abdullah has more patience than Corney if it comes to the crunch and doesn't panic too soon,
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